Chapter 07| Meet Taylor

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It's been four days since my mom dropped the nuclear bomb on me, my father, who torture my mother and I for years has been released from prison. I haven't came out of my room since Monday, I haven't moved, I haven't showered. All I've done was cry. My phone has been blowing up with texts from everyone but I ignored them all. I groan once I get yet another text from Aspen.

My mom knocks on my door to warn me she's coming in then opens it. "Hey fluffy hair you've got a visitor. I think you should shower because you smell like you've rolled around in trash." She says walking into my room and pulling the curtains next to my bed open. I'm blinded by the bright lights and I groan again.

"Thanks mom that really helped with my self esteem. Just tell them to go away." I say knowing its Aspen. Bryson tried to visit me with Aspen on Wednesday but I told my mom to make them leave. I hear foot steps approaching my room and I get a bit worried that someone will actually see me like this.

My mom steps aside revealing Tyler leaning against my door frame in a nude trench coat that stopped at his knees with a brown shirt and some faded dark green pants, clearly inspired by Kanye West, but nonetheless he looked really good. "Mackenzie, you do remember we have a Spanish project to work on." My mom walks out of my room leaving us alone. I'm completely shocked, Tyler and I barely talked.

"Why not just email me?" I state raising an eyebrow.

He walks over to my bed and sits on the edge. "Because coming in person is far more entertaining." He laughs.

"If you're here to belittle me or be an ass I-"

He cuts me off, "I was worried about you." He gives me a worried look and I began to believe he likes me again.

"You were?" I question him raising an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't I be worried about you? You haven't been to school since Monday and your half of our project is needed." He states standing up and grabbing my arms pulling me out of bed. I'm still taken by surprise when he pushes me towards my bathroom.

"What are you doing Tyler!" I exclaim as he turns my shower on and pushes me in with my clothing still on! "WHAT. THE. FUCK." I screech when the cold water hits me.

"Sorry. But you get the hint you need to shower, get ready and meet me in the living room in a few minutes. And if you don't come I will come back in here with a bucket of ice water." He states then walk out of my bathroom and bedroom leaving me no choice but to do as told.

A few minutes later I hop out the shower and pull on a pair of black tights and a oversized nude sweater to match Tyler because the weather reports said it's going to be chilly today which is crazy because it's the first of April. I look for my Rihanna creepers and I find them. They're khaki and black but they match my shirt and tights perfectly. I pull my hair back into a messy bun because I didn't feel like doing much to it and it's damp from my shower. I grab my phone and my purse and meet Tyler in the living room.

He's sitting on our sofa talking to my mom about his job, I never knew he had one. I walk into the living room and he turns his attention to me and he says wow. "You clean up well Mackenzie." He states standing up from the sofa and walking up to me.

"Shut up. Are you trying to say I look bad normally?" I ask walking to the door and waving my mom bye.

"No you always look nice but thirty minutes ago you looked like dog shit." His bluntness will never get old.

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