Brooke x Garmadon

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Hello Candy Ninjas.I hope you like this one & Happy Friday the 13th!!!!

Brooke's P.O.V.

I was wandering around on the beach alone cause I got really bored.Everyone I know was either busy or didnt want to come.I sighed as I looked at the water.I picked up a stone & skipped it a few times on the water before walking around again.When I looked up from the ground,I saw someone laying on the sand.I ran over to him & picked him up.I looked around to see where the person who caused him to be hurt was.When I saw no one,I headed back home to the bounty.

*Le time skip*

Once I got home,I placed him on the couch & walked off to get the first aid kit.Once I got it,I walked back over.I started to bandage his arms then I looked over him for more wounds.I started to blush a lot as I had to remove his shirt to attend to the rest of his wounds.Once I was done,I left him there to rest as I washed his shirt.

"I hope he wont mind me washing it."I said as I tossed it in the washer.

Garmadon's P.O.V.(Ok,this is a little later into the day.)

I woke up in what appeared to be a ship.I sat up on the couch & winced in pain.I then saw that someone bandaged me up.I smiled a bit then looked around for the one who was so kind to me.

"Hello??"I said as I continued to look around.

"Hello."I heard someone say.I looked at the doorway & saw a beautiful girl there.

"Thank you for taking care of my wounds."I said with a faint blush on my face.

"Your welcome.Oh & here's your shirt..I washed it for you."she said as she walked over.

"Thank you."I said as I took it & put it on.

"Whats your name??"she asked as she sat next to me.

"Im Garmadon.& who might you be??"I asked with a smile.

"Im Brooke & nice to meet you Garmadon."she said as she smiled back.

"Nice to meet you Brooke.Say,where are we??"I asked.

"My home,its called the bounty."she said as she stood up & headed out of the room.I followed her into the kitchen were she finished making dinner.

"Here,let me help."I said as we took the food to the dining room.

"Thanks."she said with a smile.I smiled back as we set everything up.

"You know,you can stay here as long as you want to Garmadon."she said with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Thank you Brooke."I said as we sat down to eat.

*Le timeskip*(Im getting lazy)

"Brooke,where are you??"I called out as I walked outside.Thats when I was tackled & hugged.

"Hey."she said with a smiled as I hugged back.

"Hey."I said back blushing a bit.

"So,what are we going to do today??"she questioned as she helped me up.

"Im not sure."I said as we headed back in.

"Well,we got to find something to do....Im bored."She said as she pouted.It was so cute!!!!I hugged her & smiled.She hugged back & blushed a bit more.Then she kissed my cheek.I blushed a lot & she giggled.I smiled then kissed her cheek,causing her to blush.

"You were asking for it."I said with a laugh.She smiled then kissed me.I blushed a very bright red before she pulled away.I blushed even more as she smiled & winked at me before heading to the living room.

"I know you liked that."she said from the other room.

"Oh come here."I said as I ran over & pulled her to the couch.I smiled then kissed her,causing her to blush a lot.I smiled as she kissed back.Once we pulled apart she hugged me.

"Wanna be mine??"she asked with a wide smile.

"If you be mine."I said as I hugged her back.

"Ok."she said as she snuggled up with me.I smiled & held her close as we both drifted off to sleep.What a wonderful day.

Hey Candy Ninjas,I hope you liked it!!!!!!See you later & remember,you can alway request stuff.

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