The Big Three Kids II - Luis Keen

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I love nature!

I love the fresh air, the green grass and the different animals that live in it.

But, most importantly, I love to just sit under the shadows of the trees in silence and watch the world happen around me. People would think I'm insane, but as a photographer, patience is a virtue and that allows us to capture the perfect moment. Especially, if you're a outdoors photographer. I've been in places like Kenya and South Africa. The Forbidden City and a base in the Arctic Circle. My job is to capture that moment that could be in the cover of your favorite nature's magazine.

Like I said, sitting under the trees had given me many good memories. I remember that time in Africa, I was resting under a tree. It was way too hot for safari, but I insisted. Anyway, I was resting and this group of zebras walked where I was, the younger ones even letting me pet them. That day promised myself two things: that I'd never be caught without a video camera over my forehead and that I'd always sit to wait under the trees.

But, today is an odd day. I'm having my day off and I'm resting under a tree in Central Park, just relaxing. But, that doesn't mean I didn't bring my camera. I was admiring some birds that were eating when a little boy ran right through it, making them fly. The birds did a great fuss over the disturbance, but the kid was only delighted by it.

"Unca Yason, fly!" the kid looked back and giggled at a group of young people that were walking to get him. He had blonde hair and chubby face, which could place him in the two-year-old age level. He was lightly clothed, because of the hot weather, but that didn't stop him from running around. The first one, a guy with messy black hair and tan skin, picked him up, making the kid laugh uncontrollably "Dada!!" The guy, which assumed it was his father, started to tickle him, showing up his muscled arms and a tattoo on his right forearm.

Soon, the pair was caught up by a group of four people, all of them chuckling and chatting with themselves. The first pair was an odd one, with one teenager girl and a guy in his mid twenties. He had blonde hair with tan skin. He was chatting with the teenager, who was laughing at something he said. The girl had black spiky hair and almost porcelain skin. While he was dressed in regular khaki shorts and a T-shirt with sneakers, she was wearing some kind of camouflaged outfit, with silver combat boots and what it seemed like a silver windbreaker on top of her clothes. Over her forehead, she was wearing a silver tiara.

The other pair was also a boy and a girl, both in their mid twenties. Both had the same hight, but he was paler than she was. Though, when we consider that she had an exquisite warm chocolate skin, anyone would be pale in comparison. But this guy was pale, no doubts about it. He had black hair, long up to his shoulders and, despite the weather, he was using a heavy aviator jacket on top of his clothes. The girl, with cinnamon colored curls was urging him to take the jacket off, in only a way a mother could be doing it.

"Sorry, kiddo. Not today..." the blonde guy apologized to the kid, who was pouting in his father's arms "But, I promise I'll take you on a ride next time, alright?" That cheered the kid up, who nodded and hugged his father tight.

"That kid is a magnet for troubles!" the teenager blurted out, as if it was a bad thing "He's always getting in troubles!"

"When you consider who are his parents, I'm not surprise he doesn't..." the other girl butted in, gently.

"What shocks me the most is how long it took you to reach that conclusion, Thals?" the other guy mocked the teenager and ended up being chased around the park by her.

"You're not that fast, di Angelo!!" she screamed, close to get him. But, as soon as they reached a shadowy tree, he disappeared from view. Like he was melting with the shadows "Oh, you're in so much troubles!!"

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