Kasual x Lloyd

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Hey Candy Ninjas.I hope you enjoy it.

Kasual's P.O.V.

I looked at the clock & saw it was noon.I got up & hopped in the shower real quick.After I was done,I got dressed & walked downstairs.I then started to make dinner for mine & Lloyd's anniversary.

*Le timeskip*

"There,all done."I said as I got the table fully set up.I then saw I had about 10 minutes till it was time for him to be home.I sat at the table & waited for him.I waited & waited for what seemed like forever.I looked at the time & sighed.

"He's late."I said.I took out my phone & texted his sister.

*Le text*

K=Kasual M=Makayla

K:Hey,isnt the mission over yet??Cause Lloyd's late

M:The mission is taking a little longer than we thought,I'll tell him to go home to you.& happy anniversary

K:Thanks for both

M:No prob.I'll go deliver the message.



*End of text*

I put my phone away & waited.

*Le timeskip*

I checked the time & decided to go to bed.I put Lloyd's dinner in the microwave & went to our room.After I changed,I went to bed & decided to sleep off the day.I woke up a few hours later to someone shaking me.I looked at the clock & saw it was 2 in the morning.

"Im sorry for coming home late."Lloyd said to me.

"Its fine....you just missed our anniversary dinner.."I said as I sat up.

"I know I know.Im really sorry.Let me make it up to you."he said.I nodded & hugged him.He smiled & hugged back as I drifted off to sleep.

*Le time skip*

"Wakey wakey."Lloyd said.I woke up & smiled.

"Morning."I said.He smiled & gave me a quick kiss.

"Morning my love.Hurry up & get dressed ok.Im going to be making things up to you today."he said.

"Ok."I said.I walked to the closet & got dressed.When I came out,Lloyd picked me up & carried me to the car.

"First,Im taking you out to breakfast,then we're going to the park & finally,a romantic movie."he said to me.

"Sounds wonderful."I said as I kissed his cheek."I love you."

"I love you too."He said as he kissed my cheek.I smiled & he smiled back.

*le time skip*

After breakfast,we walked around the park.He bought me some flowers & some candy.

"Aww.thank you."I said with a smile.

"Anything for you my love."he said as he hugged me.I hugged back & smiled.I looked up at him & kissed him.After we kissed,we headed off to the movies.

"Awww,our favorite movie."I said.He nodded & carried me inside.Once we got our seats,I rested my head on his shoulder as he fed me some popcorn & candy.

"Your the best Lloyd."I said.

"No,your the best.Im just simply making things up to ou for missing out on our anniversary dinner."he said.

"Its alright.I know you were on your mission.By the way,did you get the message from your sister??"I asked.

"Yeah,I was just having difficulty leaving the place."he said.

"I understand."I said as I hugged him.

"Happy anniversary."he said.I smiled & kissed him.He pulled me closer & kissed back.We ended up kissing till the end of the movie.After the movie,we went out for dinner then came home & cuddled on the bed while watching another movie.

I hope you guys liked it!!!!!

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