A new beginning?

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A/N sorry for any typos.


Jaylen sprinted out....again. He didn't want to see the face of the man that he loved. Still loves. The man that betrayed him for another guy. Why wasn't he good enough? What did he do wrong? He tried his best to be good for Drake. Apparently, he didn't do good enough. He was never good enough. Hell, he was the last one at the store. Why the hell did Drake even choose a worthless waste of time and space? He just wanted all of this to end.

He ran down the alley way and didn't look back. He refused. He sprinted until his lungs were on fire and his legs were giving out. He slowed down and eventually stopped as he found a dark place to sit and breathe. He curled up into a tiny ball and changed into his cat form. He was weak and being in his human form took quite a bit of energy. He mewed soft cries and began to fall asleep as big hands picked him up.

He didn't squirm, he didn't barely move. He just let himself be held.

"Shh baby, it's ok. I'm here, I'm so sorry for what I did. I hope you'll forgive me and we can talk about it when you wake up." Drake kissed the little kitten and Jaylen slept and purred. He was so exhausted and Drake's touch was just so warm and comforting, he just let himself melt into the river of heat in Drake's hands.

Drake did what he had to. He ran. He knew both of their masters would be chasing after them with anger and lust in their eyes, the satisfying thought of knowing that they'd punish them harder than ever if they caught them. Though Drake knew he'd do his best to make sure they were never found... Then Drake decided to rid Jaylen of these horrid memories. So, he drugged him. Yes it was a risk, but he didn't want him suffering. He didn't exactly know what the drug was or how much of Jaylens memory would be erased he just knew it had to be done. He crushed up the pills and mixes them with water, because he didn't have Jaylens juice with him, and he forced Jaylen to drink the drugged fluid.


Later Jaylen woke up, dazed. He didn't know where he was or what had happened to make him in that state. He began to over think, and he thought of worst case scenarios and this caused him to shake and whimper.

"Kitten?", he heard a voice call. Was that for him? It sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place it.. "Are you ok?", he saw a man walk in. Damn he was fine, why was he talking to Jaylen? Why did he care? Why was he so concerned? "Jaylen." Why did he know his name? He then realized that the man had stopped talking since he wasn't responding and there was a long pause.

"Uh..wh-what happened? ...where is Jaylen?", he asked the first questions that came to mind.

"Oh", the man chuckled, "well...what do you remember?" He thought for a moment. What did he remember?

"Uh..w-well", he croaked. "Jaylem 'members feeling sad and scurred. Is very fuzzy..I-I don't 'member!" He cried out, he was so scared. He didn't rember anything, and he didn't want to make the man mad, he didn't want to get beat. He began a to shake again, but this time it was more intense. The man grabbed him and held him in his arms.

"Oh, no. Shh shh. It's ok. You don't have to remember right now, but if anything does come up, do you mind telling me?", Jaylen shook his head, not knowing how else to respond. The man pet his head and kissed his cheek. He felt a warm tingling feeling was over him. He didn't know what it was, but he loved it. He thinks he's felt this way before, but again he doesn't know what it is or why he's feeling it. Just, when he looks at the man he feels that there's something special about him. Jaylen just shrugged it off, he was shaken up right now, so he'd just rest and ask about it later.

On the other hand, Drake had noticed that Jaylen would probably have to be re-taught about pretty much everything again...but Drake didn't mind. He just took this as a redo, a second chance, and he wanted to make it as perfect as he could for Jaylen. To make sure he was happy and secure.

A/N Oh my god. I have not updated in so long. I am so sorry. I really am, but hopefully you read my previous note. I hope you enjoyed this half-assed chapter.


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