Chapter One - New School

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Looking down, I fixed the purple and black tie that hung loosely around my neck. I was glad, purple and black seemed to suit me well, with the fact I'm as pale as early morning snow. It was winter, and I was starting a term late at my new school. I stood in front of the mirror, tightening the knot slightly.

'Come here' Dad said, pulling the knot up to just below my neck. Not only was it choking me slightly, I felt uncomfortable. And I couldn't ask him to do my tie every single morning. This was my time to show I was grown up.

'I'm fine' I said, pulling down the knot and pulling my hair back into a loose ponytail. My hair was a dark, cherry black. But it was completely natural, and made me look even paler.

I straightened my white shirt down, pulling the sleeves down just below my elbows as I walked back into my bedroom. I'd opted for trousers, because the wind had decided to pick up, and was like tiny icy daggers hitting my face. My cheeks went a little pink so I shut the window, but looked up at the white blanket of clouds.

'It's going to snow' I sighed, piling some books into my simple, black bag.

I brushed on some eyeliner, seeing as my face would look drowned out by my dark hair without it. It was the only make up I wore. I pulled on my glasses and brushed my hair, humming slightly. I always hummed when I brushed my hair, because it was so thick and took forever to manage. I placed the brush down on the table and pulled my blazer on. I looked into the long, thin mirror on the landing and smiled. For once, I wasn't concerned about my weight. I messed with a slight curl in the front of my hair. It was cherry red, the only bit that ever caught the sun.

Pulling my bag over my shoulder I jogged downstairs, almost tripping over the last step. I was so clumsy, I could trip over thin air. You'd think these glasses would enhance my sight, but they didn't. I had deep brown eyes, with a red tint to the edge. I sighed and sat down at the table, drumming my fingers on the wooden surface. I just wanted to go. I wanted to make some new friends instead of being cooped up like a chicken in here.

I looked over at Shani, my younger sister. Who coincidentally looked nothing like me. I always said that. She had curly, blond hair with sapphire eyes that shone like pools in the sun. She scowled. I just shrugged and looked at the clock as the seconds passed at what seemed to be a slowing pace. And the ticking noise seemed to pound in my head. As it came to be 7.59am, I stood up.

'I'm off' I yelled up the stairs. I knew Dad had gone back to bed after he woke me up. And Shani would spend all day whining to get attention. Like she always did.

'Spoilt brat' I muttered under my breath, picking up my bag from the stairs. It wasn't as heavy as I thought, but my friends from my old school just said I was weirdly strong for a girl. I was, but I didn't care. It just made me, more me I guess. I'd have to get used to being called a different name again, seeing as I changed it when I go to school.

I picked up the large set of keys from the side and walked out, locking the door behind me. It was black, and number 13. Which spooked Shani out for a few years. I laughed every time I pictured her face scared. She acted like a porcelain doll most of the time. No expression except for that scowl she always threw my way whenever I dared to speak.

She made my blood boil sometimes. Made it warm and fume around my body.


I sat down in the large canteen with the rest of my year. We were all new, and I was pretty sure we were the only school who decided to open in winter instead of autumn. So we were all freezing and pulling our blazers closer to hopefully stop catching hypothermia. I pulled out a book and read, waiting for a teacher to walk down. A guy sat next to me looked at the cover curiously.

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