Chapter 01| Mac and Cheese is all I need

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"Don, you're going to have to move into the bathroom if you do not stop eating all of that Mac and cheese." My mom chuckles as she walks into the kitchen looking directly at my third bowl of her celestially made Mac and cheese, if there is a god it might just be my mom. The woman can cook like she's on food network, I love that channel and my mom's cooking.

"Listen here, I do not care at all that I am lactose intolerant, I will continue to eat this Mac and cheese and you will continue to make it for me every day until my butt explodes!" I snap jokingly and she shakes her head in disappointment. Her beautiful black curls bounce with every movement, god my mother was such a beauty.

"Ok kid, isn't it like 11 p.m shouldn't you be asleep? Do you not have school in the a.m?" She says putting the left over Mac and cheese in the fridge, NO NOT MY BABY!!! I let out an overly dramatic sigh and take my last bite of Mac and cheese and savor it. If I could marry food I would have a rough time choosing between Mac and cheese, bagels and bbq chicken pizza. But I'd cheat on either one with sushi any day.

I push my bar stool away from the marble bar and hop down, the cold tiles tickle my feet sending chills throughout my body. I walk around the bar and towards the sink washing out my bowl. My mom leans against the fridge watching my every move. I glance up at her and give her an innocent smile as I let one fly. She instantly attacks me as the both of us burst into laughter. She starts to tickle me, which is my weakness. I hate being tickled more than I hate one direction, and thats with a burning passion. I let out a few pleads between laughs begging her to stop before I get violent.

Smack, We both fall onto the floor. My mom looks at me shocked, I don't even know why, she knows that I absolutely hate being tickled and I will try my best to stop it. I stood up and brushed imaginary dust off my body then gave my mother a hand. "I love you Don." My mom states randomly and pull me into a tight hug.

"Jesus, Carrie are you a freaking snake? Why are you squeezing the life out of me?" I state breathlessly. She pulls away with tears in her eyes. Oh no what have I done? Oh no have I triggered anything? I hope not, yikes. Tears streamed down her caramel skin.

"You are such an amazing kid. You deserve the world kiddo. Now you should go to bed you have a very big day tomorrow but please don't forget to take your pills. You're going to need to be calm and peaceful and not all you know.... I'm sorry I just worry about you baby girl." She states wiping her tears away. I wanted to tell her maybe she needs to take her pills more than me because I'm not the one crying out of no where. But of course I fight the urge to and I just give her a smile with a nod and head out of the kitchen. I sluggishly make my way to my room, dragging my feet with every step then I hear my mom call after me telling me to hurry the hell up. Another mood swing great. I speed up my pace making my way through the narrow hall and to my bed room door. I turn the nob and step pass the threshold and instantly become blinded by the absolute darkness. I touch around the wall trying to find the light switch. Found it! I switch it on and walk across my room towards my night stand and turn on the lamp by my bed and head back by the door to turn off the light overlooking my entire room.

I walk over from my bedroom door to my bathroom which is connected to my room and the hallway. I take my meds like my mom asked and I brush my teeth and wash my face. The tingly feeling after washing my face helped relax me and I prepared for bed. I sit on my bed next to the nightstand with the lamp and plug my phone up to the charger and place it on my nightstand. I lay down and nearly fall straight asleep due to the comfort of my amazing new mattress. I drift off into a deep slumber.


I open the door to my very first class and the muffled voices on the other side of the door floods out. I scowl mentally at the students acting like they have no sense. Even though sooner than later I'd join them. Across the room sat a woman at a desk looking at a pile of papers more than likely grading them. I nervously walk in front of the class and towards the woman's desk. I hear a few cat calls but I ignore them. She looks up from the papers and give me a friendly smile. Her blonde hair was tied back into a high pony tail and she wore a silk blouse, she was stunning and looked pretty young. She stands up from her desk and walks in front of the class instantly gaining their attention and causing them to calm down. It was magic! She clears her throat and faces me.

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