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You are now chatting with a stranger, say hi!

Vanya: Hi
Maplehockey: Hi
Vanya: what is your name?
Maplehockey: Matthew and you?
Vanya: You can call me Vanya. Nice to meet you Matvei.
Maplehockey: That's a nice name! Why Matvei?
Vanya: I like better that way
Maplehockey: Ok
Vanya: Where are you from?
Maplehockey: I live in Canada, and u?
Vanya: Sorry, I can't tell you
Maplehockey: Oh, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable.
Vanya: Its fine Matvei. How old are you?
Maplehockey: 15 hbu?
Vanya: guess. You have 3 tries.
Maplehockey: Challenge accepted!
Maplehockey: 16 ?
Vanya: No
Maplehockey: younger?
Vanya: no older
Maplehockey: Ok thanks for the hint! Umm....20?
Vanya: one try left.
----------Sorry, message connection failure. Send private message to Vanya?--------------
" Oh no!" I said out loud. I thought I had finally found a decent person to talk to. I sighed upset. I really felt the need for some form of human contact, anything would do.

My brother working in America was harder on me than I thought it would be.

I guess I will try again. I stared at the the send private message option. I wish I could continue chatting with Vanya through private messages but there was no way I could spend money so carelessly on credits in order to do so.

I selected the option for a new conversation slightly disapointed.
I just hoped I wouldn't end up talking to another one of these weirdos.

You are now chatting with a stranger, say hi!
Toureiffel: Hello
Maplehockey: Hi
Toureiffel: how are you?
Maplehockey: I could lie and say I'm ok but I'm not, and you?
Toureiffel: I'm splendid! I'm sorry to hear that dear
Maplehockey: Are you from France?
Toureiffel: Yes I am! How did you guess??
Maplehockey: username lol
Toureiffel: yes yes that does give it away. Where are you from?
Maplehockey: Canada!
Toureiffel: oh what part?
Maplehockey: Ontario
Toureiffel: Do you speak French ?
Maplehockey: Yes I do! Oui!
Toureiffel: C'est magnifique! (That's wonderfull!)
Maplehockey: lol
Toureiffel: Tu as quel âge? ( How old are you?)
Maplehockey: 15 et toi? ( 15 and you?)
Toureiffel: 25 ans! Ça ne te dérange pas?( 25, that doesn't bother you ?)
Maplehockey: Non c'est correct. ( No it's fine.)
Toureiffel: ton nom? (Your name?)
Maplehockey: Matthew et toi? ( Matthew and you?)
Toureiffel: Francis, de quoi as-tu l'air? ( what do you look like?)
Maplehockey: ?
Toureiffel: décris toi. ( describe yourself)
Maplehockey: ok...
Maplehockey: cheveux blonds semi-longs ondulés, j'ai Les yeux violets et je mesure 5'3. (Blond hair slightly curly and somewhat long, violet eyes and I measure 5'3.)
Toureiffel: ton poids ( your weight)
Maplehockey: 101 pounds....
Toureiffel: show me a picture!
Maplehockey: ok....

I sighed taking a quick selfie and sending it to him.

Toureiffel: <3 <3 <3 tu es trop mignion! ( you're too cute!)
Maplehockey: please don't call me cute... I'm a guy
Toureiffel: I'm sorry but you are, you are making me hard.
Maplehockey: ...
Toureiffel: want to see? ;)
Maplehockey: no

But it was too late. I could not unsee what I just saw.
I quickly left the conversation and closed the app.
That was terrifying. I kept meeting perverts like him on this website. I had just found a normal person but the damn internet crashed. It had been a week since Alfred left, and ..... I never thought I would say this but I missed him.
I missed his loud voice and his obnoxious laughter. I felt so alone. I know this was a job opportunity he could not refuse, it payed very well and I was old enough anyways to be able to take care of myself.
But it felt so lonely.
Maybe I could call him!
I smiled about to dial his number when I remembered I had already exceeded the five minute limit my phone had.
So I decided to text him for the tenth time in a row, I hoped he was receiving them.

'Hey Al! How is the U.S.A.? I'm doing fine here! I hope you are having fun! Text me back when you can! '

I then decided to get ready for bed since I had school tomorrow. I sat up feeling dizzy.
With Alfred's apartment in the states, for now both our budgets were cut down until he got his first pay check.
So I could only afford to eat once per day and him too so that he could pay his rent for the first month.
I stood up hearing my stomach growl loudly.
It hurt.
I grabbed my plush teddy bear that Al had given me and hugged it to my stomach.
It sort of helped dull the pain.
I walked over to the small bathroom and turned the shower on.

Once I was in my pjs with a towel around my neck, I headed back into my bed. I held my plush bear at arms length staring into its pearly black eyes.

" Maybe I should be more assertive at school." I said to my polar bear.

I felt that he agreed and I decided I would try harder again tomorrow so I could get noticed.
I put my glasses on my night stand and turned off the small lamp that stood on it.

" Goodnight Kumajirou"

My head buzzed. Well it was my phone that I had put under my pillow. This instantly made me grab it and look to see if Alfred had answered me. I mean, who else?
My heart sunk when I saw it wasn't him but a private message request from Scadoodle.
I opened the app, curious.
It was Vanya!
I smiled widely.

Vanya: Hi, we disconnected earlier.
Maplehockey: hi! I'm sorry I did not send you a pm request, I couldn't afford it.
Vanya: thats ok. You still have one try
Maplehockey: OK! 24!
Vanya: No you loose Im 26
Maplehockey: so close!
Vanya: So tell me Matvei, why are you on here?
Maplehockey: well to be honest, I feel sort of lonely since my brother left me alone to go work in the USA.
Vanya: Do you not have any friends? You live alone with your brother?
Maplehockey: no...people don't seem to notice me much, or remember me. And yes
Vanya: I see, what province do you live in?
Maplehockey: Ontario
Vanya: Yes, I know of a town in this province. Ottawa, right?
Maplehockey: Yes, it is the capital of Canada, I actually live there.
Vanya: What a coincidence, I guessed without even trying.
Maplehockey: yea it's like your psychic lol
Vanya: I am no such thing I assure you.
Maplehockey: I know I was joking.
Vanya: Ah....My apologies, my English is not very good.
Maplehockey: Your English seems good to me!
Maplehockey: So why are you on Scadoodle?
Vanya: To practice English.
Maplehockey: I see, but this is not the best place to do so right?
Vanya: I agree.
Maplehockey: I keep finding weird people on this web site. It's not as if I didn't expect to but to this extent... Anyways, I am grateful I could have a normal conversation for once, thanks for messaging me again!
Vanya: It is my pleasure, worry not.
Maplehockey: Well I need to go to sleep. I have school early. Goodnight!
Vanya: Sweet dreams Matvei from Ontario, city of Ottawa, country of Canada.

I blinked a few times to make sure I read right. Was she trying to be funny?
Well it was an effort I guess. I laughed a bit at the awkward creepiness of the message but shrugged it off as cultural differences.
I turned off my phone and lay on my side hoping for sweet dreams as well.

Hi guys!
I know ...yet another story! But I've always like the idea of stalker!Russia X Canada!
Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it.

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