Chapter 14: This word is not Important

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"*Sigh* It's so fun to Get Together With these girls mostly Nico-chan" Maki murmured and closed her eyes as she fell asleep.

The sun rised up in the sky and its shine.

The U's members woke on the futon they sleeped "Good morning" everyone greeted, "Morning too" they greeted back.

Nico directly go to the bath to wash her face same as Maki did. after that Nico go to the kitchen to cook their breakfast "Nico-chan could you make me tomato juice that's my drink everyday" Maki ordered.

"Okay~" Nico said. They waited at the kitchen and they sit on the chair and chat a little while Nico is cooking. "Nico-chan what's our breakfast Nya?" Rin asked.

"Omelet" Nico answered. Everyone nodded as Honoka and Rin started to drool like a child "Rin-chan you don't have to drool like that" Hanayo said as she wiped Rin's drool with cloth.

"Honoka-chan~ you like a child to drool like that, your really excited" Kotori said as she did the same as Hanayo did.

"Okay everyone, the food is ready!" Nico yelled. "Waaah! Looks delicious" Everyone said except Maki. "What do you think Maki-chan?" Nico asked. "Not bad, you really a good wife, if you have a husband" Maki said and she blush a bit.

"W-W-WiFE!!!??" Nico snapped as it cause her to blush furiously. Maki got confused while the spoon is in her mouth "What's with that expression? I don't get you" Maki said.

"Ooh~ Nicochii look like to have a husband or wife like Maki~" Nozomi tenderly said. Maki blushed madly and Nico blushed pop out of blast "W-What are you talking about? Girls is no way can be married" Maki said.

"It's the truth, You can married Nico-chan as you want Maki-chan" Nozomi said.

After that they finished to eat their breakfast and took a quick bath to go to school.


After their practice Maki gave Nico a bottle drink and she sit beside Nico "Nico-chan I-I have something to tell you" Maki said the she look away.

"What it is Maki-chan?" Nico asked. Maki blush a bit and she stand "No, Nothing. Nothing's special on it at all, so Nothing" Maki said as she run to Eli.

What's with her? Nico taught. No! There's no way I'm gonna tell her, might she cry if I say it Maki taught.

Nozomi go to Maki and she poke her "Maki-chan is there something wrong?" Nozomi asked. Maki look at Nozomi with a fake smile on her face "No nothing, Nozomi, really nothing" Maki answered.

Nozomi and Eli look at Maki with a worried on their face "What's wrong with Maki, she's not even like this on that night, her moves and expressions are weird today" Eli said.

Nozomi nodded and she call Nico "Nicochii~ I think Maki-chan is weird today do you notice?" Nozomi asked. "Hm? What weird?" Nico asked.

Nozomi shook her head to her sides "No nothing at all, anyway forget what I say" Nozomi said. Nico nodded as she walk away with Nozomi and Eli.

Why am I pretending that I didn't notice it, even I noticed at all, I can't say it. My mouth can't open and say it Nico taught.


Maki go to the hospital wearing her uniform and she saw her father walking in the hallway "Papa!" Maki yelled.

Maki's father go to Maki "What are you doing here? You have a school today" Maki's father said. Maki look at her father with a serious look on her eyes "Papa, What's my condition?" Maki asked.

Maki's father accompany Maki to the room to check Maki's condition.


After that Maki skipped on her all class and go to the dressing room change then she go to the Rooftop, she saw her members look gloomy when she shown up, she saw her members are so happy to see her.

"Maki-chan! I thought your not coming here today, and Your absent of all the lessons Nya!" Rin said. "Let's start now the practice since were complete" Umi said.


Maki gave a drink bottle to Nico. Nico patted the ground as a sign of 'Sit Here' so then Maki did to sit.

"Maki-chan may I ask something?" Nico asked. Maki nodded then she drink the water she hold in bottle "Maki-chan... what are you going to say that day?" Nico asked.

Maki stopped drinking cause of what Nico asked her "What's with that I don't get it. I told you to forget" Maki said.

"I can't forget about it Maki-chan, since that night I didn't forget that, it took me a midnight cause of that, so that's why... what are you going to tell me? I know it's important to you to say it Maki-chan, just spit it out. And I know your not going back to that Paris. So say it, don't worry I'm here to listen whatever you say" Nico said.

Maki look down and she look at Nico's eyes with her tears falling "Nico-chan the truth is..... I-I have a... Worst Sick and... A c-cancer... my father said its on stage 2..., so Nico-chan Don't cry for me okay?" Maki said while she is sobbing.

"Eh?" Nico confused "That's... not... true. Maki-chan... there' no way you have a situation like that" Nico said.

When Maki said it Nico's eyes got widened as she said what she said and her tears started to fall from her eyes. Maki wiped it with her hand and she smiled.

"I told you to not to cry Nico-chan" Maki said. Nico got shock when she saw Maki's face "Why? Why do you have to smile like that Even you have a worst situation on you body!!" Nico snapped.

The other members got shock at it and they follow the noise to look who shouted then they saw Nico is crying and gripping at Maki's T-shirt and Maki's smile.

"I told you early Nico-chan, This words is not important" Maki said. Nico released her hand on Maki and say "Maki-chan you Idiot!" then she run off to the rooftop.



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