Chapter 22| Bad luck Donut

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The song is BB TALK by Miley Cyrus 💗


"So you're telling me Taylor is dead?" Tyler doesn't look surprised at all.

"I'm just saying I think they're lying to us." I stare up at the flat screen tv some show was playing, skins I think.

"There's only one way to find out."

"Talk to your mom?" It was like he was reading my mind.

"Yes, you're smarter than what I pegged you." I smiled at his insult.

"Whatever let's go ask her." I tug him off his bed and we walk down stairs and he leads me through a long hall, the same one I wondered down when he ran off. We ended up in a huge kitchen decorated in apples.

His mom was over the stove humming some song. And Tyler crept up behind her and yelled boo. She jumped up like a cat that's had water thrown on it. "TYLER!" She shrieks in annoyance. And I bite back my laughter.

"Sorry mom I saw the chance and I took it." He laughs and slaps his knee with his hand.

"Well take another chance and I'll take your life." She points a knife to him and they both laugh.

"So Dona I hope you like spaghetti because that's the only dish I can cook perfectly." She places a hand on her hip and looks directly at me.

"Well I love just about anything!" I exclaim smiling at her and she nods and turns back to the stove.

"Mom," Tyler sits on a counter,"we have some questions about my dad." His mom snaps her neck at him and glares over at me.

"What about Jeff?" Wait Jeff? My dad name was Adam.

"Well what happened to Jeff mom?"

"Why are you asking these questions?" She turns back to the pot avoiding his question.

"It's for a school project." I reply quickly.

"Oh, ok, well Jeff died from cancer before the twins were born. I never thought about opening up about their father because they never asked. But he was horrible, he beat and raped their older sister and when he died I was relieved. But to sum it up he's a scum bag."

"Wait , you wouldn't have to know my mother, Carrie McKenzie?" I question, I remembered how Taylor told me his mother knew my mother and helped us moved here. I called bullshit on that the moment he told me that. I was just far too wrapped up into my emotions to realize how everything sounded so fake.

"I'm sorry I don't happen to know your mother sweetheart," she chuckles, "why'd you ask sweetie?" she dumped the pasta in a sauce pan.

I look at Tyler whose looking at me with a smirk. If they were lying about everything, that means he isn't my...

"Are you positive dad died?" He leans against the bar.

"I'm positive I saw your dad die. He had freaking cancer kid. I'm sorry I never talked about him; it was pointless to."

"Thank you mom!" He grabs my arm and tugs me out of the kitchen. "Do you even know what this means Donatella?" We walk back up the stairs and into his room.

"Yes, but why would they do this to us?" He raises his eyebrows in confusion.

I plop down on his comfy bed then supporting my body with my arms, "I have no clue!"

He stands in front of me and smiles, "Well since I'm not your brother...." He bites his lip and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Fuck off!" I laugh throwing the nearest pillow at his head and he laughs.

"Those pillows are expensive can you not!" He throws it back at me knocking the wind out of me.

"I hate you." I giggle as he attacks me tickling me, I start to go full retard and kick and laugh uncomfortably.

"I hate you too." He smiles as he straddles my body and looks me in the eyes.

"I'm having a baby Tyler." I remind him.

"I know, like I said we will figure this all out. We need a plan." He gets off me and I sit up.

Since we were not related at all, and Taylor and Bryson lied to us. We decided on Friday we were going to get them good. And if the chances of them working with my dad were real. Then we would be in deep shit.

"The biggest worry I have is that my dad will somehow show up. I'm scared." A million and one scenarios of what could possibly happen Friday starts to flood my head. Why would Bryson lie to me? Why would he lure me in and have sex with me all for my dad? Everything wasn't adding up.

"I'll protect you unlike Bryson, I mean that." I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. His body stiffens at my sudden gesture.

"Um," he hugs me back awkwardly, I giggle softly into his ear. "This is weird." He pulls back.


"Things are always happening around you, it's so crazy. You should write a book about your wild ass life."

"I guess so." I laugh.

"Have you told your mom about the baby?" He stands up an sit at a computer desk with a Mac on it.

"No, I kind of don't want to." I shrug and he gives me a disapproving look.

"She needs to know! Don't be stupid." He was staring at me blankly.

"Why are you always being an asshole one minute then nice the next?" I was getting slightly annoyed by his constant mood swings with me.

"Because unlike Bryson I'm not going to sugar coat shit! Your mom needs to know like right now and I don't care if you whine like a little brat. It's for your well being now get off your ass, we are about to do something!"


The drive to my house was the second most dreadful thing I've endured. I could already see the look of disappointment my mom would have plastered across her beautiful face. The disgust she would feel towards Bryson for cheating on me while I'm with his child. The anger she would feel knowing he has not only cheated but has also lied to me and is possibly working with my dad.

The moonlight lit up the town giving it a beautiful illusion of peacefulness.

"It's going to be ok." Tyler grabs my hand and glare at me. "You have me."

I heard a car speeding from the side of us.

Everything went blank.

I want to start a new story soon! So I'm going to go ahead and finish Donatella up for all of you! But my next story will actually be inspired by my sims game, sorry not sorry, I'm a die hard simmer! But I think you guys will like it, even though it's going to be a bit cliche, I want to make something similar to what you all see on wattpad but with my personal twists and turns, this chapter goes out to my friend eternalnoose

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