Chapter Two - All Star

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I think it’s sad to say it, but I really miss school. My friends, my family, the work and the way it made me feel normal. Here I felt awful because I’d ripped Mike away from his family and made him protect me. I know he used to like me but by now he hates me. Usually I’d run back to Zack but, yeah. I quickly scribbled down random facts about myself on the job application and tapped the pen off of the table, debating whether to write ‘I’m a VAMPIRE!’ at the bottom. Would get me points for originality I guess. I heard Mike walk down the stairs and slid his cup of coffee towards the empty chair. He scoffed and walked back upstairs, forcing tears to well up in my eyes.

7 days left before I become a monster. Well in theory it should be nine because it takes two days. From what Zack showed me, how he was chained up and his skin ripped under the heavy steel chains, how it felt like second death. Being shredded apart and venom running through your dry veins. How your heart dies. The whole body systems change, so that it can digest blood and flesh instead of normal food. Pale because no blood flows through your body anymore and walking dead. I placed a hand to my chest and felt the thumping heart beats that occasionally faded. My breaths would stop sometimes as well, but I didn’t notice anymore. Luckily the whole ‘no meat’ thing had stopped the transformation for a few days; I would’ve turned by now. I know I acted like a vampire before and drank blood, but that was because I was half, not full.

Please let me have a second chance...

“Who am I kidding? I’m applying for a dead end job, in a life that will end in seven days, living with a guy who would let me sit waiting for my ‘family’ to come to kill me. Just to prove to him, I’ll show him the pain I will go through. One day I’ll put him through the same” I muttered under my breath, sliding the application into the envelope with the pink stamp and shoving it into my pocket. I pulled my headphones in and tied up my green Converse before slamming the door on my way out.

Walking, I kept my head down. I wasn’t the friendliest of people and at the moment I felt extremely angry and hormonal, I wasn’t afraid to rip someone’s jugular. The sun was a large orange ball in the hazy sky and I could tell winter was coming because the leaves had left the trees and they stood bare and lifeless as the wind pinched at them. I ignored the icy breeze because it reminded me of my first day back at school, how much things had changed since then. I could picture the council searching for me, and every time I closed my eyes I could see them screaming my name as they searched. For some reason I could sense them as if they were close to me but it was my mind messing around with me.

My eyes darted up as I bumped into someone, holding my shoulder as it throbbed. I growled and pulled my headphones out, looking up at the quite tall muscular man who stood in front of me; he was waiting for an apology I guess. Not my fault. I crossed my arms to my chest and rolled my eyes, but he seemed to disappear. I blinked a few times and stood with my jaw open in disbelief but he had vanished. I shivered as something cold ran through my body, like a presence of someone. As I looked in the direction of the cold air I spotted green, just two green things that could’ve been eyes. I gulped and shuddered. Zack. I fell to my knees and sobbed into my hands. He would never forgive me and never leave me either, his soul would be forever on my bloody hands.

After that I finally managed to get to the shop, looking at the line of candidates that were all applying for the same job as me. I sighed knowing I had no chance in a place I barely knew how to pronounce and I still carried around the wrong currency. But maybe they would see that I really needed this job and I really needed the money. Plus everybody here seemed the same, I was unique in more ways than they could ever imagine. I followed the queue around and then sat down in front of three people.

One was a woman, early fifties, with her greying hair pulled back into a tight bun on the top of her head. Her glasses were stylish yet fitting for her age and she was wearing a red dress with black tights and heals. For fifty her wrinkles were starting to show but she had an almost perfect complexion. She looked nice but I was pretty sure that she had something to hide from her past. “My name is Allie” she introduced herself, her voice bittersweet. It was almost too sweet, starting to become sickly with the amount of sugar.

The man sitting next to her looked no older than twenty. His hair was messy and his face was rugged. He was wearing a grey suit yet red trainers, and seemed only to be half interested in most of the interviewees.  But his eyes shot up as I sat down, and exposed themselves as a caramel colour. His hair was in front of his eyes though as he looked down again. He was very tanned and from what I could tell, rich. “I’m Jax” he said in a gruff voice. He smoked. It was pretty obvious.

The next person was another man, yet he seemed older. Perhaps thirty-five or early forties. He was paler than Jax but was still more tanned than me. He had blonde hair but it had a red streak down the front. He had a red tie on and a black suit. It was quite eerie and made me feel really underdressed. He spoke up last. “I’m Gray”

They then stared at me. I swallowed. “I’m Wednesday” I nodded fast, pleased that I managed to stutter out my name and still remember it. “But my friends like to say I’m an All Star. Like the Converse shoes” I smiled, they looked at me kind of confused but I carried on smiling.

“You’re from England?” Jax asked, his voice was actually annoying me because it was so deep. I nodded and they whispered amongst themselves, carefully jotting down notes. I messed with my hands in my lap and bit my lip, licking away the blood when I bit through them with my fangs. They looked back at me and I smiled without my fangs on show. “Well, I’m intrigued” he added, leaning on the table slightly. “Why did you move away from England?”

Because I have people coming after me who want to see me dead and my werewolf boyfriend thought it was best for us to move.

“I just wanted a new life. My dad was always restricting me and putting limits on things, and now I can live life how I want to. Plus I hope that I can prove to people how much I want to be here, and maybe even find romance along the way. I don’t know, I just fear that I will go through life not really knowing what life is.” I sighed, looking down at the table as memories flooded back.

Allie nodded and made some notes on her notepad. Her eyes looked up at me occasionally but I wasn’t sure what to say, and I didn’t want to make the awkward tension even worse. I fiddled with the silent button on my phone, flicking it on and off. Gray looked at me as if to say ‘stop, the interview is going well and don’t ruin it now’, but I shoved my phone into my pocket and folded my arms again shivering.

Jax coughed and I flicked my fringe away from my eyes with a deadpan expression. He smiled and extended a hand. “Well done Wednesday, you have the job” he grinned, and he had a gorgeous smile. I blushed ever so slightly and shook his hand, my own grip matching his hard one. He gasped slightly and pulled his hand away, with which I left with a small smirk plastered on my face.

Me, a job? Finally people could see my talents.

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