Chapter Twenty-Eight - Fear of flying

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I hauled the suitcase behind me. Why he insisted on putting so many clothes in escaped me, seeing as I had: no clothes; no money; no possessions and, most importantly, no family. Disowning was a big deal in the vampire world, seeing as the death sentence could be imposed on anyone that wasn’t your family. So I was vulnerable because of Zack’s death. For some reason I wanted to die, to see if he could cope with two deaths against his name from his own family. He wouldn’t care, after a few years he’d forget about me. I snapped myself away from my thoughts and back to the busy airport we were walking through. The sound of people talking loud over the noise of the tannoy system and people rushing through the corridors because they were late to their planes. I looked up at Mike but he wasn’t speaking to me. His hair was spiky today and he wore sunglasses. I shook his hand like an impatient child and he looked down at me, pulling his sunglasses down. “Mike, I’m scared of flying”

He shot me an unimpressed look and looked at the giant screen that showed all of the departures and arrivals. I watched as they flicked from ‘Arrived’ to things like ‘Delayed’ and ‘boarding’. It was all a foreign language to me and I gawked at the screen. I sat on the top of my suitcase and looked up at Mike, tears welling in my eyes until I could no longer see the screen, it was a big blue blur.

I looked down at my blue iPod that I gripped in my hand tight as we waited in the departure lounge. I was bored, scared and most importantly, wondering whether Mike liked me. I wasn’t going to make myself seem desperate for him to like me, if he really wanted that he could go for every other girl I knew. But as I looked at him, I realised how much he secretly hated me. I’d ruined his life, knowing me; he’d probably never see his family again. I ruined it all, I had to go and stab Zack didn’t I! My family, those who still counted me as their own family, had been forced by him (I refused to call him father) that if they knew where I was to tell him so they can come and kill me.



The number ran through my head as I stared at the plane with the number 16 on its tail. I had one month, one month of being human before it’s ripped away painfully. Another reason to add to the list of why everybody hates me. I’ll be a heartless monster just like them. As I stared out and watched the planes, I saw her reflection. Mum’s. I turned around quickly to see her ghost again, and I hugged it. Even though I was the only one who could see her I didn’t care.

“Mum” I sobbed, everything has gone wrong” I snivelled and wiped my eyes and nose with my sleeve. She wiped my cheeks with her thumbs, looking down at me. Her beauty was untrue, but her eyes were full of grief and sorrow.

“How has it gone wrong sweetie?” she asked, her voice soothing as though she was real, like I could actually hug her, stupid imagination. I sat down on one of the blue chairs y the window and she sat on the one next to me, taking my hands.

“You really want to know?” I sighed, looking at her with my watery eyes. “Dad disowned me to start with, so that means I never see my family again. I accidently staked Zack, so now I have a death on my hands and a death sentence on my name. I found out about Shania, and how she’s a part of you. I’ve ruined the only guy I’ve ever liked’s life and he hates me. We’re being forced to move because of the vampires. And in one month I’ll be just like them” I looked down. “Selfish monsters”

“Maybe bad things happen, and fate hasn’t been good to you, but things always get better” she smiled, taking her role seriously even though she was probably part of my over-active imagination. I rolled my eyes at that cheesy line. Things didn’t get better; I for one should know that.

“When they find me” I sniffed, “They’ll kill me, won’t they?” I asked, looking her in the eyes. She nodded but quickly disappeared as Mike walked over to me.

“Sorry to interrupt your conversation with yourself, but are you ready? I actually want to get on the flight and not be late” he sighed, helping me stand up. I looked up at him and then behind him, spotting some people I recognised. They were two vampires from the meeting. My eyes widened in fear and I stood, frozen. Mike looked at me confused. “What’s wrong?”

“We have to go” I whispered as they spotted me. I took Mike’s hand and the suitcase and ran through the corridor at speed, blurring. We finally got onto the plane and I sat down, buckling my seat belt fast. Mike sat next to me in shock after handing the case into customs. I shook still in shock and looked out of the window. The two people who were chasing me had disappeared. We stayed silent until they explained the safety rules and then I remembered how scared to death I was of flying. This was going to be one interesting journey.

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