Chapter 15: Okay.

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Alison's P.O.V.

Song of the Chapter: Ordinary People by John Legend (my favorite song ever♥)

After that fun night at the club, I gave in. Faith's hazel eyes were glossed over due to future tears. Our friendship was too strong to end over something that was all our fault. So now, it's a week later and everyone has made up....except for me and John that is.

Although there were still a few days before college started back up again, I roamed the campus to discover it's unknown places.

After strolling for about an hour, I finally found an enclosed gazaebo. It was behind some trees making it look like it was in a forest. It had a door with the ID scanner, so I wiped my college ID and was let in by an "invisible guard".

It was luscious. It was all white complimented by robin egg blue seats with matching body pillows on top of the most glossy, fine wood I've ever seen. There were three seats in the pentagon. One against the flat side, one against the slanted left side, and same with the slanted right side. Instinctively, I walked towards the one in the middle and almost instantly fell asleep.

Trinity sees dark. Faith sees Instagram. Chad sees a text from Faith. Brandon sees his laughing family around the fire. John sees me in a picture frame covered in...tears? I hear light snores, laughter, crackling fire, tapping of a screen, but the loudest is the crying.

I woke up, almost hyperventalating. What in the world? Did I just see everything the people I love were doing?


It was like walking into a freezer after leaving the crazy gazaebo. My feet were leading me to a place I went to everyday during college. It was home on campus. It also makes things louder.

That's when I was greeted by a contradiction; warmth and tears.

"John," I choked, putting my mitted hand over my mouth.

John looked noticeably tired, his eyes red and his body was slumped over. He had obviously been there for a while seeing as how there was a pillow in my seat. He looked up to see who it was calling his name and when he realized it was me, I was still in shock from seeing him this way as he was making his way towards me.

He pulled my hand down, ripped my mitts off, yanked my hat, let my hair down, and greeted my icy cold hands with his warm, soft ones.

"You're so stupid," he said to me and before I could reply, my lips were kindly greeted by their first and only pair of lips.

His warmth shocked me. He kissed me as if we had kissed before, so I kissed him back. He smiled and pulled me in close. Our bodies fit together like a puzzle. I let go of his hands and wrapped them around his waist as his hands tousled with my hair.

"I saw you," he said after a while.

"What?" I asked, pulling away slightly.

"Yeah. You were laying down in a weird room. And you saw me crying...and then you was weird," he said confused at what he told me.

"Cool dream," I fake laughed. That's when I got one....two.....three.......four text messages.

And now....we were connected.




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