Solangelo New Year's Eve - Danielle Shultz

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I wiped my forehead, taking a little breath before continuing my job.

For reasons that were in everyone's comprehension, I was spending my New Year's Eve, working at the hospital. Unlike other years, this had been busy because, in some way I don't understand, people tended to get more hurt now than before. Hurt by fireworks. Hurt by corks. How can you be hurt by a cork?!

"You guys ready for a busy night?" I spoke, looking around to my collegues, smiling. Everyone rolled their eyes at me, like if I was insane. But honestly, I was just trying to make everyone's job more easy.

"Don't worry about it..." I turn around to see a practician, a doctor-to-be (or, at least he looked like that), smiling at me. He was tall and blonde, with a little messy hair in the back neck. He had blue eyes and was sporting the best tan I have ever seen. I was jealous of that tan, only. The rest of the interns were drooling over him, making him doe eyes "You're thinking the right way..." he smiled at me, before walking away through the hallway.

"Who is he?" I wondered, all curious. I know all the interns and doctors, but I don't know him. One of the nurses, Valerie, gasped and looked at me, like if I was insane.

"You don't know Dr. Solace?!" she shrieked, hurting everyone's ears "Where have you lived the past years, under a rock?!"


"Let me put this clear for you, Dr. Solace is the hottest doctor of this hospital and I won't hear a word against it!" she stated, looking at me like 'say one word and you'll regret it'. I wisely stayed quiet, but he wasn't the most attractive man I have met. Sure, he was handsome, but not the most handsome.

"You were sooo lucky he talked to you!" Kevin, a male nurse, squeaked in happiness. Apparently, not only girls had fallen for Dr. Solace's grace "He doesn't talk to most of the employees unless he has to. Never about his personal life and makes patients feel soooo special!"

"The way a doctor should" I agreed with them, feeling proud of him, even though I don't know him. Before the discussion was taking further, I prefered to leave to take care of the incoming patients.


We were close to midnight and I had, so far, seen patients reunited with their families and families mourning some that had passed away. It was a sad thing to see. You want to avoid that place with all your might as you did everything humanly possible to help. A little depressed, I decided to go to the cafeteria to eat something and to clear my mind.

After ordering my food and stuff, I sat down by a window, looking out there and hoping my life was different. I mean, I love being a nurse, but sometimes, I don't think I'm cut out to do this job. I attach myself too much to long term patients, and it's basically a 24/7 life that doesn't allow me to have a social one. My parents complained too much about it and, this year, they didn't even bother to invite me to New Year's dinner. Or Christmas, for that matter.

"-and then, if he's not busy, I was thinking maybe we could have some cookies and watch the fireworks..." a young voice walked into the cafeteria, making everyone turn around at the voice, like if the voice had disturbed the peace. I rolled my eyes at the thought and watched as a parent and his daughter walked inside and ordered hot chocolate. The girl was holding a basket full of food, that was even bigger than her, and the man wasn't left behind, carrying a couple of bottles.

The man was dressed cozily, with a grey scarf and a long black coat. His black hair was long enough to almost don't see from the side that he was wearing a scarf. His hands had gloves and was paying close attention to what the girl was saying and doing. The girl was dressed in a bright red coat, along with a hat and black leggings and boots. She looked like a little doll.

"Did you remember to bring the binoculars this time?" the man asked the girl, who nodded and pulled a pair of binoculars from her pocket.

"See?! I didn't forget!" she announced, proudly. The man chuckled and helped her place the basket on the table (that was next to mine), while she sat down, obediently "You think he'll remember...?" she mumbled, resting her chin on her little fists.

"Of course he'll remember, Ana" the man assured him, rubbing her arm "Plus, the good side about working on the hospital is that you can know he won't leave without you knowing" That made the girl giggle before nodding. I got up and left the cafeteria to go back to my shift when I accidentally collided with Dr. Solace.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there..." I apologized. Luckily, I wasn't holding anything hot or liquid or I'd had felt even worst.

"No worries... You look far away from here, everything alright?" I looked up, surprised that he had asked me such a personal question.

"Just wondering how things would be if I wasn't a nurse..." I admitted. I thought he would just nod and leave, but he stood there, looking at me seriously "What's wrong?"

"Just thinking that you are still young... Sure, it'll be a while before getting on the right track, but I think you can do it... You're never too old to do what you want..." he smiled at me, before walking into the cafeteria. His words left me thinking, noticing that he was right! I can't wait for things to change! I have to make them change myself.

"-and I brought you a pair extra, if you want to see them with me..." I must had stayed too long in the same spot, having my epiphany, cause I heard the same girl from before walking down the hallway towards me. This time, the man she was with was walking with Dr. Solace, who was smiling at the little girl, holding her basket.

"Are you kidding? I love fireworks!" he beamed at her, making her smile "And, to make sure, I even bought some from a friend that I know are safe for you to launch" he winked at her, making her giggle. While passing by, Dr. Solace winked at me, before riding the elevator, obviously to the roof.

Quitting my job wasn't going to be easy, but maybe I should start by cutting some hours... and start looking out for something new where to take my life...


Good morning and Happy New Year!!

Welcome 2017!! I hope you give us a lot of good laughs, good surprises and, to the ones looking for it, a good and steady romance. Please, avoid bad break ups or bad news and try to take a little pressure of our shoulders... we don't need more...

I wasn't planning on making a Solangelo for New Year, nor another hospital take (I had decided to do a Frazel one, more dramatic than anything... I'm somehow happy with myself for not doing it) but I decided to give some kind tribute to those who had lost someone and those who have been having a rough year... to those who don't know where are standing and want to turn their lives around... this is for all of you!!

Now!! Something you've all been waiting for... The results of the poll about my next story!! (I'm gonna take in consideration all the votes that came until the posting of this chapter and votes from both sites):

5th Place: with 2 of 67 votes (one in each site, seriously guys?).... Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!

4th Place: with 7 of 67 votes (the dirty minded where all from Wattpad).... One Hundred and One Heroes!

3rd Place: with 8 of 67 votes (FF wins this time by majority).... Sis/Bro, Your Shadow is Hot!

2nd Place: with 18 of 67 votes (you guys were even here).... All Over Again!

1st Place: with 32 of 67 votes (again, FF wins again) and now, proud owner of the Saturday update.... Mortals: Meet the In-Laws!!

Thank you all for voting and helping me decide which story you'd like to see!!

Also, and because I owe it to my good friend and fellow writer, Mjavery9, I'll take the responsibility of updating and finishing through the Friday update a new story, called Percy Jackson, Son of Chaos. And, since I've already worked on some chapters with Mjavery9, I'll post them now on my profile from the beginning! If you guys wanna read it on his profile, I won't feel offended, but bear in mind is not finished!!

Have you all a great first day of the year!!

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