Chapter 10

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*mature content in this chapter

Amy's POV
I opened my eyes and looked around.we were back at shadows house I looked over at him and he smirked.
"So Im guessing  you need some different clothes " he said
"Oh yeah , I guess I do"
"You can help yourself to anything in my room, I'm going to run to the store and pick up some stuff, do you need anything ?" He asked
"No I don't think so " I said
"Okay I'll be back soon "he said as he left
Once he was gone I went into his bedroom and flipped on the lights. I walk over and open up his closet and picked out a shirt that looked comfy. Where are his pants I said to myself. I glanced around the room and found them,I walked over to it and grabbed one. He is so nice I thought to myself as I walked into the bathroom.

Shadows POV
I walked into the store, I just needed a few things. I walked to the food section and picked up stuff for breakfast in the morning. I glanced over at the bakery and got Idea, I walked over and picked out a little cupcake for my Rose. I began to wonder how she was doing.

Amy's POV
I got out of the shower and I changed Into the cloths I had grabbed. I walked out of the bathroom and back into his room,when is he going to be back I thought. I looked over at his night stand and opened it up hoping to find a magazine but instead I found box. I picked it up and started to read the box NO I screamed as I threw it down no no it can't be. My face became extremely red. I looked down to see that they had came out of the box and that they were all over the floor. I started picking them up and putting them back in. I can't believe I found shadows condo- I stopped myself as a heard to door open. I quickly finished putting them back in the box and I put it back where I found it.
"Hey Rose" he said as he walked In the room
"H-hey" I said
"You okay, your face is red" he said while giving me a weird look
"Yeah, I'm okay" I said as I walked over to him
"Alright if you say so" he said as he shrugged his shoulders
"Oh and I got you something, it's in the kitchen "he said as he into the bathroom
"Okay" I blushed a little,
I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulder I was so glad that he didn't see what I did. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen to find a cupcake sitting on the table.i smiled that's so sweet I thought to myself as I picked up it up. And took a bite out of it.
"Thanks shad!" I yelled
He walked up behind me and put his hands on my waist. My heart skipped a beat and I could feel my face getting red.
"You like it?" He asked
I nodded, I couldn't think of anything to say. I was focused on his hands. I wanted him to pull me in closer but he didn't.
My phone rang and he let go. I looked at the phone at it was sonic. I clicked the decline button and looked at shadow with a smile.
" I'm proud " he said with a smirk
" oh shut up " I said as I pushed him
" you don't mean that " he said looking in to my eyes
" yeah I know " I giggled
My phone rang again and I tossed it onto the Counter away from me.
"Sonic again?" He said, I shrugged
"I don't know and don't care. " I said moving closer to him
" I think I'm rubbing off on you" he smirked and moved my hair out of my face. I giggled a little and yawned.
"Tired ?" He asked
"Yeah a little, dealing with sonic has warn me out, sorry about that by the way. I guess he was just really jealous."
"It's fine, he just pisses me off and who wouldn't be jealous I'm the ultimate life form "
I laugh a little. He is confident but not in the bad way like sonic I thought
He walked over to the couch and sat down. I finished my cupcake and went over and sat on the other side .
I laid down and put my head in his lap and he started to run his hands through my hair. This is what love is supposed to feel like I thought to myself as I fell asleep.

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