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Luca sat on Chris's bed with tears in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. After all they've been through in three years. He first noticed Chris was acting weird three weeks ago. He was being distant and now they barely talked. Luca tried to start conversation with him but Chris would respond with yes or no or just made a sound of acknowledgement. Luca first thought that was that Chris didn't love him. Chris was tough on the outside but on the inside he was a big softy, if he didn't love Luca any more he wouldn't tell him. He would try to spare his feelings and do things so Luca would break up with him. The thought that Chris was cheating never even crossed his mind but then he found a pair of panties in his draw and an earring under the bed. He's knew Chris went both ways. He liked girls and boys equally. After three years of having sex with a boy it made sense that he would get tired of having the same thing over and over again.

He wiped his tears from his eyes. He felt like he was gonna die. He thought they would be together forever. He knew now that he was wrong. He thought he would have one of those rare love stories. He's always love stories of high school sweethearts. His mom and his dad were highschool sweethearts. There relationship was strong back then and it was still going strong. He wanted what his parents have. He felt so stupid now. To think that he could have all that at such a young age. More than half of high school couples didn't last, he didn't know why he thought they would.

He stood up from Chris's bed and paced. He knew the events about to happen were going to big and emotional. He ran his hands through his hair and tapped his feet to calm all the emotions running through him. Pain, heart break, rage were just a few emotions running through him.

If Chris wanted to break up all he had to do was say so. He would be heart broken but he would understand. But to cheat on him was just the most heart breaking thing he could ever do. He can't believe that he didn't notice it earlier. Chris would leave at random times when they were together. He would leave immediately after getting a phone call from a private number. He just thought it was an emergency with a family member or something. He didn't give it much thought.

He stopped walking and looked at Chris's dresser where there was a three pictures of both of them. He felt more tears run down his face. He walked over to his dresser and ran his hands over the picture frames. He ran his hands over the dresser. Chris and him made it in workshop together last year. Chris did most of the work so Luca insisted he have it.

He opened the top draw and saw a black box nestled in between Chris's clothes. Curiosity got the best of him, he grabbed the box and opened in. He gasped as he saw a ring. It was a silver ring with three diamonds. He was about to look at the engraving that he noticed when he heard a voice behind him.

"What are you doing" Luca gasped and dropped the box on the floor.

The Nerd And The Jock (boyxboy) (Complete, Not edited)Where stories live. Discover now