Chapter Three: Class

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I was patiently waiting, knowing I'd be the first to class, as I was the first to everything. 

"ALLYYYYYYY!!!!!!" A familiar voice screeched.  

"FAYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" I screamed back. "Where's Trin?"  

"No clue..." 

"Probably late!" we nod our heads and say in unison. 

"ALLLYYYYYY! FAYEEEE!" Trinity shouts, not running to us, but breaking a sweat from speed walking. We stand, awaiting for her arrival.  

"Ready?" we ask her. 

"Yeah...just....yeah..." she pants. We give her no time to catch her breath as we pull in for a group hug. 

"Wow, you girls actually made it on time!" 

"Aw, Al! I knew you would be proud us!" Faith says with knowing sympathy. 

" we go girls..This is real life. The college life. It's....our dream." I say coming to the realization. 

"Let's do this.." Trinity states. Faith stands in the middle and we hold hands, walking into class, surprisingly being the first few there. 

"Ladies! Welcome to class. I'm Professor Dennis, and we do have assigned seats. Please give me your names so I can seat you." Professor Dennis shouts from below. The only students seated were five other girls, and at least 10 boys.  

We hold hands until we reach the front desk. 

"Faith Johnson." Faith states as she breaks our line. 

"Ah yes. Seat number 42. Next?" Professor Dennis answers immediately, receiving an eye roll as soon as Faith turned around. 

"Uh, Trinity Williams..." Trinity said softly. 

"Seat number 90. And who do we have here?" 

I hugged Trinity and let her go. 

"I'm Alison Remington!" I giggle, trying to make a good impression. 

"Lovely to have you! You'll be in seat number 69!" Professor states.  

"..okay.." I say trying not to laugh, but as soon as I'm seated, I die of laughter, whisper shouting to my friends my seat number, causing our laughter to fill the class! 

"Ah, I knew whoever would sit here would be a perv. Never did I expect it to be a girl though!" a deep, Adam Levine sounding voice responded to my laughter. Faith and Trinity were hushed trying to eavesdrop. 

"Well, seat number sixty eight, you get to listen to me laugh all semester then." I remark. 

"Excuse me, sixty nine," he paused, waiting for my giggle, "I'll have you know that I do in fact have a name."  

"As do I." I replied. 

"And that name would be...?" 

"Alison Nicole Remington!" I cheer.  

"Pleasure to meet you! I'm Josh Farbunckle!" 


"Hahaha, actually no. I'm John David Hyland." he replied and stuck his hand out. 

"My pleasure!" I reply by shaking his hand and getting my books ready.  


"OMG WHAT!" Trinity and Faith are whisper-shouting to me.  

I laugh quietly, but John thinks out loud. 

"She has a cute laugh..haha"  

"Excuse me?" I tease 

"Whaaaaat? Did I say that?" his voice cracked. 

"Haha!" I laughed and began to write my name on the piece of paper I had laid out in front of me. I got bored as the last few students arrived, so I started playing with my pencil, only to drop it, like usual. Instantly, John and I go down at the same time to pick it up. Well, he beat me. 

"Uh, thanks!" I smile at him, nor realizing what he really looked like. He was really fit. He had a gorgeous smile, too. His hair sat perfectly on his head. Thank goodness it wasn't shaggy! His skin was nice and tan. But what caught my eyes was his eyes. They were light blue and were complimented by solid black eyelashes to match his hair.  

"Wow..." we both said at the same time. I guess he was studying me too, which made me blush.  

"Thanks again..." I said softly as I slowly took my pencil from his grasp.



I should've called her beautiful while I had the chance. Her blue eyes were outlined perfectly, her hair in cute curls. And that outift was perfect for her first day of college. There's no way that she's going to want to date a guy who's in theater and choir. Sure, I'm in baseball and basketball, but choir and theater? Thankfully, no one judges guys for being in choir, in choir.  

"Uh...uh...y-you're welcome.." I answer. Great. Now she probably thinks I'm stupid and lame. Great. My life.  

I blush and fiddle in my seat until Proffesor Dennis clears his throat and we begin class. 



It was up to this moment until I realized our schedules weren't really the same. I had choir, and they had cheer. I was the cheer manager, but I only go to after school practices. 

I was waving bye to my girls and walking backwards. I guess walking backwards is not a good thing at college, because I ran into a guy. 

"OHMYGOSHIAMSOSORRY." I gush in one breath, only to be staring into beautiful, familiar eyes again.

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