Chapter Twelve - This is called Sweet Revenge

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I sat up, breathing heavily and looking at dad, then at Zack who was sitting next to him. I looked at them both again before looking over to my door and gulping. My breathing was fast and I shook and held dad's hand tight. I didn't know what any of that meant and I didn't want to know.

'What did you see?' Dad asked, looking up at me and then up at Zack. He looked worried whereas Zack looked uninterested and was leant up against my wall.

'There was this school. And these three people, two guys and a girl. The girl had red hair I think? I can't remember. And the guy walked her to class then the other guy started to cry and said something about getting him back. Then I woke up' I spoke fast, stuttering as I tried to remember the details.

With this dad looked up at Zack, not speaking but almost as if they were speaking in their minds. Zack rummaged in his pockets and pulled out a black wristband. He sat on the bed and put it in my lap.

'Was the girl wearing this?' he asked, holding the wristband up to my eye level. I ran my finger over the writing and tried to work out what it said. The writing had faded and the faint outline read 'LOVE'. I nodded.

'She was wearing this and a few others' I replied, not knowing why he had the wristband.

'She gave that to me not you' Dad sighed, suddenly realising that as a matter of fact the guy in the dream did get his revenge. He pulled Zack outside the door and shut it, holding him by the neck up to the door.

'You made the bond with Wednesday to get back at me for supposedly stealing Scarlet. You knew she liked me anyway! Because you can't have her you're taking Wednesday away from me, aren't you? And how dare you give her Scarlet's ring! She doesn't know that me and you fought for her mother! And even after she's dead you still want revenge for that one day in high school four hundred and fifty years ago. You sadistic, selfish idiot' Dad growled, smashing Zack's head against the wall.

'Well, for one she was going out with me at the time that you decided to pull her away. Two Wednesday looks exactly like her mom, despite the hair colour which she unfortunately inherited from you. Three, I promised I would get you back so this is just fulfilling that promise. Four, that ring is very beautiful, you have a good taste in jewellery. Five, I know she's dead, I went to her funeral remember? Even after you tried to throw me out. And finally, you can't stop me this time Vladdy' he smirked, knowing that nickname made dad fume with anger.

I covered my ears to drown out the shouting that echoed through my head. I didn't know what they were arguing about but it seemed like something to do with the dream I'd just explained. I pulled the wristband onto my wrist and hid under my duvet. Maybe they'd stop arguing. But they didn't. I heard them run outside, still shouting as the door slammed. The ghost girl appeared next to my and took a hold of my wrist, looking at the black band.

'This was mine you know?' she smiled.

'No. I didn't' I sniffed. 'Sorry'

She looked strangely familiar to me, her hair, her eyes, everything.

'Can I ask you a question?' I asked, turning to face her. She smiled and nodded, her lips a pale pink. 'Of course' she replied.

'Who are you, to me?' I asked, looking down. She tilted my head up and looked in my eyes, her hand like ice on my skin. She was as white as paper and her makeup was perfect. Her hair was down again but it was dead straight.

'Well. My name was Scarlet Lily Dracula. Dracula was the name I took when I got married, see?' She smiled, pulling her hair into a bun and pointing to a silver ring with a large black gem on it. She had no bite marks on her neck and she was smiling, her smile seemed almost basked in memories.

'But that must mean that you're my mum? Where did you go?' I asked, holding back tears as she played with a gold locket.

'Well. You've had the dream already when you saw your dad swap me for his job and most importantly, you. After that they took me away, to a castle if I can remember right. They looked after me for about two months. And then I was set an execution date, and then executed.' She sighed, showing me a pale pink line that ran around her neck.

'Why did they kill you, and who did?' I sat up, shutting the door.

'Well. It was in a large room, almost like a dining hall. The walls were covered in tapestries and portraits. They threw a hood over my head but from what I can remember hearing they let one person hold my hand as they, well, killed me. He was the guy I loved before your father, but his punishment was not death, it was to watch me die. He said he'd never get over me and held a grudge against your dad ever since' she continued.

'I-It was Zack, wasn't it?' I gulped, after linking what she said to my dream and the argument.

'Zack? Well, it might be. My memories are hazy. You can't tell your dad that you can see me though, he would be distraught because he is still grieving. They only told him they'd take me away, so when he heard they'd killed me he went into a kind of denial. He surrounded himself with false company. I was always with you as a baby, so he didn't know how to look after you. He tried his hardest. But with all the stress of the council, it's shortened his life span'

'I should never have shouted at him' I chocked on tears, trying not to let her see me cry.

'It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. Just don't ever fall in love, it rips you apart. And because I was human, you're only a half vampire. So the question as to whether you will live forever is unanswerable. You won't need blood to survive. I have to go now, sweetie. Stay safe' she smiled, planting a soft kiss on my cheek before vanishing.

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