Chapter 08| Boys will be boys

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Tyler and I jump apart as my mother shuts the front door, good thing the only thing that was happening was a heated make out session or my ass would be toast. Tyler picks up his coat and heads to the front door. Once he opens it my mom is standing there with a disturbed expression on her face. And next to her is my nana. I jump up from the couch and run to my nana wrapping her in a tight hug, Tyler is half way to his car and I see Bryson walk to his car. Yikes! He notices him and but he ignores it. I awkwardly stand  there as my Mother and grandmother ask me questions see the look on both of their faces tore my heart into a billion pieces.

I'm being an asshole, I've blown Bryson off and ran off to the cemetery with his dead ex-bestfriend's twin brother and nearly had sex with him. I wait for Tyler to leave and I excuse myself. I walk over to Bryson's car and tap on his window and he gives me an annoyed look. It kills my insides for the whole minute he waits to roll the window down.

"What Donatella?" That's when I know I've officially fucked up, but we weren't a thing? We weren't even official? All we did was kiss. But the fact that he calls me Donatella not don nor Dona not even donut tells me he's upset.

"Please let me explain?"

"I don't care you two can have each other. If you want to play with my heart don't waste your time. I'm not going to give you a chance to screw me over just because Tyler tells you too." He snaps at me then cranks his jeep up and drives off. My vision gets blurred by the tears in my eyes and I stand there and let myself fall back into my deep dark out of depression. I really messed things up, I wanted to make them both happy.

I can't stop crying, I feel arms wrap around me and lead me back into my home. My mom walks me to my bed room and coos.

"You've had rough week." My mom says tucking me into bed, "And because I'm your mother and I was a teenager once upon a time. I'm not going to say anything. I'll let you figure this out. But your nana is here to stay. Since Adam is out of prison I think it would be best to have her here." She kisses me head and my tears slowly stop once she leaves out of my room I roll over and fall asleep.


I pace back and forth at Bryson's door, unable to make up my mind on what I want. I was so scared to face him, seeing that he pretty much hates me and has been ignoring my calls and texts since Friday and it's Sunday. I know he's home well because his jeep is in the driveway. I make up my mind and knock on his door.

I wait a few minutes until the door slowly swings open and it's Bryson without a shirt in some gym shorts. He looks annoyed when he realize it's me.

"Can you please hear me out?"

"No." He shuts me down quickly.

I can feel my eyes watering up, "Bryson, I'm sorry." A tear slides down my face, "I know about everything. Please talk to me." He thinks for a moment.

"Nope." He goes to shut the door but I put my foot in the way. "What Donatella?" He yells.

And then tears start pouring down my face and I run home. If this isn't the worst part Tyler is also upset with me.

This is what I wanted to avoid! I run into my house and slam the door shut then slide down against it and cry.

"Don get out of bed right now!" My mom yells for the eighth time this morning this time she pulls the covered off my bed and look at me with her hands on her hips.

"Mommy please one more day?" I groan.

"No you're not missing five days. Get your ass up right now!" She hisses, she's obviously not in the best of moods because of my grandm, who keeps trying to control my mother.

I decide to not give her a hard time and get up. Might as well go to school, home hasn't been so nice. My mom is always moody and my nana is always grumpy and mean. My nana is in her late 50's but she was in the army. She's the person that helped us leave my father. He was always very scared of her.

I swing my legs off my bed and hurry into the shower. Today will be the longest day ever. I finish my shower and throw on some mom jeans and a cute stripped crop top turtle neck. With a pair of freshly cleaned Air Force ones. I don't do much to my make up because I don't even care about how I look. But since my outfits are pre planned I decided to wear it. I leave my hair down not even caring that it's damp and I grab my leather jacket. Then I look over at Bryson's over sized jacket and sigh. My heart literally hurts when I pick it up and smell it. It smells just like him fuck I miss him. I put it down and grab my leather Chanel hand bag and drop my keys and phone charger in it.

I make my way down the hall and into the living room while plugging my earphones into my phone and putting the earbuds in my ears. It's just one of those days where I don't want to hear what my mom has to say to me and I want to zone out. I turn on my favorite PartyNextDoor song, Thirsty, and then the volume all the way up.

Fifteen minutes later we pull into a school's parking lot and my mom drives in front of the main entrance and I hop out telling her bye. I walk into school still listening to music because like I said today I don't want to talk to anyone. This is the first day back since Monday, the fight and the news about my dad. I make my way to the cafeteria pretty quickly I sit at a table alone. Then I look up to see Bryson walking in, he looks really angry. He walks over to a guy, I'm guessing Tyler.

As everything unfolds I rip my headphones out of my ears and toss my phone into my purse. They start to argue as Bryson jacks him up from his seat. I get closer to the guys.

"I told you to stay away from her, she's mine." Bryson says holding Tyler close to him, Tyler had a mischievous smirk on his face.

I had a feeling things were going to get pretty ugly,"Yeah? Then why was I about to fuck her on Friday? Have you ever made her so wet she practically begs you to fuck her." He says and I start to get angry. That's not what happened between us.

Bryson's face was red, he was steaming mad. He pulls his fish back and punch Tyler right in the nose. He falls back but catches his balance. "You're going to pay for that." He says running into Bryson and tackling him. I feel overwhelmed I start hyperventilating, Tyler was using me.

Aspen yells at the telling them to stop as I break down and cry. I run out of the cafeteria, embarrassed. He just told the whole school we had sex. I don't stop running, I run out of the school and slow down when I make my way to the parking lot.

"Donut!" Aspen yells after me I hear her footsteps slow down as she gets closer to me crying on the ground with my back against the hard brick wall. She sits down next to me and wraps her arms around me,"Don't cry, boys will be boys. I'm sorry they did that in front of the whole school. I'm sorry he embarrassed you." She says holding me close as I continue to cry.


WOOOOOO! So much for Dona and Tyler. :(
Thoughts on this chapter? Dona getting caught by her mother and grandmother? Or was it worse that Bryson saw Tyler leaving her house?

Spoiler: More info about what happened between Dona and her father :(

THANK YOU GUYS FOR 150 PLUS READS! Wow that happened super fast!


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