In The Future

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This chapter will be twenty-three years in the future.


Ryland yawned as he listened to his teacher Ms.Smith go on about the solar system. She's been talking ten minutes nonsense about Jupiter being the biggest planet and why Pluto wasn't considered a planet anymore. He could hardly stay awake much less listen to her monotone voice. He looked at the clock again and groaned. He had thirty more minutes.

He took out his sketchbook and color pencil out of his bookbag and laid them out on his desk. At random moments he would have a surge of inspiration so his dad bought him a pack of color pencils that contained 72 colors and a big sketch book with 250 pages. That created less problems at home because when he suddenly got those surges he would draw on any thing available. Which was the wall in his room, which was also replaced with walls that you could draw on and erase.

Thank God he had parents who could tolerant what teachers called his "mis-use" talent.

Most of the time he didn't know what he was drawing. His hand would just move over the paper. This time was no different. He picked out the colors mechanically. Red, green, a light shade of brown and tan.

His hands worked fast and quick over the page. His tongue sticked out. He looked up every second, the movement not even registering in his mind.

Twenty minutes later he was done. He stopped and looked at the paper which made him tilt his head in confusion.

On the paper was a boy.

Not really a boy. He looked to be around his age, maybe older. He had red hair and green eyes. He was stunning to say the least. His hair was slicked back but it didn't have gel it was natural. It wasn't straight either, it was wavy. His green eyes were a earthy color like the trees.

He drew a guy.

He didn't usually draw people so not only was it shocking but he also didn't know who the person was.

The bell rung bringing him out of his thoughts. He hurriedly put the color pencils back in his bookbag. He slung his back pack over his shoulder with his sketchbook in his hand.

He ran down the hall trying not to be late for his class which was all the way across the school.

He suddenly crashed into a hard surface making him land on his butt. He groaned in pain and rolled his eyes as he saw the contents in his book bag on the floor. How could that even happen when his back pack was close.

He started to stuff his things in his backpack.

"Let me help you" he heard a voice say above him. He looked up into eyes that were familiar which was weird considering he didn't know the person.

"Thank you" he replied gracefully.

After all his things were packed he lift himself off the ground.

"Thank you so much" he thanked the man.

"Your welcome"

Ryland stood there awkwardly looking at the ground.

"Shouldn't you be in class"

Oh...umm...yes" he blushed as he stumble over his words.

The man chuckled but didn't say anything. Ryland looked up at him and gasped.

It was him. The man in his drawing.

"Let me walk you to class" the man said snapping him out of his shock.


Ryland walked ahead with a million thoughts running through his head.

"This is it" he said awkwardly.

"Talk about coincidence. This is the class I'm teaching, I'm the new teacher Mr.Matthews"

Ryland stood rigid with eyes wide.

"What's your name" Mr.Mathews asked.


"You have a last name" Ryland blushed.

"Ryland Shah"

The Nerd And The Jock (boyxboy) (Complete, Not edited)Where stories live. Discover now