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Matthew's eyes widened and he instinctively walked away from the kitchen. He never thought he would have to explain this to Alfred and he frankly didn't know whether or not lying about it was a good idea. But he couldn't just admit to Alfred that he had been chatting with strangers online, he was already in big enough trouble as it was.

"Mattie! Come here!" Alfred yelled out from the kitchen. The older didn't sound angry but Matthew could never know with him to be honest.

"Y-yes Al...I um need to go to the washroom..." he said before running over and locking the door. He was hyperventilating and his broken rib hurt a lot.

"Ok, I'll set the movie up."

Matthew took his phone out and trembled as he texted Gilbert.


"Can you come and pick me up?" he typed bitting his lip nervously

"Yo birdie! Why you need me fr smth " the other texted back

"My brother is scaring me please." Matthew texted back his hands now shaking badly

"OK ill be there soon"

Matthew sighed and put his phone down, he then sneaked out of the washroom and headed for the door as quietly as he could.

Alfred saw him and ran over.

"Where you going?" he asked standing right in the way of the door and crossing his arms.

"Um I..." Matthew trailed off clinging to his phone tightly

"Is it this Vanya girl?" he asked his face expressionless

Matthew nodded without thinking

Alfred frowned and sighed loudly.

"C'me here." he said motioning with his hand for Matthew to come closer. Matthew gulped and did as he was told, his shoulders tense.

Alfred put his hand on Matthew's head ruffling his hair.

"I guess it's time isn't it?"

"T-time for w-what?" Matthew stammered nervously.

"For me to explain some things to you, my lil brother sure is growing fast." Alfred said before kissing the top of Matthew's head which only made the boy more nervous.

"Alfred I uh, I need to go..." Matthew said softly

"You aren't going anywhere and gimme this." Alfred said snatching Matthew's phone out of his hands. He tried to open the phone but there was a code on it.

"Give me the code Matthew." Alfred said angrily

Matthew couldn't speak and palled as he realized his brother was just barely holding back his anger, he could see it in his eyes.


A knock came at the door and Matthew felt a tear fall down his cheek, he was relieved. He smiled until he was smacked. He yelped and the next thing he knew his brother had clamped a hand down on his mouth and pinned him to a wall.

"Now no funny business or you'll see how angry I really am." he whisper-yelled in Matthew's ear.

On the other side of the door a slightly tipsy Gilbert had heard a loud thunk and decided to knock on the door again becoming worried.

"Birdie! You there?"

-POV change, location: unknown-

From the camera and the tracker he had installed on Matthew's back pack the man could see what was unfolding in their house. He stood up and took his metal pipe and wore a long coat that he could hide it in.

"No one hurts my Matvey but me~" he sang out before heading out of his home

POV change

The door opened to reveal a large looking blonde smiling widely

"Hello can I help you?" he asked eyeing the suspicious looking teenager with white hair and red eyes.

"Um I was here to see Matthew..." the normally confident teenager said concerned

"Well he can't see you right now." Alfred said with a calm voice.

"Can I see him please?" Gilbert asked again rearranging his leather coat and switching the arm with which he was holding his helmet without leaving Alfred's gaze.

Alfred stared him down, his smile faltering slightly. He looked away and laughed a little which unnerved the albino teen.

"Mattie! There is some punk here for you!" He called out. Gilbert's eye twitched at the comment but he held his opinion back more worried for his birdie than his ego. 'That's a first' he thought to himself.

"H-hey Gil..." a quiet voice snapped the older teen out of his reverie. His eyes narrowed as he noticed his birdie shaking as his brother kept a hand on his shoulder. He looked roughed up.

"Now tell your friend we are having a family evening." Alfred said firmly patting his brother's back slightly too hard.

Matthew felt his broken rib throb and he bit his lip trying to hold back the small yell of pain that nearly escaped his dry lips.

"S-sorry Gilbert I...I can't hang out with you t-tonight, my brother came earlier than e-expected..." Matthew explained like a tape recorder replaying.

"I see... well can we hang out tomorrow?" he asked trying to hint to Matthew to run out of the house with his eyes. Alfred who was watching them intently noticed this and gritted his teeth.

"No, Matthew has a lot of homework to catch up on." Alfred said. Gilbert tensed as he saw the older brother's hand return to the small fragile looking shoulder and squeezing it too hard.

"We actually have a school project to work on!" Gilbert said confidently smirking at Alfred in an unspoken challenge.

Alfred bit his lip and looked down at his brother.

"Is this true Matthew?" he asked

"Yes it is." Matthew said looking up to meet his brother's gaze head on without flinching even though his heart was racing with adrenaline pumping through his veins.

There was a long pause where even the cocky Gilbert felt his nerves turn to ice before Alfred smiled widely and ruffled Matthew's hair.

"Why didn't you say so earlier? I thought this guy was only bad news, no offence Gilbert. Nice to meet you I'm Matthew's older brother Alfred." he said extending his hand out.

Gilbert frowned a bit but still shook his hand firmly before zipping his leather jacket back up.

"Nice to meet ya, see you tomorrow birdie." Gilbert said winking at him subtly before putting the helmet back on and heading back down the stairs as he heard the door slam shut.

He really hoped his birdie would be ok.


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