Chapter Twenty-Six - Tension

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I sat opposite Dad at the kitchen table before I went to school, but I looked down for the entire time. He wasn’t interested in conversation anyway, he was reading a large newspaper that hid his face. I took a sip of my cup of coffee then stood up with my bag in my hand. Today was going to be a difficult day because of what might happen, and also it made me shiver how calm someone could be with the fact there might be a giant massacre today.

‘I’m going to school now’ I sighed as dad put his newspaper down on the table. I didn’t bother looking at the news because I had bigger things to think about. The guy I sit next to in all of my lessons, the werewolf, could possibly kill me today. I couldn’t really focus on anything else.

‘Have a nice day’ he shrugged, still reading his newspaper. I sighed and grabbed my keys, holding them so tight in my hand that my palm started bleeding. I walked down the road with my headphones in, trying to take my mind off it. I wrapped my palm in a piece of cloth and tied it, flexing my fingers to check it wasn’t tied too tight. I walked through the gates and took the green headphones out, shoving my iPod into the darkness that was my school bag.

I avoided people that morning. I don’t know what came over me but somehow I felt unsafe around anyone. Jim walked over but I turned away and held my arm. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, but I just shrugged and teared up. I walked into the main entrance and opened my locker, throwing my gym kit in there and then walked to my first class which was science. I sat down at the desk and took out my books whilst everyone else sat down around the classroom. Mike sat next to me and took out his books, but I stayed silent and looked away from him.

I scribbled down the notes from the board quickly and messily into my yellow book and rested my head on the desk, covering my ears at the same time. I pushed Mike’s hand away from me and he sighed.

‘I don’t see what I’ve done’ he muttered. ‘But whatever it is just get over it because I haven’t done anything. God you overreact sometimes’ he added, muttering to himself under his breath but I could still hear him, his words were crystal clear. I let the tears roll down my cheeks; they stung because I had spent the night crying as well.

The class drew to an end and I kept my head on the desk. The teacher collected everyone’s books in and stood at the front. She walked over to me once more. ‘Stay behind please’ she whispered as the class left for their free period, and I was stuck talking to a teacher who practically hates me. I sat up and wiped my eyes, sniffing. I looked around to see that everyone had gone and it made me feel worse.

‘What’s wrong hun?’ she asked, pulling a stool in front of my desk so she sat opposite me. She took her hair down and took her lab coat off. I shrugged and sighed, looking down again. I wanted to just blurt out everything but I decided that staying quiet was the best thing. I sat silent and she collected the sheets in. I sensed something familiar about her; I don’t know what it was though.

‘You’re worried about what she said last night aren’t you? Because Mike is a wolf’ she muttered, but I could hear it.

‘How did you know that Miss?’ I asked, my mouth open from shock. She turned around and smiled, her fangs showing. I gulped and shuddered slightly as she sat opposite me again, I never realised vampires could be anywhere and have any job. I nodded and looked down, then at the empty seat next to me. ‘He won’t hurt me, will he?’ I asked, worried about whether mike would actually hurt me. She shook her head and smiled, opening a PowerPoint for her next class.

I ran out of the gates, my head pounding with lots of different voices talking. I held my ears and walked forward, my head down. I bumped into someone and looked up at her, but her face was obscured by a large hat and overcoat. I looked down at her stake and swallowed, grabbing it quickly from her grip and running fast. I held the large wooden stake close to me as she ran after me, and I twirled it between my fingers when I figured she had stopped running. I stabbed at the air and gasped as Zack caught the end in his hand.

“Zack look I’m sorry!” I stuttered, trying to pull it from his grasp. He slapped me and I fell to the floor, but this angered me more. I showed my fangs as a warning and bit down onto his arm and he dropped the stake. It narrowly avoided my arm and I growled, knowing it was kill or be killed right now. We fought for a while and I tried to keep the stake pointing away from us both but as I went to elbow his ribs it happened. I hear the pointed end of the stake crunch through bone.

I shook and pulled away as Zack held the stake that was embodied in his chest. The wound was bleeding heavily and he had gone completely pale, his eyes a bloodshot red and his body shaking. I covered my mouth in shock and tried to pull the stake out but he pushed me away with his hands that were a dark red from the blood. His eyes looked sorrowful and tears flooded his cheeks. I held him up as he fell weak and lied him down gently on the pavement, sobbing uncontrollably. He held my hand weakly and sighed, shutting his eyes. I shook my head and shook him but he faded slightly. I looked up sobbing with blood down my front, arms and hands and my gaze shot to the door. Dad had seen the whole thing. I picked up my bag and blew a last kiss to Zack before running full speed down the road.

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