Chapter 7: Off To Chemistry

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Brandon and I were so into our conversation, we literally had no idea what our class even was. Ad the bell rang, we jumped up, shocked by the warning. I dropped a piece of paper so I fished for it without looking. Apparently, Brandon did the exact same thing. Our hands were touching for a good thirty seconds and we just let it happen. It was magical.

"Trinity. Brandon. I realize I have one of the best classes on campus,but please...leave..NOW!" yelled Professor Grouch. I hadn't even happened to catch his name at the beginning of class.

Brandon got my paper and handed it to me awkwardly.

"So...uh..what class do you have next?" Brandon asked after we were out of the building. I sighed.

"The same class you have...."

"Which is...?" he asked.

"Are you serious? Or are you being stoops?" I laughed.

"HAHA I'M KIDDING! So, you said you have two friends in that class?" he laughed and continued the conversation.

"Yeah! Al and Faye...I mean Alison and Faith, haha! They've been my bestfriends since I was a freshman in high's so crazy how time flies. One minute, you're enjoying the young life, and the next-"

"You're growing up and you're lost because it's something new...something you thought that you'd never have to do. Something so different that you just want a break but you're enjoying yourself so much you almost don't know what to do..." Brandon finished for me after cutting me off.

"Exactly.....I don't know how else I would've worded it..." I said softly. We continued our deep, deep conversation until we finally got to class. I don't know how...but I feel like I've known Brandon all my life...and I haven't even know him for an entire day.

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