Chapter 4: Not so Straight

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Nic's POV

Oh, hell yes. Tutoring after school with Natalie, all by ourselves. This was going to be good. Currently I was sitting in the lunchroom with my best buds, staring at Natalie from across the room. I knew she saw me staring by the way her cheeks flushed and she avoided all eye contact with me whatsoever. She even went as far as to put up a binder so she wouldn't accidentally look at me.

"Nic, are you listening?" I didn't take my eye off that light purple binder she had put up, simply waiting for her to peer over the top.

"Nope." I could hear  Kate roll her eyes before she followed my gaze just as Natalie peeked over the top by a bit, making a split second of eye contact with me before she disappeared down behind the binder again.

"Are you still trying to get in that girl's pants? Isn't she straight? Well, I mean, I've heard her scream it at you about a thousand times, so she must be." I shook my head at her words, finally turning to my friends.

"I'm not too sure about that, Kate. Just a few words out of my sweet, sweet mouth, and I swear, I could see that girl's panties dripping." Looking back over to Natalie and her binder, I grabbed a fry off the platter and nibbled on it. "And we have a study date after school."

Natalie's head popped over the top of the binder again, before disappearing once more. She was probably thinking why I wouldn't stop staring at her. That't because you're gorgeous, babe. I could stare at you all day long.

"I get the feeling that there won't be any studying, will there?" My smile was even wider as I turned back around towards Harper as she asked.

"Not if I can help it! I need a drink, anyone else?" After they all shook their heads, I stood and headed towards the vending machines. Which just so happened to be just a bit passed Natalie. I casually walked towards the vending machines, and in turn her, like I was just going to the machines, but I decided to pop by her table of friends.

"Hey there, babe, want a drink?" I placed my hands on her shoulders, leaning in close to her face from behind and whispering in her ear. She instantly tensed up under my hands before she shook her head diligently. Her friends were all staring at me, but I didn't care. I was with my babe.

"N-no thank you, I'm good..." I took a glance at the drinks on the table, making a mental note and then actually went to the soda machines. I quickly bought a can of Mtn. Dew and Dr. Pepper, grabbed the two cans, and began the trek back to my table. Without stopping, I set the can of Dr. Pepper in front of Natalie before opening the remaining can.

"Wait, how..." I could faintly hear Natalie behind me, but all I did was kept walking with a small smile playing on my lips. Just sat at my table and sipped my soda, her eyes on me. I didn't look, though I really wanted to, and eventually did, because it was Natalie, but she was no longer looking at me. She was sipping the can of Dr. Pepper, which just that alone made me smile as I ate some fries and drank my drink.

Oh, Natalie, how I could not wait for after school.


And I didn't have to wait long. After lunch I decided to tag along with Lily to drama instead of to my own boring math class. There was a sub since her teacher out on maternity leave for the rest of the year. It was a shame, since she was so nice, but if she was there, I wouldn't be able to skip my class with that class. The drama teacher knew me too well, since I "accidentally" spilled glitter all over the costumes the first year I was there, glitter's a bitch to get off clothes; especially costume lace.

You would think that it would be hard to pass off as another student in a class, but it really wasn't. The sub never looked up as he took the role, and I didn't have to do anything. Normally, if the sub was more observant, I would wait for a student that wasn't there to be called and take their place for the day. 

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