Chapter 22: Masked/Forgiveness

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Everyone got shock when they heard about Nico and Maki's relationship "I'm goint to end our relation" Nico said. While they are having a conversation Nozomi recorded of all what Nico said, Nozomi patted Eli's shoulder as a sign of "Come on" Eli response in nod, "Oh! sorry for disturbing Nicochii, I and Elichii need to do something to the Student Council, so bye~" Nozomi said and they left. When Nozomi and Eli are outside the clubroom they run and split out they search around and they look for Maki.

Maki's P.O.V

I and Yuuki meet at the Shisutta Park. After spending time with her she farewell "Goodbye Maki-chan, see 'ya later" She said and leave. Yuuki is my childhood friend, at middle school we are always in the same class but right now is not, they moved to the other place which her and I made a very long distance. After our meeting I suddenly remember that we had a practice, so I run as I could to reach the school.

After a few minute I pant in front of the school gate it took many minute to reach this school. While I'm on my way, Nozomi is running toward me and she stop and panting in front of me "M-maki-chan" Nozomi said while panting. I got confused why was she running and come from me, then I ask her, I ask her in a stoic voice "What do you want?" but when I asked her, her phone rang and she answer it "Elichii?... Yeah... Don't worry about that, you can go now to the practice... Yeah sorry 'bout that bye" Nozomi answered to the phone.

After that she turn around and faced me "Sorry about that Maki-chan" Nozomi apologized, "About your question..." Nozomi added and she stopped her words. Aargh! I'm getting impatient here! "Just say it already!" I snapped. After that I saw her she's getting her cellphone and she came closer to me, she put her cellphone in front of us and she play something *beep* after she click it I got shock when I heard Nico-chan's lonely voice...

U's: Because?

Nico: Because... I'm going to break up with her.

My eyes got widened when Nico-chan is talking about our relationship. I got totally shock at what she said and felt a beartbroken.

Nozomi: W-what do you mean?

Nico: I..I'm going to end I and Maki-chan's relation.

After hearing that play record I look down and felt a heartbroken. My heart suddenly got fierce and broke like a glass by her. I pat Nozomi's shoulder "Thank you.." I said in my usual tone but mixed with lonely voice, then after that I walked pass her like nothing happen, I walked what I usually do but while I'm walking my tears suddenly fall from my eyes.

Normal P.O.V

After that Maki go to the changing room and she change her school uniform to her practice clothes 'How do I face her right now?' Maki said in her mind. After she changed, Maki go to the rooftop and she saw everyone was already there then Eli clapped her hand 1x "Okay everyone, since were complete, were doing a stretches" Eli announce.

Nico came to Maki and said "Hey! Your my partner, let's stre-" Nico stopped her word when Maki interrupt "Sorry...I can do it myself" Maki said and she started to stretches alone. Everyone got worried but they are continuing stretching, Nico got irritate so she came closer to Maki "Hey! What's 'ya problem?!" Nico snapped, "Nothing" Maki said while stretching but she use her usual tone, "Answer me directly!" Nico snapped causing to start their argument. Maki stopped stretching and she stand then she faced Nico "I told you its nothing! Didn't you hear?! or It's just an accident that you don't have ears?!" Maki snapped., "Tch! If I hear 'nothing' there's a reason for it! So tell it!" Nico snapped back.

Maki felt disappointed after their argument she got suddenly silenced and she turned back "Your... going to break up with me, right? and..your going to end our relation" Maki said then she back to stretching. After Maki said that Nico felt a shock "W-well, Nozomi might told you that, but to tell you the truth... I was just acting they didn't know that of course, they fall for that act was all a joke at all" Nico said. 

After Maki did hear that, her body suddenly freeze then she stand and faced Nico "W-what did you say?" Maki asked, "It was all a joke" Nico repeated, "Oh.. hahah.. It was all a..joke huh" Maki said but in a weird tone. After that Maki walked out and she passed Nico, when Maki passed Nico, Nico felt a weird to Maki. While Maki is walking she put a mask of smile on her face, when Maki came closer to Honoka, Maki join Honoka to stretch up with her then Honoka response in nod and agreed.

(After Stretches and Practice)

Nico poke Maki at the back then Maki turn around "Come with me" Nico said then Maki come with her. Nico go at the clubroom when Maki got in Nico close the door slowly, while their conversation Maki putted a mask on her face.

Maki: What's wrong?

Nico: That's my line on you.

Maki: Are you going to tell something? 

Nico: Yes. Actually.. You've been acting weird now

Maki: Am I?

Nico: *Clenched teeth and hand* Tch! Don't give me that damn answer! Answer me properly.

Maki: I'm answering properly.

Nico: Just what the heck is wrong with you?!

Maki: Why are you so mad? I didn't do anything bad.

Nico: Wear off that mask Maki-chan!

Maki: Hm? What mask?

After Maki said that, Nico suddenly clenched Maki's collar and she pinned Maki on the wall "Don't give me that kind of damn answer" Nico said. After that Nico's tears fall off in her eyes and she lean her head at Maki's chest "Your..acting know" Nico said while sobbing.

After that Maki felt sorry so she just hug and she pat Nico's head " made me idiot on that word" Maki said and she left. While Maki is leaving the clubroom, Maki suddenly felt a hug behind her from Nico "M-Maki-chan...please..come back" Nico said. Maki's eyes got widened and her mask tear off on her face, Maki's eye's was started to filled with tears in the corner of her eyes. 

After that Maki was trying to let go off to Nico, but Nico was forcely not to let go off her "L-let go off me!" Maki said while struggling, "I won't let go off you Maki-chan" Nico said. While Nico was forcely hugging Maki, Nico suddenly spit all the words she want to say Maki before they got to the clubroom "Maki-chan... I love you so much, I didn't mean to said all of that, if your angry with me just go ahead I won't regret it, because its my fault at all. Even you avoiding me I won't regret it too and I'm going to accept of what I deserved from you, Sorry for all what have I done to you so bad. I'm very sorry Maki-chan, I love you... and... Can you remove that Mask on your face? Show me your face was hiding on that mask in a long time" Nico said.

After that words Maki's eyes was started to filled with tears and she turn around to faced Nico, but when Maki faced Nico, she suddenly hug Nico tightly "Nico-chan... Thank you.. Me too, I love you too.. I will f-forgive you. Don't worry m-my mask.. was t-tear off.. on your words. I love you..Nico-chan" Maki said. 

After that Nico said straight to Maki an apologized "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Nico said while her eyes are watering. Maki hold Nico's chin and she take it up, when their eyes met Maki leave a mark of kiss at Nico's lips, after a short kissed Maki suddenly hug Nico "Stop it..I forgive you.. I love you...Nico-chan" Maki said then Nico hug Maki tightly and didn't let go at each others warm hug then they kiss while their eyes are tearing down.

After kissing, someone open the door and their bodies got freeze when someone caught them having a lovey dovey moment 

?: ... A-am I..interrupting?

Maki: ...!

Nico: ...!!

"... Sorry for interrupting" Nozomi said.

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