Chapter 6: Letters to all of you

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Maki just got in to their house then she sit on the couch in tiredness then her father shown in where at she sitting and Maki glared at him in a piercing way "Did you tell them that you are going off this country tomorrow?" Maki's father asked. Maki nodded it when she is still glaring at her father "Yeah, Are you happy that you finally force me into this troublesome situation?" Maki said. Her father stand on the couch then he speak "Its not like I'm happy to that, because you are my daughter, you are growing up. I just force you to do this, because I want you to stop and quit to that idol things you joined" Maki's father answered.

After that Maki stand on the couch then she go to her room "I see, well I just accepted this because you just breaking my precious thing and when I'm gone don't you dare ruin or torn apart my members, if you dare do that I will not forgive you anymore if I knew that will happen" Maki warned to her father while she look at him in her deadly glare eyes.

After that Maki got in to her room and she packing and preparing the clothes, things, everything she bring on the airport. While she is preparing it someone knock on the door "Come in" Maki said. When the door open her mother shown up "Maki are you okay with this?" Maki's mother asked,, "Yeah" Maki answered,, "I'm sorry Maki I can't stop your father about this, I forcely to stop him but he really want to do this" Maki's mother said, Maki stare at her mother "Ooh okay, thank you Mama, you don't need to go that far" Maki said. Her mother came closer at her then she give a gloomy look at her daughter "How about your friends is they okay with this?" Maki's mother asked.

After she asked that to Maki, Maki got jolt at the question, her members suddenly came up in her mind that they are all crying to her and she saw Nico is catching her and Nico kneel at the gate and crying to her. Maki's eyes suddenly shown a tears and it slide on her cheek and she look down to hide her tears to her mother, her mother saw it then she hug Maki so softly "Its okay Maki, don't cry now my dear" Maki's mother said then she wiped all the tears of Maki. Maki clenched her teeth then she speak "I'm such a... liar, Mama" Maki said to her mother,, "Why did you said that? You didn't even lied to us" Maki's mother said then Maki say "I'm such a big liar... that I promise to them to stay with them mostly of her, but when this troublesome situation came... I just broke and ruined all of it" Maki said while she is sobbing.

Maki's mother patted her head to make Maki calm "Don't cry my dear, you can just take your revenge with all your lies that you compiled to them in the right time I'm sure they will forgive you" Maki's mother said. Maki stop crying at what her mother said to her then she smiled upon her mother "I'm okay now Mama, thanks for cheering me all the time or day" Maki said. Maki's mother smiled back at her sweetly "Maki prepare first the things that your bringing tomorrow" Maki's mother said. Maki nodded and she prepare all she need for tomorrow.

After she prepared it all she is so sleepy of tiredness then she yawn "Goodnight Mama, I'm going to sleep" Maki said,, "Okay Goodnight too my dear, sweet dream" Maki's mother said back then she kissed Maki's forehead before she leave the room. After that Maki got fell asleep and the other things that is bothering her is not been shown up in her mind.

On Morning at 7:58

Maki got woke up in her king sized bed and she walk through the bath to take a shower. After a quick shower she get one bread in their kitchen and she filled it a tomato flavor. After she eat it she wear a dress that she is wearing in airport, after she wear it her father accompanied her at the airport or her flight, she give a goodbye kiss and hug to her mother before she left the house.

After a few minutes

Maki and her father arrived in the airport "Goodbye my daughter" Maki's father farewell,, "Goodbye Papa, what I told you yesterday don't do that okay" Maki warned then she hug and kissed her father before she go to her plane.

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