C H A P T E R 3

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"I, Lee Youngyi, take you, Park Jimin, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part," I uttered. Jimin was looking at me the whole time and it bothered me so much.

"You have declared your consent before the church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen," The priest said.

Why did I agree to this anyway?


Everybody cheered for us and I just wanted to hide behind him because i'm not used to all this attention. "Don't be nervous," Jimin whispered.

I don't want him to talk to me, but his voice calmed me down.

He told me not to be nervous, so I sat on one of the chairs and drank Soju with my father- which was not exactly a good idea. I looked around and saw Jimin talking to some of his friends. I saw an old woman walking over to our table. "Oh? Grandmother? You're here?!" I smiled, then quickly hugged her. "Ah~ You've grown up so much." She said.

"I missed you so much!" I hugged her tight. "Too tight!" She said, patting my back, and I chuckled.

"Congratulations," She smiled, and I just nodded.


We've been drinking for.. I don't know, like, 2 hours? And i've drank 4 bottles of Soju so far. The rest of the time.. well, we were chatting.

"Young-Youngyi? What happened to you?" Jimin approached our table. "She never drinks. This is her first time drinking.. I think you should let her," My father said.

Yeah, Jimin. You should just let me.

"Yeah, yeah.. i'm.. i'm fine.." I said shooing him away. Jimin walked over to me. "Wait for me here. I'll say goodbye to everyone," He whispered, but I ignored him.

A few minutes later, he walked over to where I was again. "I said goodbye to everyone even though I know that you don't care." He said. "W-what? No! No.. I.. I totally care.. yeah, I care." I laughed, shutting my eyes slowly.

"You're so dumb." He mumbled, carrying me. "What now? I want to sleep.." I groaned. "Go to sleep, you ugly peasant," He whispered. What? 'Ugly peasant'?

I flicked his forehead. "Don't! You have no right.. don't call me that.." I yawned. "Just go to sleep, i'll take you home." He said. "No, you might take me elsewhere." I pointed at him. "I don't trust you," I added.

"What, you want to sleep here, then? Pabo." He rolled his eyes. I ignored his question and just closed my eyes.


I woke up with the sheets over me. I looked around. This isn't my room. I suddenly felt my head ache and my stomach grumble. I saw Jimin sleeping on the couch. I walked towards him and just stared at him.

I was still wearing my dress. He didn't do anything, and that's good. "Jimin," I whispered, poking his forehead. He groaned.

"Go sleep on the bed. I'm awake." I said, touching my forehead as I wince. His eyes slowly opened and he immediately sat up. "Why? What's wrong?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"I'll be right back.." I said, running to the bathroom. I threw up on the sink as I heard the door open. I wiped my mouth. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should've brought you home earlier," Jimin said. He took out a hair clip and tried to ponytail my hair. I threw up again while he was rubbing circles around my back.

"Wait here," He said, walking out of the room. Of course, where could I possibly go? He got back holding a tablet and a glass of orange juice. "This will make you feel better. Drink it." He ordered, and I nodded.

We walked back to the bedroom. "You have all of your new clothes here," He said, pointing at a closet. "Go change," He said, walking out of the room.

I opened the closet. "Wow," I gasped. I picked out a black hoodie and white shorts. I ponytailed my hair and walked downstairs.

I saw Jimin in the kitchen. "Are y-are you trying to cook?" I asked. "This food is mine. Go cook for yourself." He responded.

"Fine. Enjoy your burned eggs!" I laughed. I cooked on the other stove and he watched me cook. I placed the eggs on the plate after cooking and handed the plate to him.

"Here," I said. "What?" He asked. "I'll cook again. Just.. just eat." I said, pushing him away. He took the plate and placed it on the table. He grabbed my wrist. "Eat with me. You didn't eat last night, pabo."

"Was I that drunk?" I asked him. "I heard that it was your first time drinking?" He asked, and I just nodded.

"And yet you didn't limit yourself, you punk," He touched my forehead. "You should rest," He said. "We have to go to school tomorrow," I said.

"That's an order. Go rest,"

marrying your ex _ p.jiminWhere stories live. Discover now