Perlia IV - First Prize

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You cannot trust humans.

They come at you, all soothing, all 'hey buddy', but they never mean anything they tell you nor the food they give you. They just want to use you for their own purposes and then, toss you around like if you were meat.

I once was a race horse. I learnt that kind of the hard way, when I was bought from my mother when I was a foal. She was a race horse too, but I didn't think my owner would allow someone to buy me, as my mother's blood was very special. She hadn't lost a race since she started competing. But I was trained to do the same as her.

My new owners took care of me, or had people to do it for them. My rider also looked after me, but now I think it was out of obligation than anything. He used to whispered me words before every race, saying how he was nervous too. We used to win every race together, that was until he became obsess with that drink that makes human talk and walk funny.

Thanks to that, my owner got in troubles and, the only way to fix it was to give me away. I fought for a few minutes, until they pulled out a electric thing and shocked me with it. My rider didn't do anything to help me, though I did saw my owners moving their hands saying something to the people, but nothing dissuaded them.

That was when I joined the prison humans call 'circus'.

Humans know it's not a glamorous life, but seem to be entertain by that they can laugh at it. With us, they awe, because our riders do figures and jump from one of us to the other with ease and grace. The riders don't treat us bad, but they don't care for us either. It's sad, but I had Buttercup, my own foal, learnt the sad truth before he could get more hurt than usual.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" That's the voice of the owner of the circus, the 'ringmaster' as they call him. He smells like my previous rider when he drank and it's fat enough to walk like a penguin "Now, let's me introduce you one of the wonders of nature..." I stopped paying attention, since it didn't involve me or my 'cellmates'.

"Hurry up, Keith!" One female shrieked next to me. I drew my ears to avoid hearing her, but I do hear something that makes me curious. A dry smack is heard, with no retaliation and, the female falls down in her place, her eyes closed. In her place, another female appears, wearing white-and-grey clothes with a sparkling line right under her furry, spiky black mane. She had sky eyes.

"And you wanted me to dress like her?! Are you insane?!" she hissed at someone, who was behind her. I saw a male dragging another one. These two humans looked similar, because they had black manes over their heads, but he was dressed normally for a young male and his eyes were algae green. He was puffing and groaning in furstration, I think.

"That was a good plan that you ruined when you punched the girl dead!" he replied in the same tone, rolling his eyes. He finally looked in my direction and his look soften "It's alright, girls... We're gonna take you away from here..." he said, raising a hand to pet me. I let him, letting him believe what he wants "C'mon, Thals... Buttercup is waiting"

"Buttercup?! What did you do to my foal?!" I knew he couldn't understand me, but I had to whine to get his attention.

"Buttercup is alright... I didn't do anything to your foal..." he replied, shocking me. When the female walked back in (when did she left?), Buttercup was rubbing his head on her arm "See? He's alright and we're getting you out of here..." He took off all our harnesses and gestured us to be quiet. We all followed, not knowing what to think. Buttercup immediately skipped to my side.

"Momma! They will take us away!" he announced, excited. I rubbed my head with his, happy he's alright "Percy can understand us, he says he's the son of Poseidon or something..." That made more sense to me. The legend runs in our blood, like racing runs (or used to) in my family. My family said there hasn't be one Lord of the Horses in more than 70 years, so it became a myth.

"MyLord" I called for his attention and he glanced at me "I apologized for not recognizing you..."

"It felt amazing, don't worry..." He was humble too, which only made me worst "Now, I hope you don't mind, but I need for you and my cousin to ride you... You seem to be the only one strong enough to hold us both" I didn't hesitate and allowed him to ride me. My mates were listening to everything and were in awe with my discovering "It won't be a long ride..."

"Percy... I don't know how to ride..." His female cousin told him, but he simply picked her up and, despite her protests, placed her on my back, while he climbed behind her.

"What's your name, girl?" he asked me, petting my neck.

"First Prize, MyLord-"

"He doesn't like to be called that, Momma..." Buttercup interrupted me. I obviously was going to chastise him, but MyLord chuckled.

"Buttercup is right, I hate the 'MyLord' thing, Percy is better... And that explains much, you were a race horse..." His insight was amazing once again and the group followed him blindly now. In silence, or as silent as we can be a group of ten horses and two humans, we tip-hoofed outside the tent. Once we were outside, Percy and his cousin only gave us one order, together.


We started to run, when we saw the circus people chasing us. I thought that sometimes, they caught on us, but they never did. It wasn't until we reached a big park that we could camouflaged a little.

"We have a friend who lives in the country, and is in good relationships with a Cherokee clan... Would you like to live there?" the female asked, once she wasn't looking green when she got down my back. I neighed in happiness, and soon, everyone agreed with me.

We were going to be free again!


Hello, guys!

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting last weekend, but I had/have a painting crew at home and, this past week, they had to work on my room, so I spent last weekend 'moving out'... You wouldn't believe the amount of things I NOW consider useless... I know it's an excuse, but I wish you could see pictures so you can understand my experience...

Onto another subject, last Wednesday was my friend Carter's (iamlillyherondale is her Wattpad, though I'm not sure she uses them any longer) 17th birthday! If you could wish her a 'Happy Be-Late Birthday!' I'd be grateful... She's not having a great time right now...

Which reminds me that Ashari Benturi's birthday was on my last post... HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY! I couldn't reply to you, as your comments appear as guest! Hope you had a great time!

Onto the subject you care now, I'd be uploading the chapters from Percy Jackson, son of Chaos and Mortals: Meet... 2 today that I owe you. Also, I was doing my math and I think I could be done with Mortals: Meet... 2 this next weekend *sheds a small tear* Such a wonderful time I had- NO! I'll give the 'goodbye speech' next weekend.

This means, I'll focus on my collabs, my request and Percy Jackson, son of Chaos and Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws for the rest of the month. You still have time to vote on my poll in Facebook ( or go check Comments Are Poll, commenting which one you like.... and if you fulfilled your quota of comments there, send me a PM with the head: "Your Next Story Is..."

I wish you all a happy Sunday and that is fill with excitement!

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