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I was sitting on the flowery couch sipping at warm tea from a powder blue tea-cup decorated with pink roses. Oliver was sitting on the sofa in front of me smiling. We had been sitting here for a good hour and this was my third cup of tea. The intoxicating aroma of baked cupcakes matched the sickly sweet style of the room. To be honest all those bright colours were making me dizzy. I had been listening to Oliver chatter about various things and was zoning out.

A loud ring resounded from the kitchen.

"They should be ready now! Come poppet~" Oliver exclaimed happily putting his tea cup down on the pink coffee table and standing up.

I put my tea cup on the coffee table carefully and followed behind Oliver as he skipped into the kitchen.

He put on powder blue oven mitts before opening the oven and taking out the tray of freshly baked cupcakes we had made together.

He put the tray of baked goods onto the stove and closed the oven door. My stomach growled loudly making my face flush.

Oliver giggled a bit and ruffled my hair.

" Now we apply the icing! I made my special icing just for you~" Oliver said his lips curling into a sickly sweet smile.

He took out some icing tools as well as some red icing in a bowl and filled up a triangular plastic bag with it, I observed quietly waiting for him to give me instructions before taking the initiative to help. Oliver had made it very clear at the beginning that I was to only watch until I was told to do something, it made me quite nervous at first but it wasn't hard to obey that simple rule. I could tell he was a professional and it was stressful to cook as he watched my every move, so at the time I was quite happy to just gaze at the hot cupcakes hungrily as he did what he had to do.

"Now watch carefully!" Oliver said walking over to the cupcakes and making a swirl like shape with the icing on one of them.

"Now you try" he said handing me the icing cone.

I took it imitating the way he had held it and tried my best to replicate what he had done with such ease. I bit my lip seeing that the icing I applied was no where near as pretty as what Oliver had done.

"H-How did you do it?" I asked

"It's ok poppet, let me do the rest. You go finish your tea!" he said

I nodded looking down and walking into the living room to sit back down on the sofa. I felt embarrassed and it was making my stomach ache, my cheeks felt like they were on fire and I brought my hands up to touch them. They were warm.

I was broken out of my revery when I heard the front door slam open and then shut.

"Oi Oliver! I put the ingredients you wanted in the shed!"

I tensed as I heard the deep manly voice yelling. A tall man walked into the living room. He had long blond hair tied up in a pony tail behind his head.

Oliver entered the living room with a plate full of decorated cupcakes.

"You're just on time Matt. Matthew and I baked a fresh batch of delicious cupcakes!~"

Matt's POV

Wh-What? Who was this kid...

The kid's small delicate hands put down the teacup and beautiful violet eyes looked up into my own dull purple hues.

"Oh dear! I forgot to introduce you two! How rude of me!" Oliver put the plate of cupcakes onto the coffee table.

"Matt this is my new friend Matthew. Matthew this is Matt, my second sibling."

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