New Lovers

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Heeeeeelllooo, everyone!! I am so sorry for the very late chapter! I had alot of things going on and trip to Europe for a week. Which was amazing to say the least! But here is the next chapter to my story! I hope you all love it and thank you to those who have stayed with the story. Now then, let the story continue again! xD

      Grell was now nothing but speechless. The man he loved was kissing him! In the privacy of an elevator which made it more romantic! Naturally, he began to slowly calm down. Lost in the moment, he wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck. Closed his eyes and enjoyed.

      Sebastian then looked up and saw that they were getting close to the fourth floor. He separated their lips and whispered in his ear, "We're getting close to our floor. It's best you try to act like nothing happened. I know it'll be hard so do your best. We wouldn't want anyone knowing about this."

      Grell nodded, blushing bright strawberry red. Smiling softly as he laid his head on Sebastian's chest.

      Sebastian smiled and stroked his hair. 'Looks like I've got myself a lover,' he thought. 'I wonder what fun we are going to have?'

      They let go of each other as the elevator doors opened. A few other workers were on the other side, saw them and said, "Good evening, Dr. Michaelis."

      "Good evening, everyone. Wonderful day we're having," he answered with a smile.

      "Yes, indeed Dr. Michaelis," one female nurse replied. She then noticed Grell and asked, "Oh? Who's the nurse with you, Dr? I've never seen him before."

      He stepped out with Grell and began walking, "This is Grell Sutcliffe. The new nurse we hired. I've finished getting him his tour and thought I'd have him help me with some files I have. Since he doesn't start work until tomorrow." he stopped and said, "Now if you will all excuse us. We here important work to attend to."

      Everyone bowed and went back to work. Some going to the elevator and others going to their office. Having no knowledge of what happened been them. Grell put up a pretty good act, if he didn't say so himself. He did do a bit of drama and acting back in high school.

      Grell looked around to make sure that no one was around or watching. Whennthe coast was clear, he clung to Sebastian's arm with a big smile. "Why didn't you tell me you liked me?"

      Sebastian chuckled, "I wanted to make sure my facts were correct. As always, they were and are. You really are cute. Seeing you act so shy and bashful. Reminds me of a little kitten."

      "Nyaaa," he meowed.

      "Haha, come. Let us get to work. We're a bit off schedule. No thanks to that go-for-nothing nurse."

      "I take it you're talking about Beast?" he asked, not wanting to hear/say that woman's name.

      "Yes. Does she really think I go after girls like her? I'd rather die than date her."

      "She probably thinks that what all men are looking for in a girl. I bet you she's probably slept with many other men. But left them to look for someone better. Women like that make me sick! They think that just because of good looks they can do whatever they like. I'm getting tired of girls like that," he added. He's always hated people like her. Cold and heartless; only looking for someone to here a night with.

      "It can't be helped, really. Women like her always want more. My only wish is she would find someone else to chase after," he sighed.

      "That's another thing I've been. wondering about. Why is she after you? I can understand why she'd like you. But why just you, love?" he asked.

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