Solangelo III - Andrew Cook

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I pulled out a handkerchief from my pocket and began to clean the sweat out of my forehead. Just because I drive the night shift of a bus does not mean that is less stressing than any other job. Something, my pressure is the triple because of some of the faces that show up on the bus stops. I always have the police number on speed dial.

Anyway, I began my shift that night. It was normal, I saw some familiar faces of people who work or study at that time of day. I greeted them with a 'good night', but most of them don't reply. It's a very complicated hour to be nice, apparently. But, when I was beginning my last trip from the station, a few stops after starting it, into the bus got in what it seemed a father and a daughter.

The man was in his late twenties. He was wearing some kind of black leather jacket on top of some shirt with jeans and dressing black shoes. Basically, his whole ensemble was black. In my opinion, that only made his look even paler than I think he already is, but he didn't seem to mind, so, why should I? Anyway, his hair was slightly longer on the sides, away from the eyes. I think he was using colored contact lents, because no one can have eyes that dark.

The girl that was with him wasn't older than eight or something. She was dressed with thick jeans, along with a very bright neon orange jacket, that she apparently didn't hate on her, or at least she wasn't complaining about it, loudly. Suddenly, all her brown long hair was pulled forward, along with her head. She was sick, as her red nose would confirm.

"I don'd feel so good, Papà..." the girl mumbled softly. The man smiled in acknowledgement and sat her down on the seats, him from the hallway side, while she had the window.

"I know, Ana... That's why we're going to see him..." he explained to her. I tried not to listen to their conversation, but it was kind of hard when they were seated closer to me.

"You dhink he'll be mad...? Dhad I got sick?" The girl, Ana, asked in a worried tone of voice.

"Why you think so, Ana? He's never gonna get mad because of that, especially at you..." the man told her, sweetly.

"Whad if he geds mad ad you? I don'd like when you dwo are mad ad each other- Achoo!" she sneezed, using a little tissue to blow her nose. The man cleaned her and pulled her closer to him "I don'd like when you dwo ged mad..." she repeated, before she leaned on him and did something logical in her state: the poor creature fall asleep on her father's arms.

"I promise he won't get mad at me and we won't argue..." her father promised, kissing her forehead. I sighed, not wanting to interrupt them with my thoughts.


Worried Father and Sick Daughter got down on my last stop, the Hospital. The girl was so asleep, that she was carried by her father down the bus, her delicate head on top of his shoulders. I remember chuckling at the scene, as it was very sweet.

Right now, I'm waiting to start the tour back, starting with the medicine students that make their residences inside the Hospital. Some of them are familiar faces, while everyday, you see new ones. Probably, some of them came out of 36-hours shifts. I've seen practically everything.

When it was time to start driving, I opened my bus' door and allowed the students and doctors to climb into the bus, as everything was better than being outside in the city's streets in a cold December night. Some would wave at me, other would be so tired that they barely acknowledge the other's presence. Seriously, sometimes I believe they are like zombies, not knowing where are they going or anything.

Before I closed the door, Worried Father and Sick Daughter got up the bus, accompany with another man, who was the complete opposite of the first one. He was blonde and was tanned. He was wearing a lab coat that was hidden under so many layers of trench coats and scarfs. His eyes were sky blue and he wasn't behaving like a happy camper.

"You should had insisted harder, Nico" the blonde one complained to the darker one, who was still carrying the little girl "She's not like me or you... She could had got pneumonia!"

"Will, could you please keep your voice down?" the darker one, Nico, asked. I closed the door and started to drive. Again, I didn't want to pay attention, but it was a little hard when those two were the only ones talking in the entire bus "Even if I could had convinced her, she was going to insist until she saw you there..."

"Nico, the temperatures are getting really low..." Will, the blonde one, explained "I'd hate to have her rushed into the Hospital because she 'wanted to see how Daddy works'" he quoted at the end. Nico just shook his head and kept quiet.

"I'm not gonna dignified that with an answer, Solace" he said, after a while, while placing better the kid in his arms. He used his hands as thermometer and frowned a little. I think she had a little fever, or that was what his face was telling.

"When we're getting home and placing her in her bed, we're so gonna talk about this..." Will stated, serious.

"I promised her that we wouldn't argue..." Nico quickly replied, not focusing on him "We're gonna talk, because if I hear you raise your voice at me again..."

I stopped paying attention after that part. Anyway, the conversation would be interesting...


Good morning, my fellow readers!!

In the beginning, I wanted to say something like, "First of all, I want to say that you wish your fathers a Happy Day from my part! I know sometimes, they are annoying, embarrassing, stubborn and all the bad adjectives you wanna add to the list, but... They care about us" but then, all those fictions about bad dads came to mind and I started to feel guilty about those who don't, so... You can either get mad at me or criticize me for this, I don't care much about it...

Anyway! If you're in the mood, as just a suggestion, go read my Father's Day Spacials, because as of this day... I have TWO. You'll find them.

Hope you have a great day and I didn't depress you with my note... If that was the case, I apologize.

Love, SilverHuntresses

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