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Today, today was the day I would try and crawl out of my shell and make some friends! I was greeted with a 'Good morning' from Alfred followed by a long explanation of how his job was and a description of the crazy parties he went to. I still felt lonely after reading his text wishing he where here.
On my way to school I also received a 'Good morning' from Vanya. I quickly replied.

Vanya: Good morning
Maplehockey: Hi! Did you just wake up?
Vanya: No I checked your time zone and realized since you go to school you must wake up between 7 and 9 am.
Maplehockey: Wrong I got up at 6:30 am. I'm walking to school right now.
Vanya: Oh, do you live far from school?
Maplahockey: No about 10 minutes by foot.
Vanya: You must be cold today.
Maplehockey: Yea! How did u know?

After a while of waiting for Vanya to reply my hands got cold so I decided to put them in my pockets. My coat was old and not that warm so it didn't help much. However that was the best we could afford to buy after I had lost my old coat that used to belong to my brother last year. This morning I had eaten my hard boiled egg with a juice carton but I was still hungry.
I arrived at the school shaking. I reluctantly hung my coat up in my locker. I checked my phone again to see if Vanya had answered, but she didn't. That name was so pretty , I wondered what it meant. I decided to look it up on google.

'Vanya (Ваня), a unisex diminutive of the Russian, Bulgarian and other Slavic given name Ivan, meaning "God is gracious" or "Gracious gift of God". It is the Russian, Bulgarian and other Slavic form of John. An alternative spelling of the name is Vanja.'

Ivan? Wait... Wasn't that a guy's name? Is Vanya actually a man?

Maplehockey: Vanya, are you a man?
Vanya: Yes
Maplehockey: oh
Vanya: You did not know?
Maplehockey: I actually thought you were a girl.
Vanya: Haha silly Matvei. I was just wondering, whats your last name?
Maplehockey: Williams, why?
Vanya: Curious

"Confiscated!" My phone was snatched out of my hands by one of the teachers.

"But sir I-"

"Your name?"

" Matthew Williams." I sighed in defeat

"You have detention after school. You shall get it back then." The teacher wrote on a small paper and ripped it off giving it to me.

'This sucks' I thought to myself. I had forgotten about the new strict school regulations, you couldn't even have your phone in the halls now. Well I guess this would be my first detention.

Once again classes ended with no progress for me on the social side. I sighed looking at the small note which told me where to go, my shoulders slumped.
I walked into the empty classroom and sat at one of the desks. I decided to draw in my one of my books to pass the time. Detention started in 20 minutes. I listened as people in the halls made their way to their lockers chatting away, as time passed the noise reduced as people left to go home, I envied them. Some people entered the room as well but I did not pay them any attention, too concentrated on my drawing. Then the clicking of heals was heard in the empty hall way. Soon a tall woman with long brown hair and piercing green eyes entered the room.
She walked to the front of the class.

"Hello I am Mrs.Elizabetha. I will be supervising the detention. I will now pass the roll call."





"Mr.Beldischmitt??" she yelled out looking around the room.

No one answered but we all tensed at her menacing glare. The door suddenly burst open and all eyes fell upon an Albino guy with fiery red eyes and a cocky smirk.

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