12.30.15 - 2

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I laughed and got up from the dinner table.

"You know I'm right!" he stated.

"Yes, yes, I know." I reached into the pantry for the box of tea. "You won't be too calm either!" I realized.

He grumbled and agreed without words. I heard shuffling behind me, and then a hand was reaching in front of me, grabbing my tea bag.

"Let me do it for you, love." he offered quietly.

I nodded, and sat on the counter next to him.

"I couldn't imagine myself marrying anyone else, ya know? There's no one in this entire world that I would want over you." I proudly proclaimed.

"Oh, really?" he asked in his doubtful voice. I nodded and he asked, "what about Jesus?"

"Is Jesus physically walking the earth right now?" I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. "No, He is not. So, no there is no one on this earth that I would rather marry."

"Well, that's sweet of you to say." he said to me as he continued to watch the tea kettle rock on our warped stove top.

I raised my eyebrows again and didn't say a word.

"Oh, is this the part where I say it back?"  he played.

I yelled out and started laughing "Oh, whatever!", and jumped off the counter.

"No, no, little one." he said as he picked me up and placed me back on the counter.

"You know I'm joking. I love you much more than I love anything in the world." he smiled. "Is that okay?"

I nodded and smirked, "much better."

"Good." he smiled and kissed me as the tea kettle started singing.

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