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Chris stepped forward and gently grabbed Luca's wrist and stared into his teary green eyes.

"I'm sorry that you don't trust me enough that you think I would cheat on you" Luca looked at him incredulously.

"It's not like I just made the idea up Chris. I found an earring under your bed and panties in your draw. What was I suppose to think?!"

"You should of came to me and asked me, you know I would of told you the truth"

"Tell me the truth now. What was that earring doing under your bed"

"If you looked at the earring closely you would see that's the earring I bought my mom on mother's day. She came into my room on Wednesday to talk to me about visiting my dad and I guess her earring fell out"

Luca felt so stupid. He was caught up in the thought that Chris cheated on him he didn't pay attention to the actual earring. He helped Chris pick out that earring too because he had no clue when it came to jewelry or shopping for that matter. But that still didn't explain the panties.

"What about the panties?" He asked. Chris looked down and blushed.

"Um... I was gonna ask you to wear that" Luca looked at him confused.

"Why" Chris rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"I've always imagine you wearing them for me. I think it's sexy"

It was Luca's turn to blush. He really wasn't expecting that. He looked into Chris's eyes and saw nothing but the truth. Whenever Chris lied he wouldn't look him in the yes and right now he was looking him in his eyes with nothing but love. A thought suddenly came to his mind.

"What about the ring in your draw" Chris's eyes widen.

"You saw the ring?"

"Yeah... it was beautiful"

"I wanted to ask you at prom but that was ruined"

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay really. I'll just propose at a time where it will be a surprise"

"If I know your going to propose it won't really be a surprise"

"Trust me babe I got this"

"Do you now" Luca whispered as Chris came closer and closer to him.

"Yeah" Chris whispered before their lips met in the middle.

The sensation of Chris's lips against his own moving in synchrony with his was such a good feeling. They haven't kissed in over a week so he tried to savor it. Chris placed his hand on the back of Luca's neck, slightly deepening the kiss into a passionate one. It was calm and warm, Luca was sure he never felt any better in his life than he was feeling right now. He missed having this Chris. The quiet intimate moments.

"I love you much" Chris whispered. "I would never do anything to hurt you baby"

"I know that now. I'm so sorry I doubted you"

"You can make it up to me... over and over again" Chris whispered as he and Luca slowly backed up towards the bed.

"This is gonna be so much fun" Luca though before he fell back on the bed as Chris looked down on him fondly.

He couldn't believe he thought that Chris would cheat on him. He was gonna prove to Chris that he loved him. And that was gonna start tonight.

The Nerd And The Jock (boyxboy) (Complete, Not edited)Where stories live. Discover now