Chapter 4

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Shadows POV
I was walking home,the rain was getting harder and the wind was picking up
"Man it's going to storm really bad tonight" I said to myself
The rain was soaking through my shirt and hitting my back and It stung but nothing I couldn't handle.i would normal use my chaos emerald to get home but I seemed to have misplaced it.i continued to walk untill something caught my eye. I turned to my right and there was a pink hedgehog sitting on a bench. I looked around but I didn't see anyone
"You better get out of the rain"I said but she didn't answer
"I said you better get out of the are going to get sick"
She still didn't say anything or move so I walked over to her and turns out she was sleep. I looked around once more hoping that no one would see what I was about to do.i tapped her on the shoulder and she fell over.
"Amy get up" I said but she still didn't move I sighed and thought to myself I can't believe I'm actually going to do this ..I should just leave her's her own fault she got stuck out here..I turned to walk away but some unknown force stopped seemed I had no control over my body as I walked over to her and picked her up.i then ran home.once we arrived I put her down in the floor in front of the fireplace and I lit a small fire.i grabbed some blankets and a pillow and walked back out there to her.i lifted her head a placed it on the pillow and I threw the Blanket over her.i went up to my room and grabbed a t shirt and a pair of old sleep pants that I had.i walked back down stairs and laid them by her so she could change when she woke up.
I glanced down at my phone to see rouge calling so I answered
"Hey shadow,I have your emerald if you want to come by and get it"
I glanced out side and the rain seemed to have died down some
"Alright I'll be there in 10 minutes"I hung up the phone
I looked over at the sleeping hedgehog and walked over to the counter and grabbed a pen and wrote a small note
   I'm going out, I should be back soon I grabbed some clothes for you to wear while
Yours dries -ULF
I placed it on top of the cloths and walked out

Amy's POV
I woke up and slowly opened my eyes. I sat up thinking nothing of it I soon noticed that I was not at home.i started to panic trying to remember what happened, I must have passed out on that bench I said to my self as I jumped to my feet..sonic must have came and picked me up.i looked around but this wasn't sonics house ..or knuckles or silvers ...not blaze or creams ....and definitely not rouges. I looked down to see a small note with some clothes so I picked up the note and read it but I was stumped ...ULF .....ULF ...who is that ...?then it hit me ULTIMATE LIFE FORM it was shadow that had picked me up and I was in his house!! I picked up the cloths
"Well I guess I have to get out of these clothes before I catch a cold. I walked around his house trying to find the bathroom, thank god it was the first door I opened.i walked in and shut the door and I took off all my cloths and slipped on his.i looked at his sink and counter top and everything was really clean.
"I never thought of shadow as a germ freak"I said
I opened up the cabinet hoping to find a hair brush I could use but all He had were wraps and Band-Aids. I closed it. And walked out of the bathroom and sat back down in front of the fire. His clothes smelled so good,I brought it up to my nose and I was smelling it when I heard the door open and shadow walked in.

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