Chapter 26: Excuse

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"What if I suddenly gone and leave you?" Nico said.

Maki got shock at what Nico said to her after that.

'This is not what I expected' Maki though.

Maki push Nico a little bit away from her to face Nico, and then Maki think of it something to contradict the question of Nico or maybe something that she want to tease.

"Okay..Fine then. But!.. You must remember one thing if you do that" Maki was about to start a warn.

Nico look straight at Maki's amethyst eye and Maki did the same but she's~ glaring, Nico got confuse at Maki's look in her eyes and she started to ask.   

"What is it?" Nico asked.

"If you leave without a reason, then DON'T come back with an excuse!" Maki said.

Nico gulp and got sweat, but totally Nico was just asking that to Maki to be ready of what happening. Maki raised her right eyebrow and she smirk.

"Ueeh~? What's with that reaction Nico-chan? .. Are you afraid?" Maki started to teased.

When Maki said that with the melodious voice, Nico got sweat harder and nervous, she scanned around with her eyes and averting her look at Maki.

"Y-You're really s-strict to me M-Maki-chan huh..ahahaha" Nico said nervously.

Nico stood where she was sitting with Maki and she open the window to get the fresh air and relax herself. Maki smiled and she stand at the piano bench, Maki came at Nico's back and she put her arms at Nico's side to corner her.

"That's not the answer Nico-chan~" Maki teased.

Nico turn around and she look up then she face Maki.

"Okay.. I'm scared on what you warned, but totally I'm not leaving you. Didn't we have a promise that 'Don't leave each others behind/alone and Don't tell lies'? So that's why I'm going to stay by your side Maki-chan" Nico said.

"I must the one who's saying that to you.. Nico-chan" Maki said with her soft voice

Maki smiled at what Nico answered, same as Nico, then after that she felt a lips on her's, it was a kiss from Nico. Nico smiled at her happily, but Maki's smile was ...weird.

>Meanwhile at the Clubroom<

Umi was tapping her finger to her crossed arms, the members inside the clubroom was looking at her and everyone suddenly got jolt at their seats when they feel the dark aura filling the clubroom.

"... Why are they taking too long?" Umi asked.

"Ahh..Errr.. Maybe their just making a song or music to the lyrics" Eli said.

"Then, why is Nico there?" Umi asked once more.

"M-maybe Nico-chan was just helping Maki-chan to make it, to.. make it faster" Honoka said.

"In an hours left?" Umi contradicted.

Everyone got silence when Umi said that, then Nozomi speak and break the silence filled inside the clubroom.

"Maa~ Maa~ Let's just take them some time or fun" Nozomi said.

In a few minutes they saw someone was coming at the clubroom, it was Maki and Nico.

"We're here!" Maki and Nico said.

"Welcome back" Nozomi said.

"Well~ How's the song go?" Eli asked.

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