Lloyd + Kai:Little surprises

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I thought this would be a super cute idea.I dont want to spoil anything but the image is of me in the story & I'm a little kid in it,but with a little twist to it.My name is Lilly to & the nickname of Lil Lil.Now on with the story!!!!!

Now on with the story!!!!!

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Lloyd's P.O.V.

I went for a walk without my friends & it was peaceful,till I was pasted by what looked like a little fox & it was being chased by 2 guys.I ran after them so I could save the fox.We ran through New Ninjago city & we lost sight of the fox.I decided to leave before the guys realized I was following them.I ran back the way I came & headed for the park.Once I got there,I saw the fox sleeping in a box.

I walked over to it slowly so I didnt startle it.From a distance,the fox looked red,but when I got close to it,it was like a rainbow,it looked cute.As I got closer,I acidently kicked a can & the fox woke up.It started to back up in the box.I stopped where I was & when it stopped movin,the box fell & it pooped it's head up.I laughed a bit & picked it up.

"Are you a boy or a girl??"I asked it.It looked at me then hopped out of my arms.It started to write in the dirt.

"Oh,your a girl."I said.She smiled & hopped around.I then noticed she had 2 tails,2!!!It was cute though.I picked her up again & tried to bite me.It tickled.

"Hey,that tickles."I said.She then showed me that her teeth arent sharp enough to hurt people.I smiled & started to pet her.She wagged her tails.I smiled & she licked me.I laughed a bit & she continued.

After awhile,she started to shiver.I placed her in my jacket & walked around.

"Lloyd!!!"I heard someone call.I looked around & saw the guys.

"Hey guys!!"I said & walked to them.At first,they didnt realize I had a little friend with me.It was Jay who noticed & asked me about it.

"Lloyd,why do you have a fox in your jacket??"he asked.I smiled.

"I found her.Earlier I was walking around when I saw 2 guys chasing her.I followed btu left once we lost her.When I came to the park,I found her in a box & then decided to keep her."I said.They smiled.

"I'll help you take care of her."Kai said while he placed an arm around me.I blushed a bit & my little fox friend hopped out of my jacket.I laughed & picked her up again.I then placed her in Kai's hands.He smiled as she licked his hands.

"She is so cute!!!"Jay said.I laughed as they all crowded around her.She looked a little scared after awhile & I wouldn't blame her.She then jumped out of Kai's hands & ran to me.I picked her up & placed her back in my jacket.

"Lets go home."Cole said.I nodded & we went home.

*At Home*

When we got home,I looked around for my parents."Mom,dad,you home??"I yelled.When I didnt receive an answer,I set my little fox down & went to my room to place my bag down.When I came back,my mom was petting her.I smiled.

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