The Big Three May The Fourth - Rian Wilson

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I couldn't believe I was here today.

The first time I saw the pamphlet of it, I thought it was good for people that weren't me. I'm not into this kind of things, you know, but I have nothing against the people who do. I just had to mention it to my parents, who thought it was an excellent opportunity to 'share me with the world', like my sister calls it when we are forced out of the house to do something by our parents.

"I swear, whatever we're doing here, if they ask me to wear leotards, I'm out the door" I promised and she giggled. Who can blame her, she's twelve and I'm sixteen. Leotards and dudes don't match.

"I just hope Mr. Blofis doesn't make us read Shakespeare... I have enough troubles in class..." Mindy complained, rubbing the bridge of her nose. I nodded, fully aware that my sister has dyslexia.

"Well, it's an extra curricular drama class" I emphasized it, trying to be supportive "Be ready for anything..." She paled a little, but we walked into the theatre classroom with confidence. There were other people, most of them were populars that wanted more spotlight, and some wallflowers scattered around. Mindy and I took seat in the middle, waiting for Mr. Blofis.

He walked in several minutes later, with a woman of his same age, with long curly brown hair and gentle look. They were smiling and giggling between each other before focusing on us.

"Good afternoon, kids" Mr. Blofis greeted us, politely. Some of us returned the gesture, others didn't "First of all, you're much more people that I've anticipated! Honey, I believe I owe you twenty bucks!" he stated to his companion who smirked. Some chuckled at his joke "Second, I want to warn you that, I won't give you the part because you want it and you think you're perfect for it. I'll give you the part if you deserve it..... and if you don't fail classes..."

When he said that last word, half the class (mainly the populars), got up and walked away sneering and mumbling things about 'like if this is important', but neither Mr. Blofis or his female companion seemed to mind. Mindy and I stayed, not realizing we were thinking the same: if classes takes us too much of our time, we'll leave it.

"And now, I have to pay you back those twenty bucks, Paul" the woman said, not even upset "I'm Sally Jackson-Blofis and, yes. I'm Paul's wife. I'm a writer and agreed to help Paul in this matter..." I saw Mindy's eyes widening and almost drooling, making me chuckle "Now, we have two things we'd like for you to do today... Don't worry, it's not homework..." Everyone laughed at that.

"We want you to tell us what you like to do, what you plan to be... A warning, though. Here, we'll share roles, so please don't be upset" Mr. Blofis nodded and one by one said something different. A guy wanted to be a chef. Another one, a dancer. A girl wanted to be an engineer. Mindy almost fainted when she said she wanted to be a writer. Each of them ended up with a sticky note on their chest with their passion, instead of name.

"Um, well..." I rubbed my neck, a little embarrassed "I'd like to be a researcher... I like to find out things about stuff" That's how I ended with the 'researcher' sticky note.

"Very good! Now..." Mr. Blofis gestured all of us to get up and go outside with his wife "We prepared something for you, to remind you that the point here, is not only learn but to have fun, alright?" When we walked outside, we saw a guy with black hair and pale skin, wearing a very unique yet strange robe. It was brown and light brown in some places. He couldn't be older than twenty. Suddenly, a very popular tune began playing and everyone laughed.

"'Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away...'" Mrs. Jackson-Blofis started to tell, trying to look serious, but she couldn't. The guy behind her, was smirking too "'...lived a young jedi named Anakin Skywalker. He was powerful, more powerful than many masters, but he was young and with that, comes the impulsive decision-'"

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