Octachel IV - Haley Barrera

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Don't you feel sometimes that you give more than you receive in a relationship?

Well, that's how I felt in this moment when I was walking around in the mall with my boyfriend. He was checking his phone and answering texts, while I was looking at window stores. To see if he was paying me attention, I would mention something about if I liked it or not. I'd only get replies like 'yeah', 'whatever' and 'anything you like'.

"I was thinking that if I dyed my hair green neon, it would match the skirt we just saw..." I finally snapped, but he hasn't even looked up.

"Whatever you say, sure, honey..." I was fuming. What was so important that made him ignore me?!

"That's it!!" I slapped his hand of mine and forced him to look at me "We. Are. Over!" I shouted in his face, before slapping him and walking away, crying. Did I want to do that, publicily? No, of course not. Did I want to break up with him? Absolutely not! But, if the rest of our relationship was gonna be like that, I rather be alone than ignored.

I could hear him calling my name, but I ignored him. I wondered around the mall, trying not to run into him again. It'd be easy just to take the bus and going back home, but I wasn't waited until late today. And, if I show up at home, my noisy mother would know something is wrong and will stick her nose in what is not of her business and pry until she gets it. Then, she will gossip it around town.

Not my cup of tea.

I ended up sitting down in a bench, that was in front of Built-A-Bear. It used to be my favorite store, but I grew up. I still have the bears, but I don't buy them as often as before. Was then when I saw a guy walking out of the store, with a bag full of bears in one hand and a little girl on the other one. The girl was holding a blonde bear with glasses and a orange T-shirt.

"Why did you choose an orange shirt, Aria?" the guy asked her. He was tall and blonde. His eyes were sky blue and sad and was skinny, but tanned, kind of weird combo in NYC. The little girl shrugged and looked at him.

"It matches my purple shirt bear back at home, Daddy!" she replied. She was his daughter? Then, he looks younger than he is! The man sighed and let her be, while looking inside the store. A woman with red curly hair and a boy with her same hair came out, neither of them holding bears, though the girl had a frown in her face.

"So, didn't know you had 'fans' around here, Octavian..." the girl said. For an innocent by standar, she could sound sarcastic, but for a hurt girl like me, I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"I come here all the time, and you know it, Dare" The girl frowned at that name, probably her last name, but the man didn't even noticed.

"That's true, Mommy!" the little girl pipped in, which surprised me how cold was the man towards his couple "Daddy brought me the other day and the guy behind the counter knew him and reminded him what combinations he didn't try yet..." It was obvious she was trying to explain, but she was not making a great work on her mother.

"That's great, honey" Her smile, her cheerfulness was fake. The only one who seemed to noticed was the boy who was holding hands with her. He took the little girl's hand and they walked ahead of their parents, while the grown ups stayed behind "I don't care. I was just surprised with the venom the girl said to me..."

"So, you're alright with me dating her?" I could not believe what I was hearing! It was more than obvious she was not, you idiot!

"Kyler heard the woman. Tell me what I should say to him that his Dad, his hero, is cheating on his Mom" Finally, the venom of her voice was present and she walked away. He stopped her, but she glared at him "You don't love me, I get it. Just respect me, you idiot!" she hissed at him, leaving heartbroken, just like me.

The difference is that she cannot call quits, like me.

"Rachel, wait" the man really stopped her this time, holding tight "I was just bluffing with you, I'm not dating her..." I saw her gritting her teeth in anger, while he smirked "I'll talk to Kyler, I promise..."

"Haley..." I turned to see the person calling my name. Spencer was standing there, looking guilty "Before you yell at me, please, read this..." he willingly gave me his phone, making me frown. It was obvious he wanted me to check it, but I wasn't sure what to look at. I finally decided to see the texts and didn't see what I was expecting.

Instead, and making me feel an idiot, messages between his Mom and him, checking him update of his aunt's health. Apparently, she had to be rushed into a surgery and his mother was staying with her to check on her. And Spencer was here, worrying himself. I looked up at him, feeling overly guilty.

"Spencer, I-"

"I- I should had told you, but I didn't want you to worry over it... Guess my plan backfired me..." he chuckled drily, making me nod "I'm sorry, Haley..."

"I should say sorry, but I didn't know, so..." That made him chuckle for real and hugged me.

"Let me buy you a bear, please? Oh, and I really think green neon would look great in your hair..." I blushed, shocked he actually heard me!

"I don't need a bear, but I'll take an ice cream..." I negotiated. He smiled and took me for that. I glanced at the couple, still arguing in whispers. I just hope they can fix it, for the kids.

Not all problems are easy to solve.


Yes, Octavian is kind of an idiot in this one... Couldn't make him all nice all the time...


Hello, guys

First of all, i want to apologize for not posting last Sunday. You see, last Sunday was my grandfather's birthday and it was held at home, so I was greeting guests all day. By the time the party ended, I had to clean up all the mess and I was tired. I know it's not excuse, but it's the truth.

Also, since Monday midday till this morning I was without power. And no power means no wifi nor electricity. Which is why I'm posting today.

I'll be posting today 3 chapters of Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws (had it a little forgotten!), 1 chapter of Percy Jackson, son of Chaos and the final 7 chapters of Mortals: Meet... 2 (last chapter will have its own emotional goodbye note).

I remind you that you have time till next Wednesday to vote on my next story, here or in my in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pg/SilverHuntresses/posts (your choice).

Also, I want to let you know that I'll update my Quotev.com and Penana sites (I have them a little forgotten). Once I do, I'll post a post (;p) with all my sites so you can check them out.

Signing out!
xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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