Chapter Eleven - Sun, Snow and Winter Blues

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'O-ow' I cringed, turning my neck to look at the time. It was early morning and it was still midnight blue outside with musty clouds blocking out the sun. It was freezing and the top of my duvet was red from holding it around my neck. It had healed but still ached because the venom had settled there. He knew that the veins were close to the skin, and that's why we bit there. Because where veins were it meant blood. And blood was like alcohol to us, we didn't need it necessarily but it made us drunk. We'd need it at least once every month.

I looked over and sipped the coffee that dad had left on my table. It was perfect, and had chocolate sprinkles. I held it on my knee and rubbed my neck with my free hand. 'Ow!' I yelled, rubbing the large scars. He was a monster as far as I was concerned and I would never marry him. Not even if I was being forced to. If I was going to marry someone it would be out of love, not some stupid magical bond. I'd find a way to break it, it should be easy.

'Have you done your homework yet?' Dad asked, pointing to my bag that was slumped on a chair in the corner. I shook my head. 'I haven't had time to' I sighed, holding some ice to my neck. It'd been a week but it was still swollen and sore. No matter how hard I tried to pull the ring off, it just wouldn't budge. I looked at the detail, looking at the blue stone that seemed to have a mist swirling around in it.

'What sort of stone is this?' I asked, holding my hand up and looking to the ring, watching as it swirled faster.

'If I can remember, it's sapphire. Or diamond. I can't remember, she never told me what it was exactly...'

'What are you talking about?' I interrupted as he trailed into some sort of story regarding a girl and that being her engagement ring. I looked down at it and swallowed. 'This was mum's ring, wasn't it?'

'And then she was all...wait? Yeah, I suppose it was' he sighed, holding my hand on his knee and taking a closer look at the mist. He was concentrating through his glasses and rubbing the stone occasionally, looking up at me. He took his glasses off and placed them into his shirt pocket, running a hand through his black hair. 'This isn't good. It will make your, my memories more vivid to you, like you are actually there' he explained, lying me back onto the bed.

'I've only just woke up' I groaned. 'I'm not tired' I whined, folding my arms.

'Trust me' he said, shutting my eyes. 'Just sleep'


I woke up in what appeared to be a school. It looked vaguely similar to mine but a lot older. There were different posters up and the labs were smaller, the rooms had no computers and the field was bigger. I watched as people walked through the corridor, the noise of the students ringing in my ears. I looked around and shouted out, but nobody could hear me. I was like a ghost. I sat against the wall and sighed as the corridors emptied. My eyes focused on three people that stayed by the lockers. Two boys and a girl.

The girl was considerably shorter than the two guys, her hair was waist length and curled, held back by a red headband. She clutched some books to her chest and swayed. Her skirt was neither chavvy short or nerdy low, it was just right. She had brushed pink cheeks and light pink lips, with deep hazel eyes that were enhanced with navy blue eyeliner. Her tie was how I wore mine and was striped red. Her blazer and shirt was rolled up to her elbows and she wore many wristbands on her left wrist. One reading 'LOVE', another reading 'EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL' and another reading 'ZOMBIE KILLER'. She was pale, but not as pale as the other two guys. Scarlet was what it said on her namebadge.

The tallest of all the guys was leaning against the lockers, twiddling a cigarette between his fingers. His eyes were hidden by his hair, a dyed black and was swept to one side. His shirt was neat but he wore smudged eyeliner. He was around a foot taller than the girl and only a few inches taller than the other guy. I couldn't read his name because he was looking down at his timetable, then crouched down to place the book back into his bag. He didn't speak, he seemed almost nervous around them.

The other guy, who had his arms folded to his chest, had auburn colour hair and light green eyes. He had lots of freckles that ran just under his eyes. His shirt was out and messy, and his tie hanging loosely around his neck. He was paler than the other two and made them seem tanned. He was talking about something that made the girl blush and the other guy growl in anger. The knelt down guy with the black hair linked arms with the girl and walked her to class, while the other guy sighed and walked off in the opposite direction.

I stood up and walked after them, trying to listen in to what they were saying. But they were whispering and I couldn't make out the words. I walked through the door to the lab and sat at the back. The teacher couldn't see me, so I was ok. The 'couple' as I now decided to call them sat at the front, while the other guy sat to the other side of the girl. I could just make out what the two guys were saying to each other.

'You stole her from me' the auburn haired guy sighed, looking down.

'Like she would go out with you anyway, mate' the other guy scoffed, tilting his head up and smirking.

'Well' the guy sniffed, 'I will get you back for this y'know'

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