Happy Day

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Well here is the next chapter to the story. Thanks for being supportive to my story. Its great to see how everyone feels about it. I am sooooo sorry for the delay. But I will be updating more. I have main ideas for this. Enjoy!~

      The day came to an end as the time passed by fairly quickly. Grell soon regretted wishing time would go by faster. He wanted to spend more time with his boyfriend and Sebastian wanted to spend more time with his girlfriend.

      When it was time to go home, Grell bid everyone goodnight and hoped to see them all again tomorrow. They said goodnight and hoped he enjoyed his first day. He loved it, but one person made his day go from sweet to bitter. That person was none other than Nurse Beast (a.k.a Little Miss Sexy). Grell couldn't believe he almost fell for her little story about her and Sebas-chan being engaged. He won't let it happen even if it was true.

      But it was turned sweet again, thanks to Sebas-chan. Then turned hot and spicy thanks to him. Hot because of their first kiss then spicy with the second kiss. Being very passionate and loving...with a bit of tongue. He was for sure going to give Luna the biggest hug ever for getting him a lover. It would explain why she told him to take good care of him.

      Walking to the front of the hospital. Grell laid against a wall, waiting for her. Ten minutes passed which felt like than hour. Out of boredom, he pulls out his phone and started texting her.

~Text messages~
Grell: Hey, what's taking you so long? I've been waiting forever! I'm bored to tears out here :'(

Luna: Sorry, Grell. I'll be out in 5 minutes. All I have to do is finish a little paper and I'll be out there soon. Kay? :3

Grell: Alright, I suppose I can last a bit longer ( -___- )

Luna: Good. Oh! Grell, I want to ask you something

Grell: what is it?

Luna: How did it go? 😏

Grell: How did what go?

Luna: You know. With "you know who" (^ u ^)

Grell: . . . ?

Luna: Come on, Grell. You know who I mean ;)

Grell: I'm not following here

Luna: "You know who." How did it go with "you know who" today?

Grell: Who do you mean, Luna?
( · ·?) I'm in the dark here

Luna: You should know by now who, Grell. You spent the whole day with him? Bumped into him? Hot doctor with glasses? Ring any bells?

Grell: . . . Ohhhh! You mean Sebas-chan! (^\\\\^)

Luna: Yeah, silly! Who else would I be talking about? And "Sebas-chan?"

Grell: It's a nickname I gave him! So shut up! ( -  - )

Luna:  It's alright. I think its cute. Sooooo, you like him? :3

Grell: "Like" him!? I Absolutely Love Him!! He gave my a kiss with TONGUE today!! 😆 Why didn't you tell me he's so damn hot!? (>\\\\\\<)

Luna: And what fun would that be if I told you? Also...
Luna: . . .

Grell: What? ( · ·;)

Luna: You lucky bitch (-_-)

Grell: Hehe ;3 not my fault he loves me

Luna: Yeah, whatever <3 I knew the two of you would make the perfect couple. You're really lucky to have me, Grell ;)

Grell: Thank you thank you thank you so much! I own you big time! (>\\\\\<)

Luna: Why is that?

Grell: For introducing me to him and him to me! I have a boyfriend because of you!

Luna: Sooo you hooked-up? :3

Grell: Yes! (^\\\\^)

Luna: Then my work is done. I knew he'd be perfect. To bad he's gay T^T lucky you

Grell: :3 ;P

Luna: Ha ha, very fun. I'll be outside soon. See you in a bit

Grell: See ya
~End of text messages~

      Closing his phone, he continued to wait. Grell really is grateful to Luna for doing this.

      Luna's known how much he's wanted to find someone. So, she went on a "mission" to help him. Thou, she never knee it was going to be Sebastian.

~Some time ago~

     Like most, when Luna first meet Sebastian, she thought he was straight. But when he asked about Grell, she knew something was up. In all honestly, she did die a little inside. Who wouldn't? He was hot, or as Grell liked to put it "sexy."

      A light bulb went off when she remembered Grell and her "mission." Luna didn't want Sebastian to think she was asking him out with her question. But she needed to know if he was single or not. He said he was, but soon added he wasn't looking in being in a relationship. When he started to ask about and wanted to see a picture of Grell, however. It was a died give a away.

      Luna then decided to have a chat with Sebastian. In private of course. She didn't want anyone to hear. He wouldn't want anyone to hear, either.

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