Connor/Lou Halloween - Nicole Porter

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I never liked Halloween.

OK, I guess that I should explain that last statement with the argument of 'I don't like to be scared because I get scared easily'. Which is true. People cannot come up to me on the street and touch my shoulder to catch my attention because I'll jump three feet on the air! My sister does it all the time, because she thinks is funny.

Which is not.

Right now, I'm with my best friend Jayden at this carnival thing. Jayden loves Halloween. He lives for this day of the year more than Christmas or his own birthday, which is weird and the total opposite of me. I rather have a big jolly man coming at me with a bag of presents than a couple of teens dressed as skeletons that could jump from anywhere to get me scared.

Which was what Jayden enjoyed most.

"OK, why don't you just admit that you like the carnival?" Jayden asked me after a while, after we looked around and, so far, we've encountered people with nice costumes and kids asking for candy.

"I will admit that I like the carnival if I don't get scared for the rest of the night" I told him, pretty sure that I'd never say that, because there's always something that will make me scared.

"So, we should start with the games?" he proposed to me, pointing at the lifeless game lines.

"Why is no one making line?" I wondered outloud, looking at Jayden. He shrugged and walked to the candy store.

"Excuse me, ma'am... Could you tell us why the games have no lines?" Straight to the point, eh Jayden?

"Oh, dear... The kids haven't been scared of those games in years..." the woman replied, while giving an order to a customer "The kids prefer the stands rather than the games..."

If what the lady said is true, that meant that the games weren't scary and I could go on them...

Jayden will be tortured for this later.

Jayden grinned and thanked the lady, before taking me to the first game. The haunted house. But, it wasn't your typical scary-looking haunted house, in fact, this one looked like if it was taken straight from out neighborhood and not from a bad sixties TV show. Sure, it was bigger than it looked, but it didn't have the... terrifying vibe.

Since there was no line, we walked in and saw a boring looking teen, almost falling asleep on her stool. Jayden had to kick the stool with his crutches so she could pay attention.

"Uh? What? What?" the teen looked around, definitely awake, before focusing on us "Ohh! Clients!!" she shouted, between a squeak and a warning. Probably, everyone who was bored and cursed out of their minds the job were getting ready to scare us "Hop on, kids!" she guided us towards the cart and made sure we were safely before starting the game.

At first, it was a regular game, the cart moved around and showed us everyday life scenes, like a mother cooking, kids doing homework, husband coming from work. So far, nothing scary. But, like the haunted house in Disneyland Paris (Dad took me once, it was hell scary!) the more we saw the more details we caught on, like rabid dogs and men with guns on the backdoor.

Soon, the scene turned to something more like The Purge o whatever is the name of Ethan Hawke's movie. Neighbors against neighbors and everyone was using some kind of bloody weapon. And they all were wearing Joker smiles. You know the kind, the psychotic type.

After than, I was starting to get scared, screaming every once in a while, and clutching to Jayden's side, who was trying to reassure me that nothing will be hurting me, while we passed onto the next scene, which was a very familiar futuristic post apocalyptic scenario. Dead bodies were everywhere and, unmistakenly, there was a figure standing alone in the middle of the scene.

"How nicccce of you to join the game, kidssss" It was obvious that the voice was a female. The girl was away from the light, but the curves of her body were easy to define "I wassss getting bored in a game full of women..." I frowned, not understanding if this was part of the tour, when I noticed the stupid grin on Jayden and I start to shake him away.

"Jayden, snap out of it!" I whispered, not wanting the girl, who apparently was walking to us, to hear us "Jay..." The girl stood in front of us and showed me a pair of sharp front teeth, making release the biggest scream so far. Sudeenly, and out of nowhere, another two figures appeared and kicked the girl in front of us away. Those figures had some kind of swords and spears and were fighting with her.

"Ssstupid demigodssss!!" the girl shouted, though I couldn't care about what she shouted at the moment. I was more concern for Jayden and in not being eaten alive.

"Jay, snap out of it!" I repeated, smacking the side of his face, finally earning a reaction.

"Ouch, woman!" he complained, but I preferred that over the non-responsive one. His eyes widen when he saw the fight and held me close to him, even though he couldn't do anything more than block my view. At some point, I heard a loud hiss and a pierce scream that could had made my ears bleed.

"That was a close one..." I heard a girl's voice sighed in relief.

"How did she found us, I don't wanna know..." a boy's voice answered the girl's "Let's get the kids out of here, we can check the perimeter later..."

"Who dared to mess with our creation will pay dearly!!" And I believed whoever had spoken those words, because of the venom and anger they held. The ride ended with us being pulled outside the house and our saviors introducing themselves "Are you guys OK?" The girl had a rainbow for hair and was looking at me, with concern brilliant black eyes.

"You have a rainbow for hair..." I blurted out. Jayden looked at me like 'why did you say that?' but the girl just laughed.

"Yeah, I get that all the time..." she explained it, waving away my embarrassment "I'm Lou and this guy here is Connor" she pointed at the guy next to her, a tall curly brown hair guy, with a pair of mischievous electric blue eyes. I had an urge to check my pockets "We were the ones responsible for upgrading the game... It was suppose to be more scary but safe..."

"Was the girl part of the show?" I questioned them. They looked pretty serious about it, if you ask me.

"No" Connor replied, shaking his head "She sneaked through. Be right back" he excused himself before walking inside the house. Lou sighed and followed him, I think because she didn't want him to do anything stupid. Second later, we heard Connor shout "WE SHOULD HAD ASKED NICO FOR A COUPLE OF VIKINGS SKELETONS! AT LEAST, THOSE ARE EASY TO CONTROL!!"

I had no idea what that meant.

"By the way, Jayden..." I glanced at him, while still shaking from our almost death "I hate this carnival. That was the most scary thing in my life!!" Several people started to rush towards the haunted house.

People are insane!


Boo!! Happy Halloween!!

Once again, I'd like to thank Sophie Cheshire (who, if I understood right, is her birthday as well... If it is, Happy Birthday, Pinkie Pie!!), who came up with the original idea of this chapter. Like I mentioned before, I twisted onto my mind and I used the main parts of it.

And, before you ask me, yes. Jayden is the same one from my previous chapters. If you don't know who he is, go check 'Mortals: Meet...' Part 1.

I'm posting tomorrow a new story, so stay tune!!

Another thing is that I've read several comments correcting mistakes like grammatically, last names and couples... Guys, I wanna remember you that, first of all, this is fanfiction. Apart from canon couples (which I sometimes don't like to separate), I'm free to do whatever I want with them. Second, I'm human and I make mistakes. And English is not my native tongue. Thirdly, some of the characters' last names weren't known when I wrote the chapters, so please, take that in consideration!

I wish you all a Happy Halloween!!

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