Percabeth/Rachel - Zachary Bern

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My job is the most bored of all.

The only reason why someone could possibly like it is because that certain someone has to like where we have our shifts every day.

I'm talking about working as a security guard. In a museum. To be more specific, security guard in the British Museum. Even though we do rounds every now and then, guards are more of a decorative object in a corner of the room, sitting on a chair, which is good so you don't have to be all day standing. My section is one of the most visit, but things always are calm enough.

Tourists are mainly the source of income that keeps this place running. Also the school trips and the art students, but mainly the tourists. Since it's one of the most famous museums of all the world, and it's free, it's logical that people visit it more than any other museum. Of course, when the tourists are kids, it gets more loud and alive than when the crowd is only grown ups that know how to behave.

Though, I didn't think so this time around.

I was making my rounds as usual, before sitting on my chair, that some colleague had kept warm for me. You see, when we do rounds, normally we have some other fella guard that keeps an eye for us. That day, I was particularly annoyed and tired, one could only guess why, but since it hasn't been an incident so far, I was able to control it.

That was until we approached 5pm.

Like I mentioned before, art students are common and they pick quiet spots either in front of the art or in a corner where they don't bother anyone to do their thing. Also, with the modern technologies kicking in, is common to see people with phones and tablets and stuff, taking pictures, measures and digital drawings. I once saw an art teacher that was giving a class through Skype about Gothic architecture.

So, at the beginning, I didn't recognize anything unusual about the girl who pulled out a tablet and started to type around like mad. She was wearing paint-splashed clothes, even her sneakers had paint on them. Her hair was frizzy, red and curly and was tied up away from his face. She couldn't be more than thirty years old, but I couldn't be sure as her back was facing me.

"Hey!" she started saying. Probably she was video chatting with someone "Had lunch already?"

"Only you could be worried that we don't have eaten yet..." a male voice replied to her, with a little sarcasm.

"Well, excuse me to worry about you!" she answered, maybe a little taken aback "Even though I'm halfway round the world-"

"Alright, alright! What has you on a twist, Rach?" the guy interrupted her. That question set her into frowning and I could see fire behind her green eyes.

"What has me on a twist, you ask? What has me on a twist?" she repeated, like if the question had the answer written there "I'll show you what has me on a twist!" she suddenly turned the camera of the tablet around and pointed at the torso- or what is to believe to be the torso -of a Greek statue. Oh, I might forgot to tell you that I work in the Greek section? "Who's that?!"

"I dunno... Dad?" the guy responded, his voice giving away he had no clue "Hold on, I'll call Annabeth" The guy seemed to disappear from the camera for a second, because the voice of a woman was heard in his place.

"Rachel, you better have a good excuse for calling at... 6:30 in the morning..." the woman demanded. The redheaded looked kind of smug when she was asked that. As. If she was waiting for it.

"This!" she turned the camera again and you could hear the gasp from the other side.

"How they could confused Poseidon's chest with Hermes?! Don't those idiots read and think logically?!" Whoever was talking, it was angry. The girl continued to look smug and headed towards me.

"You! Yes, you! Don't play ignorant with me!" she warned me, before I could point at myself. Not that I was going to, she was walking towards me, which was clear she wasn't talking to the wall "I want to see the curator and I want to see it now!" I stared at her. It was obvious my look was saying 'who do you think you are?', though my mouth thought it was better to ask.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Oh, only the appointed one from Delphi itself to come see their legacies are taken care of!" It was very clear she was having on me, but I remained stoic "Who do you think I am? I got send my the Queen-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there" I interrupted her. The Queen? Yeah, right! Fat chance about it "Either you show me some ID or I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the premises" She glared at me, but handed me the tablet and began rummaging through her purse.

"You're in troubles now, you know that?" A voice came from the tablet and I could see the people she was talking to before. It was a couple, the guy had black hair and the woman had it blonde. They looked like the stereotypical beach couple, he looked like a surfer and she looked like a tanned Barbie "She's gonna own your job by lunch..."

"Here! Hand me that!" the redheaded girl gave me a card with a pass and grabbed the tablet from me. My eyes opened wide when I saw she was right, she was sent to verified the Greek and Roman exhibitions. She was the biggest expert and now, she was angry "Well...?!"

"Um, I'll take you to the curator's office..." I mumbled, really hoping that this wouldn't be the last day of work. When we arrived to the office, where I can bet it'll be another arguement, as the resident head curator despises women and young ones, she turned to me.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, but people like the ones here-" and she pointed at the door "-don't make my job any easier..." She walked in, leaving me alone.

Well, at least, I'll have my job...


Hello, guys!

First of all, Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all have a good Sunday, no matter how you celebrate it or which is your religion. I'd love to hear about your special celebrations, if you don't mind about it ;)

Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I've been sick lately (allergies, unfortunately) but I managed to wrote a few chapters for you. And to tell you something VERY important...

I made a mistake.

I was recounting and realized that Urgent! Inspiration: Needed will be over BEFORE Mortals: Meet... 2. What means that we have less than 7 chapters for that story to be over! :o

The main point is the same. Until I'm not over with both of them, I won't start any new one. Which means you still have time to vote in my two polls, those are in Facebook...

Back to the chapters, today I'll be updating Mortals: Meet... 2, Urgent! Inspiration: Needed and Percy Jackson, son of Chaos. I'll try to update the rest of Mortals: Meet... 2 by the end of the week, leaving me with Urgent! Inspiration: Needed, Mortals: Meet... the In Laws, Garden Wall, Percy Jackson, son of Chaos and Rise of Ouranos to update before the month is over.

Also, I ask that, if you want to request any chapter or anything, be patience as I have too many delay... I'll fulfill all and every one of them, if I can.

Like I mention all the time, thanks for your patience!

Enjoy Easter! Eat lots of chocolate eggs! ;)

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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