Piper/Drew/Lacy II - Isla Carmine

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Today was the day.

I was nervous, but really excited at the same time. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but what if I didn't find what I was looking for? Would he still want to do it? Or we'd do ka-boom! Just like in the movies that everything is going down and then, I'm gonna end up with fifty cats and no one else-"

"You're overthinking again, love" I heard my boyfriend of three years and fiancé of a week, Mitchel, trying to calm me down. I took several breaths to relax myself, while he rubbed my back "Just relax..."

"I can't" I admitted, looking at him "What if they don't like me? What if we get along horribly? What if they start saying bad things about me to you and you'll believe them, of course, and then we-"

"Isla, love!" he stopped me, with a chuckle, while his arms went around my body "They will adore you. And, besides... You got Dad's approval, it's all I care..." I gasped, not believing what I heard.

"But- they are your family too!" I pointed out. I guess you kind of figure it out by now. I'm nervous because I'm going to meet Mitchel's sisters for the first time today! His half-sisters!

"Isla, I have many siblings that you'll meet through the years..." he mumbled, though I swear that I sensed some kind of resigning and hatred in the words "But, right now, Piper, Lacy and Drew are here to help you pick a dress with your Mom and family..."

"I really don't want my Mom criticizing everything I try on" I complained, looking down at my figure. I was a little chubby and, no matter how much exercise I did, those last pounds always stayed there. I was in the edge of a depression, especially when someone like my Mom on my back, telling me I should eat less and work out more, but Mitchel appeared like an angel send from Heaven and I stopped caring about it "Why can't you come?" I pouted at him.

"You know I care little about traditions and stuff" he sighed, kissing my forehead "But, I have some friends that I need to visit..." At that point, the door of the cafe we were at, opened up and three of the most beautiful and gorgeous women walked in.

The first one was blond, with an air of innocence surrounding her. Her skin was almost white pearly, but she had tan in her cheeks and a very bright smile. She was wearing some big coat over her clothes, covering her most. By Mitchel's descriptions, I'm assuming she's Lacy, the youngest of the fourth.

The second girl was what I should call an 'exotic beauty'. She had her eyes shaping her oriental-looking face with delicacy and pose. Like her sister, she had white pearly skin, but with a slight more prominent tan. She was dressed more revealing than Lacy, but it's like she was trying not to show herself. Her black straight hair was on her side, waving with the wind that came through the door. By the stylish pose, that must be Drew.

The last girl, who was standing between the other two and looking around the cafe was different, from physical appearance and presence. She made all the eyes turn to her and be picked by her. Her brown hair was braided, but it was obvious that she had stylized in capes, because of some loose hairs around. Unlike the other two, who were dressed formally, she was wearing jeans and some thick jacket on top of everything. Her darker skin (in comparison with the other two girls) made her stand out, even with her smile on us.

"Mitchel!!" The last girl, who I'm assuming is Piper, greeted him with a hug and a smile. Lacy was right behind her, doing the same, while Drew was a little reluctant, but did the same at the end.

"Thanks for coming, girls, I really appreciate it..." Mitchel thanked the girls, who waved they hands in a 'no problem' gesture "Isla, let me introduce you to my sister Lacy, Drew and Piper" he pointed as well as named her, which made me congratulate my memory.

"Welcome to the family!!" Lacy hugged me, cheery. I hugged her back, a little surprised by the gesture. Not much of a hugger... until Mitchel "We're insane. You'll live us!"

"I'm afraid I agree with Lacy" Piper chuckled, sitting down with us. The other two did the same as well "In everything..."

"Mitchel, you should get going" Drew rushed him. I held his hand tighter, not wanting him to go.

"Stay" I whispered at him, unsure. He smiled and put a kiss in my cheek.

"Sorry, love..." he apologized, before turning to his sisters "Please-"

"Mitchel, I promise you we'll tune Drew's critiques down-"

"Hey!" Drew protested, making Lacy giggle "I don't do that anymore!"

"-we'll help her with everything we can" Piper continued with her sentence as if no one had interrupted her. Mitchel nodded, more convinced and with a smile, before leaving the cafe and us in silence.

"Are you excited, Isla?" Lacy asked me, still cheery "I cant wait till I get married..."

"You still need a boyfriend, Lacy" Drew argued, rolling her eyes.

"Girls, this is about Isla's day. Personal issues will be left behind that door and freezing on the cold streets" Piper emphasized, raising an eyebrow dangerously at them. The girls rolled their eyes, but I swallowed, thinking about what my Mom would have to say about the dresses and stuff "Everything OK, Isla?" Apparently, Piper noticed my gesture.

"My- Mom is very, um, pushy" I confessed, looking at my hands "And I don't have the confidence of argue with her about the things I like..." Piper, who had sat next to me in replacement of Mitchel, grabbed my hands in hers.

"That's why we are here" she acknowledged, while her sisters nodded their heads "Today is all about you..."

"How would you like to wear?" Drew pulled out a notepad and began making lines on it, while talking.

"Um, I'd like something comfortable, but not that flashy..." Drew gaped at me, but said nothing "We don't have a date yet, so something that can have sleeves or not would be nice... And something that can work on my curves..." I gestured down my body. Drew was writing furiously before showing something to Lacy, who gasped and nodded, smiling. I looked at her and kept her notepad to herself.

"A little something just in case you don't find the dress today..." she replied, mysteriously. I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"Nothing too bad, I promise" Piper promised me, smiling. I was left without an answer when I saw my Mom walking in the cafe.

Let the torture start...


Hello, fellas!!

Hope you're having an awesome weekend. I can't believe is May already!! Time flies!! In a month, more or less would be my birthday and I'll feel old... *feels sorry for herself*... Anyway!! I hope you're having a terrific weekend, I came back at 12 this morning from a party and I'm beat it!!

As always, you're welcome to give me your ideas and couples for the future of this book (please, abstain from saying 'you should do a story about...' For that, is that I created 'Comments Are Poll'... Bomb my comment section there!!)

Love you guys, have a great life!!

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