Chapter Nine - Christmas, Hooray

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As I heard the snow hit the window, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. December 25th if I'm correct? Yeah, I heard voices downstairs, unfamiliar ones. The whole family came round for Christmas. I just wanted to get away, this wasn't the happy holiday it was made out to be. Normally I'd be happier but considering the fact I now had basically grown up, it was just boring. I stood up and pulled my dressing gown on, nuzzling into the warm of the fuzzy material. I tied the sash tight and slipped into my fuzzy slippers, sitting back on the end of the bed. I'm just going to wait here till I'm forced to go downstairs, or before Shania jumps on my repeatedly until I 'woke up'.

'Hey sleepyhead, you going to wake up?' I heard a voice say, rubbing my hair. I shook my head and pulled the blanket over my face, laughing under my breath. I found it funny that I was awake, just pretending to be asleep.

'Fine then. I'll just tell Zack he can't see you' she smiled, standing up and walking towards the door. I sat up, waving my hands.

'I'm awake! I just don't fancy seeing everyone, except you Aunty Indigo' I smiled, looking at the woman by the door. Dad's younger sister, and true to her name she had indigo hair and matching colour eyes.

She was like me, she wore jeans and band shirts, her wrists stacked up with different neon wristbands. She smiled and handed me a tiny purple box, sitting on the bed next to me.

'It's not illegal to open presents y'know' she joked, looking down at the box and hinting for me to open it.

I smiled and opened it, pulling a tiny silver necklace from the purple box. It was a heart shape with a tiny black gem in the middle, with the word Love written down the side. I smiled and pulled it on, clicking the clasp at the back. It shone as I placed it flat and hugged her tight.

'Thank you so much. It's perfect' I grinned, pulling away as she helped me up.

'It's ok. Now please come downstairs, everybody wants to see you. Seeing as you've grown up so much. Please' she pleaded, looking into my eyes.

'Fine, just let me get dressed ok?' I laughed, looking down at my dressing gown and fuzzy slippers.

She smiled. She hadn't been in the direct bloodline, so she didn't have to face the role dad did. It always went to the eldest child anyway, which happened to be me. I wondered what it would be like when I grow up if I'd have been normal. I'd have a nice, normal job and friends, have a nice easy life. Tattooing. My ambition. But no, I'd face endless admin work about distant relatives, run the council, and have no free time whatsoever.

I pulled on a jumper and some jeans, still wearing the necklace I'd just received. It truly was beautiful. I knew she made jewellery but it'd always been beads or something, but this was perfect. I probably wouldn't get any other presents. And I'd have to help make dinner, for around 100 people. 100 hungry vampires.

I hid behind dad. 'I don't know anyone here!' I whispered into his ear, looking around at the crowd of people that I didn't recognise at all. I recognised Zack, Frankie, Dad, Shania and Indigo but nobody else. So I hid.


I walked past the various kennels in the dog shelter, melting at the cuteness of the dogs I passed, the countless puppies. I smiled and knelt down as I found a German Shepherd puppy, looking at its soft fluffy fur. Its eyes were shut and it padded to the front, nuzzling into my hand. 'She's so cute' I smiled, looking up at Dad with the look of 'Please let me keep her' in my eye.

'Well, it is Christmas. So I suppose' he smiled, filling out some forms.

'Yes!' I screamed, smiling. I loved dogs, but up until now he'd said I wasn't allowed one, and a dog would keep me company. I picked up the puppy delicately and held her gently in my arms. 'Biscuits' I smiled, stroking her softly. Her sandy coloured fur nuzzling into me.

'What do you mean, biscuits?' he asked, handing over the money to an oblivious girl behind the counter. Her headphones blocking out any speech.

'Biscuits. That's what I'm calling her. I told you all this when I was five, looks like you never actually listened. Why did you finally let me have a dog?' I asked, looking down at the puppy I held gently on my arms, her tiny paws on top of my hands.

'Because you need some company I guess, seeing as you only see Zack occasionally and you can't speak to Mike.' He sighed. I walked out, not looking behind me and walked into the nearest pet shop. I bought a neon pink collar and some food, paying for them out of the money I'd saved up. I pulled the collar around her neck, loosening it so it didn't choke her. She jumped up at me, her paws digging into my shins. 'No jumping' I sighed, taking the plastic bag from the counter. I pushed my wrist through the handles and held the end of the lead, walking out of the shop. It was the only shop opened on Christmas day, so I picked up the magazine from the doorstep and walked home, holding a large bag of dog biscuits.

I smiled and watched her bound around on her tiny legs, darting around the mass of people. The heating was on full blast so the house felt like a sauna. Zack smiled and picked her up, nuzzling his nose against hers, the fur tickling his rosy cheeks.

'Hey biscuits!' he smiled 'You ready for some food?' he asked, nodding towards the kitchen and placing her down, watching as she ran around in circles. I yawned and walked into the kitchen, followed by him. I prepared all the vegetables, chopping the carrots fast.

'I won't go anywhere. You can let go of my waist' I laughed, placing my hands over Zack's as he held his arms around my waist. I smiled and placed the carrots into the saucepan and turned around. 'Move. Please' I asked, taking his arms away. He pouted ever so slightly.

'Aw. But I've seen how you act around that Mike guy. Even though he's a wolf. Must admit, wolves are usually ugly but he's ok. Not as good looking as me though?' he sighed, moving my fringe away from my eyes. I didn't want to answer because I was being thrown between two people that I liked equally. And being a wolf made no difference. That stupid war was over, and had been long before either of us was born. We shouldn't need to fight, but stereotypes ruled our worlds.

'Erm. I guess not' I sighed. Mike had nicer eyes and an overall nicer personality. But Zack was like me, and that was the only thing that other people thought mattered. I held his arms and smiled.

'Do you actually like me? Or who I am?' I asked, looking up at those emerald eyes.

'You. You're amazing' he answered immediately, not even stopping to think. 'You are just perfect and beautiful. I don't care who your dad is' he looked down, I sighed and walked out, looking at dad. For some reason I passed out, I couldn't see or think anything.

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