Chapter Eight - First Blood

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I didn’t feel well at all. It felt as though my stomach was doing somersaults and I was ghostly pale. I ached all over and now felt it hard to move, so I stayed in bed. My eyes were completely black and all I wanted to do was sleep and throw up. I groaned and snuggled into the blanket, sighing. It really felt as if I was going to just drop dead. I was freezing and refused to eat or drink anything.

‘This isn’t good’ Dad sighed, placing his hand on my forehead. ‘This is what happens when you don’t drink blood for ages. You go like this then you’

‘Die?’ I mumbled, clutching my stomach and sobbing slightly as pain trickled down my spine like stinging rain.

‘Yeah. Right. You need to do what I tell you ok? I’ll bring someone up’ he sighed, running down the stairs. The thumping noise of my heart boomed in my ears. I shut my eyes as the room started to spin, swirling around in a never ending loop.

I opened my eyes to see him and a young woman. Her purple hair was tied up so I had full view of her neck. She looked petrified and his eyes were fixed on me.

‘I ran to the house. They said you need to drink blood. You know what you need to do’ he sighed, pushing her forward. Strangely she didn’t fight back; it was like she was in a trance. She just sat down in front of me, but I was too weak to even sit up.

‘I-I can’t’ I mumbled, my words stuttering as I tried to speak.

But then it felt as if I was possessed, like my actions weren’t in my control. The next thing I felt was blood hitting my mouth. My eyes were shut so I couldn’t tell what I was doing, but I heard a faint scream. But as soon as I tasted the blood it felt like I couldn’t stop. And my actions seemed less like my own. After a while I felt myself fall back onto my bed and fall asleep.


‘Let’s get you cleaned up’ dad said, helping me up from my bed. He was smiling slightly and started wiping at my face with a flannel. I stayed silent as it hit me as to what had just happened, or as to what I just did. I looked down and played with my hands that were a slight crimson colour. A huge wave of guilt bubbled through me and I felt like I was going to be sick all over dad.

‘Come on. You need to say something’ he sighed, wiping my hands with the red flannel that he held between his hands. I felt like a child that had accidently smashed a jam jar, but that wasn’t anything compared to what had happened. Maybe I’d go to prison. I didn’t feel like me.

‘Ok. I’ll get you some coffee’ he said, ringing the flannel in the sink and helping me back to my bed, where I sat still shaking in shock. I shook into my duvet, rocking back and forward slightly. I couldn’t speak, it was like the words were jammed into my mouth and refused to be spoken. They choked me, making me feel sick inside. I think coffee would make me feel a tiny bit better, but I doubted that even the sweet caffeine could brighten my mood. I just felt depressed, more now than I have ever felt before.

I held the mug between my hands, not noticing I had been holding it for so long it’d gone stone cold. I placed it on my table, and sat back down in the spot where I’d been sat for an hour and a half now. It was nice, warm and cosy, all the feelings I never felt. I know I’m repeating myself, but it was like my mind was on loop. I tried to think of myself as I was. Not like this. Just thought of my name over and over in my head.

Wednesday Catherina Ophelia Shadow Dracula

The most gothic name I’d ever heard. I didn’t use it at school because people would jump to conclusions as to who I was. The only people who know are family and close friends. Mike only knows my first name, but at school he’d still call me Natalie. Even though he was a wolf, he still was my Mike. I loved him like I would any other person. What you were didn’t matter.

I looked over at the mug and sighed. I didn’t feel like I wanted to drink anything. I felt sick, like I was just waiting to explode. I looked over to see Mike chatting with dad in the doorway, occasionally looking over at me. I couldn’t make out what was being said because they were speaking quietly, but whatever it was it was about me. Mike’s eyes were the deep sapphire shade they went when he was upset, and he turned on his heels and ran out, slamming the door, I’d presume.

‘You can’t waste your time with wolves. They’re bad stock’ he sighed, tipping the cold coffee down the sink. I watched at the liquid swirled down the drain.

‘They’re not. Just because you don’t like them. Don’t mess this up for me’ I sighed, this being the first sentence I’d spoken to him today. And I added to it in a quiet mumble.

‘I think I love him, dad’

He almost choked on the air as he heard me say that. I forgot he had good hearing.

‘You are not to speak with him again. You understand? Anyway, you’re going out with Zack today, remember?’ he growled, slamming his fist against the door, thus making me jump slightly. The one thing I wanted to do was sleep, I’d see him tomorrow anyway, it’s Christmas Eve today and I planned to catch up on some sleep. I hated Christmas, but it wasn’t as bad as Halloween. I hated holidays. Except Easter, I quite liked all the chocolate I got.

I opened the door to see Zack, leaning against the doorframe with a lit cigarette in his mouth. He always smoked wherever he could. I coughed slightly at the smoke and opened the door wider. ‘Before you come in you’re gonna have to put that out’. He sighed and stamped on it, watching the embers disappear.

He walked inside, giving me a chance to see what he was wearing. A black t-shirt with a skull pattern on the side, but it was hidden by the hoodie he was holding. Denim jeans and green converse, and he’d finally decided to wear a lip stud, one with a smiley face on the stud part. His black hair had green ends and red, alternating in patterns. His eyes were still emerald green, and he seemed to blush around me. I always forgot he could read my thoughts. And this was going through my head:

Oh my God. Oh my God. He’s gorgeous. Perfect actually. He couldn’t physically get any hotter. Wait, he can hear me! Sorry. I’ve just embarrassed myself.

I looked at him again before looking down and turning my phone off. Any texts from him would just make me burst out crying, so I just turned it off and ignored it. I wouldn’t have people caring enough to text me anyway. We were only going to get some food anyway, even though I didn’t feel like I could eat anything.

‘I’m not that hungry’ I sighed, looking up at him as he bit the sleeve of his hoodie, like he always did when he was nervous.

‘Just had your first blood right? You won’t want anything to eat for a few days. I was the same’ he smiled, sitting down next to me. ‘I know how it feels’

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