Movie night

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Matthew trembled as the door was closed and he was stuck with his brother. The older sibling tapped his foot with arms crossed as he eyed the shaking form in front of him.
"Since when do you have friends like this?? I could smell the booze off him Matthew. And who's Vanya?!" He exclaimed looking way more angry than a normal sibling should be

Matthew bit his lip and looked down not knowing what to say, all his courage and determination had disappeared and he couldn't handle the stress. A small tear ran down his cheek.
"Oh no! Mattie! I'm sorry! You're such a girl come here" he said pulling the small blonde in his arms with a hug
"Sorry I've been on edge with my new job and I've missed you bro" he said stroking his hair gently as well as his back
"It''s ok Al.." Matthew stammered hugging him back gently

"So let's watch this movie!" Alfred said taking Matthew's hand and dragging him to the sofa where he sat him down
Matthew only stayed quiet and blankly stared at the TV screen, it was set on the menu of a DVD, they were watching the ring. Alfred sat next to Matthew and draped an arm over his shoulders. He then kissed his cheek which made Matthew extremely uncomfortable as he scooted away from him slightly
"Don't run away from me Mattie! This movie is so scary!" He said sitting his brother on his lap and locking his buff arms around his waist
The small teen tried to calm his rapid heart beat as he blushed a little bit being used to Alfred being this touchy with him but it still made him feel a little embarrassed.
Alfred pressed the play button and kissed his brother's head

"'re acting weird.." He said shaking

"No! Don't be silly! So this movie I've wanted to watch it with you for a while and it's super scary so that's why I need you close bro!" He said breathing down his neck which caused a shiver to go up Matthew's spine.

The movie started and Alfred would hold him closer every time he was scared burying his face in the crook of his neck while Matthew just watched the movie blankly being unimpressed.

There was suddenly a knock at the front door and Alfred screamed like a scared girl which made Matthew laugh.
"I'll get it" he said trying to get out of the vice like grip his brother held him in.
"Don't go! What if it's a killer!" Alfred exclaimed holding him closer

"Al...get the remote control off your lap.." Matthew said managing to get out of his arms and go answer the door. There was a small letter was an add for a free psychologist meeting at an office and Matthew picked it up closing the door.
"Who was it?" Alfred asked now having a pillow in his lap

"Umm..just spam mail" he said going to his room and setting the slip of paper with the address in his teddy bears's pouch before coming back and sitting next to Alfred. He started the movie again and would glance at his younger sibling often with a red face, no longer really paying attention to the movie. Noticing that Alfred wasn't acting as scared as he normally would Matthew glanced at him with a small frown and their eyes met. Alfred was eyeing him like a juicy hamburger and Matthew didn't like it at all.

"I-I...I'm really tired I want to go to bed..." He said standing up and walking over to his room. The TV was turned off and Alfred scooped him up in his arms.
"You're sleeping with me!" He said carrying him to his bedroom

"A-Al, don't tell you're scared again...we talked about this.." He mumbled

"Don't care" he said plopping Matthew down on the bed and quickly spooning his small form

Matthew's eyes widened and he froze
" you have your phone in your pocket..?"

The older smirked a bit and thrusted his hips forward into the younger's butt
"Aaah...nope.." He said doing it over and over again

Matthew had no clue what to do and only gripped his bear tighter hoping it would be over soon. He could hear his brother moaning in his ear and it was unsettling. Matthew whimpered as his brother pressed his hand against his broken rib.

"Stay still.." He said starting to unbutton Matthew's jeans

"No! Alfred!!! What the hell??" He exclaimed rolling off the the bed and falling on the floor.
Alfred looked down at his brother stomach that had been exposed from underneath his hoodie
"Won't you help your big bro?" He asked with a sickly sweet voice
"N-no!" He exclaimed running out of the room and putting his boots and coat on before running out of the apartment. Alfred groaned and quickly got up running after him.
Matthew went down the stairs still holding his teddy bear Kuma until he bumped into a tall man
"S-sorry!" He stammered before trying to run off again
The man grabbed his arm with his large gloved hand
"I will help da?" He said smiling as he slung him over his shoulder and ran down the stairs with him. Matthew's eyes widened and he trembled as he heard Alfred come after them. The man simply shoved Matthew into the passenger seat of a black car and got in the driver's seat.
"Buckle up sunflower~" he said sweetly making Matthew gulp
~to be continued ~
Hi guys sorry for the late update I've started roleplaying recently and it distracted me XD
Hope you liked it!
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