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The sun had finally set and I was just staring at the small piece of paper I held in my hand. Vanya, but how? How did this person know where I lived, I mean what are the odds? How?

These questions just kept replaying in my head. My phone buzzed breaking me out of my reverie. It was Alfred.

"Matthew Williams you better have a good explanation for this phone bill."

I froze further. I swallowed and started hyperventilating, the time was 7:10. I decided to go take a bath so I could calm down. I left my phone on the counter as it kept buzzing with new texts incoming, from Alfred no doubt. The flower stayed on the counter and I dropped the note on the floor as I backed away from the two things that scared me the most. I ran as though I was being chased into the washroom and locked the door behind me. I leaned again the cold wood of the door still panting. I shook my head quickly and kneeled next to the bathtub. I filled it with water adjusting the temperature every now and again. Once the tub was filled I stripped out of my clothes shivering.

I sighed happily as the warm water surrounded me. I used a washcloth and a bar of soap to clean the dirt off, once I was done I leaned my head against the back of the tub.

I closed my eyes almost falling asleep until I heard the front door slam open.

"MATTHEW WILLIAMS!" a familiar loud voice rang out from the entrance. I squeaked quietly quivering as I heard the angry footsteps.

"Y-yes I-I'm here..." I stuttered out unable to actually speak properly. I knew that if I hid it would only make things worse

The doorknob rattled making me bring my legs up and hug them to my body.

"Mattie let me in." the voice said calmly which only scared me more.

"O-ok wait a minute I-I'm in the b-bath..." I said standing up and grabbing a towel so I could wrap it around my cold body. I walked over to the door and reluctantly unlocked it. I turned the door knob and opened the door. A piece of paper was shoved in my face and it made me fall back down onto the cold bathroom tile. The towel almost fell off my body but I managed to hold it so it wouldn't.

Alfred saw me fall and kneeled down so he was closer to me.

"Mattie, you see this?!" He exclaimed pointing to the amount of money printed onto the piece of paper. My eyes widened.

"I'm so s-sorry..." I stammered sitting up

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it bro, it just ain't gonna cut it!" Alfred yelled before slapping me so hard I fell back down on the floor. I cupped my throbbing cheek my head also hurting due to the impact.

Alfred stood up and without any warming I received a quick kick to my gut. I curled up on myself no longer caring if I was covered or not. I heard Alfred growl and leave me in the bathroom. I whimpered once I could breathe again, but breathing hurt. I had another broken rib. After a few minutes I sat up breathing heavily. I shakily managed to stand using the bathroom counter to help me. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw that my cheek was already bruising with a hand print and the place were Alfred had kicked me was also bruising. I tentitavely touched the my rib and whimpered softly.

I quickly gathered my dirty clothes and set them in the hamper before walking over to my room. I put on my most baggy red hoodie and my most comfortable pants. I grabbed my teddy bear Kumajiro and held him to me as tears started falling down my cheeks.


"Yes?" I asked quickly wiping the tears away

"Hey Mattie, it's me. Can I come in?" Alfred's voice sounded guilty.

"...Yes" I said softly. Alfred opened the door and walked in. I hid my face in Kumano's fur not wanting Al to see I had been crying. I felt my bed dip as Alfred sat on it. A large hand started rubbing circles on my back.

"I uh I'm sorry Mattie I guess...I'm just really stressed with the new job and all so...will you forgive me?" This was like every time it happened.

"Yes" I whispered but he I knew he heard me. I always forgave him no matter what and he knew that.

"Great! I bought us some food and i have this great horror movie a friend of mine decided to lend me! And he also let me borrow his DVD player isn't that great?" my brother exclaimed happily still rubbing soothing circles on my back. I sat up and looked him in the eyes nodding as I held Kumanino close to my injured rib.

Alfred's bright smile disappeared as he stared at my cheek. He looked down bitting his lip.

"I'm so sorry Mattie!" he exclaimed suddenly hugging me tightly

"A-Al s-stop it hurts!" I begged as I felt my broken rib throb. He immediately let go.

"What is it that hurts show me!" He exclaimed.

"M-my rib h-hurts but it's ok Al it will-eep!" I exclaimed as Alfred lifted my hoodie up to look at my rib. My cheeks turned red as I tried to pull my hoodie back down embarrassed.

"It's here right?" Alfred asked poking my broken rib.

"Ow! Al don't poke it!" I protested. He let got of my hoodie and looked down at the floor sadly. It broke my heart to see that expression on his face.

"I'm a horrible brother aren't I..." he said

"N-no Al I'm ok it's fine-"

"-NO IT'S NOT OK!" he yelled leaving my room and slamming my door shut. My eyes were wide with fear at his outburst. I should be used to it thought, this always happened. It was like this all the time. I flinched as I heard things being thrown around in my brother's room. I waited patiently until the noise was gone. I walked over to my brother's room and knocked on the door.

"Al?" I asked softly. I heard foot steps.

The door opened and Alfred smiled at me sadly before scooping me up in his arms like a baby.

"Whoa! You're so light Mattie, I got to fatten you up!" he joked as he walked to the living room where two bags of McDonalds, a DVD player and horror films sat on the coffee table. He set me down on the sofa gently before grabbing the two Mcdonald's bags.

"I'll be right back Mattie, just gonna put these burgers on plates for us!" he said.

I nodded smiling at him politely. I still clung to Kumajiro shaking slightly. Really anything could set my brother off and he scared me. He grinned and left me alone in the living room walking into the kitchen. I tensed not hearing plates being taken out, actually not hearing anything at all.

"Who's Vanya?!"

Oh maple

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