On the Tour

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*Sorry I haven't updated in a bit!! A lot of stuff came up and i haven't been able to write the next chapter. But I'm here now and with the next chapter! And as a heads up, there will be a bit of a cliffhanger at the end. Hope you all like the chapter!! x3*

"Of course, Sebastian. What is your role in the group?"

"Would you like to take a guess?"

"I'm afraid I can't think of anything. Mind telling me?"

"Well, my role is a little similar to Mey-Rin's role. Only I'm much more mellow than her. I give patients a welcoming hand so they feel more at ease. I make them feel relaxed and Mey-Rin helps bring a smile. In some ways her and I are partners. Although, a lot of people got the wrong idea about that at first," he said, having an embarrassed look on him.

"What do you mean by 'wrong idea', Sebastian?" he asked, very curious.

"Well..." he paused for a minute. "At first when everyone heard that she and I were partners. They thought we meant...lovers." He's cheeks turned a bit red when he said lovers.

"So everyone thought the two of you were...boyfriend...and..."

"Girlfriend? Yes. It took a while to explain to everyone what we meant about being partners. If you think about it, it was pretty funny. Next time I should be more careful with me choice of words."

"Hmph, maybe partners wasn't the best word to use. The other coworkers should have known better, however," he said, looking a little disappointed at him. He was more pissed that everyone thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend, thou.

"I suppose so. I figured everyone would think we were work partners not lovers. Haha. But we managed to put it behind us. We are good friends, thou. I've told her if she needed any help I'd be happy to lend a hand. She's a very sweet girl when you get to know her," he said with a sweet smile on his face. Making Grell's blood boil.

"She is very sweet when it comes to welcoming others," he smiled, trying not to lose it. 'Why that no good...! Haaa, calm down, Grell. He said that they were just friends. I have nothing to worry about. As long as they stay friends, we won't have any problems. But...if she tries anything...I won't be so friendly.' He grinned on the inside.

"She is, but I can't see her and I in a relationship. A friend one, yes. A dating one, not so much. But we're wasting too much time talking here. Shall we get started on your tour?" he said, getting up from the table.

"Of course. Forgive me for getting the both of us off topic. I'm having a bad habit of that today," Grell said, blushing a bit.

"Its alright. You're just curious, that's all," he than grabbed Grell's arm and dragged him towards the door. "But we should get going. We only have a few hours until the days over. It's best we get going one."

"Oh. O-of course. I-if you say so," Grell stuttered turning red, again. 'Ohhh!! If he keeps this up, I'm gonna faint!'

Once it was said, Sebastian started the tour. He showed all the floors, rooms, offices, storage, and operating rooms. He explained that each of the hospitals floors have different proposes. Unlike most hospitals, the floors are divided.

The first floor is for patients that scheduled doctors appointments. Along with the Undertaker and Finny's work place and break room. The second is where the lunchrooms are. Third floor is where all the doctors and nurses offices are located. Fourth floor is the operating floor where all surgeries or emergency cases are. Fifth through seventh is where all infant and child patients are kept. And the last three floors are where the adult and elderly are kept.

"As you can tell, our hospital goes to great lengths for our patients. Patients are everything here. We must do our best to pervade them the most comfort. That is everything you need to know about the hospital. And the end of your tour," Sebastian said' turning to Grell with a smirk.

"Wow. This hospital real does live up to its title. I have to say I'm impressed, Sebastian. You managed to show me everything in a short amount of time."

"It wasn't that hard, really. I've worked here for quite some time. So showing new workers around isn't that hard. After all, I am just one hell of a doctor." he said, giving a smirk.
Grell blushed red again when
Sebastian called himself "one hell of a doctor". He wanted to tell him he was also one hell of a sexy doctor. But he knew better than to say that. He cleared his throat and asked what he should do for the next few hours. Now that his tour was over. He doesn't start working until tomorrow.

Sebastian thought for a moment then got an idea. However, a nurse called him over before he could say anything.

"Will you excuse me? I'm needed at the moment. Can you wait for me until I return?" he asked.

"Of course. Take as long as you need," Grell replied.

"Thank you."

'Don't worry, darling. I'd wait an eternity for you!' he thought to himself as he watching Sebastian leave.

While Grell was lost in thought. Someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to see it was another of the hospital. She then asked him if he's seen Dr. Michaelis anywhere? He told her that he was waiting for him to finish-up something. She pouted then asked if she could wait with him. He allowed her and got a death hug in return. She was very happy that he let her wait with him. A little too happy if you ask him.

When she lay go, he asked why the hell she was acting so happy. In a nicer way that is. He didn't want to make another bad impression. "Um, is it alright if I can ask you something?"

"Sure. My names Beast. Forgive me for being so rude. What's your name?"

"Its alright. There's no need to apologize. The names Grell. Its nice to meet you. I'm the new male-nurse," he said.

"Oh, so you're the one I've heard about. Well, I welcome you to the hospital. You'll have a wonderful time working here. But I have to say I'm a little upset with Dr. Michaelis!" she turned pouting.

"That's what I wanted to ask you about. Why do you want to see him so badly? And why are you upset with him? Did something happen between the two of you?" he asked. Not only because his curiosity has picked. But he was gonna kill her if she tries anything.

"No everything's fine between us. I only wish he'd have more time for me that's all," she said still pouting and turned back to Grell. "Its impolite for him to have his bride-to-be alone all the time, ya know."

Grell's heart soon broke in two. 'D-did she just say b-b-b-bride...to...be!?' he thought in shock.

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