The Chase

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My phone was ringing but I did not feel rested at all when it did.

I then realized it was actually a call from GILBERT THE AWESOMEST.

"Gilbert it's twelve am. What were you thinking?"

"Oh sorry. I forgot people like you go to bed at 8 pm." he said with a cocky tone

"What do you want?" I asked, a bit pissed off

"Gee, you sure are grumpy. Well you see the awesome me thought it might be a good idea for me to help you get to school tomorrow."

"Oh thanks Gil, I didn't think about that. That would be a good idea."

"I know that already, I just wanted you to know. I will pick you up at 7:30 am." he exclaimed before hanging up

I then tried to fall back asleep but I soon realized there was no way that could happen no matter how much I tossed and turned. I sighed, discouraged and bored.

I decided I could speak to Vanya...Ivan...anyways

Maplehockey: Hi

Vanya: Still awake?

Maplehockey: Yes, Gilbert woke me up.

Vanya: I see. So what do you want to talk about?

My phone fell on my face.

"Ow!" I cried out. I rubbed my poor nose, that hurt!!

I lay on my stomach after a moment of glaring at my phone and used Kumanana as a pillow, I tucked him under my chest and propped myself up with my elbows.

----POV change----

Maplehockey: You.

Vanya: Ok. What do you want to know?

Maplehockey: Do you have a job?

Vanya: Yes.

Maplehockey: What is it?

Vanya: Well, I run my own business.

Maplehockey: What is your business?

Vanya: I own a therapy clinic.

Maplehockey: Cool! What kind of therapy?

Vanya: Psychological

Maplehockey: Thats cool!

Vanya: my turn

Maplehockey: Ok ask away

Vanya: What zodiac sign are you?

Maplehockey: I don't know.

Vanya: Well tell me when you where born and ill tell you.

Maplehockey: July 1st

Vanya: Thats Cancer

Maplehockey: oh

Vanya: What is your brother's name?

Maplehockey: Alfred

Vanya: Hair colour?

Maplehockey: Blond

Vanya: Eye colour?

Maplehockey: Lilac-violet

The man was taken aback by the statement. Someone with a similar eye colour to his? That was something he never came across before.

He leaned back in his chair stretching. The portfolio was not quite complete yet. But soon he would have what he needed.

How could he ask him this? This was the tricky part...

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